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Dear Air,


I'm so sorry that I have to end your career next week live on Turmoil. You were a good entertainer, performer, and somewhat decent air guitarist (despite clearly jobbing to Soul Glo). I intend to mame, injure, and break your face when you enter my ring surrounded by steel. Tea Time won't be the same without you...but I'm sure the goddamn monkey will still be over, so enjoy your last week of eating solid foods and breathing normally for a while. I predict straws full of jello and sponge baths from 48 year old male nurses in your near future.




The CCW Television Champion (screw you Geomon, I'm not giving it back)




Dear Air,


I'm so sorry that I have to end your career next week live on Turmoil. You were a good entertainer, performer, and somewhat decent air guitarist (despite clearly jobbing to Soul Glo). I intend to mame, injure, and break your face when you enter my ring surrounded by steel. Tea Time won't be the same without you...but I'm sure the goddamn monkey will still be over, so enjoy your last week of eating solid foods and breathing normally for a while. I predict straws full of jello and sponge baths from 48 year old male nurses in your near future.




The CCW Television Champion (screw you Geomon, I'm not giving it back)





I will remember air for his work with the homeless. He was a good patron, and a hell of a cook. He was full of laughs, and face makeup.


RIP Air, we wont forget you.

Dane Xavier: cyber bullying is not only illegal, it's pathetic




"I swear to go if you call me a Liberal again you RETHUGLICAN, SEE WHAT I DID THERE.


This is america, if you want to throw your hard earned sweat money on a videogame gambling site and thus deny you and your family food and shelter THAN BY GOD DAMMIT YOU CAN, BECAUSE THIS IS AMERICA YOU COMMIE SOCIALIST.



Now then when Can I expect your next donation?


"- Jay Jay




Double A


"The Weapon




Dear Air,


I'm so sorry that I have to end your career next week live on Turmoil. You were a good entertainer, performer, and somewhat decent air guitarist (despite clearly jobbing to Soul Glo). I intend to mame, injure, and break your face when you enter my ring surrounded by steel. Tea Time won't be the same without you...but I'm sure the goddamn monkey will still be over, so enjoy your last week of eating solid foods and breathing normally for a while. I predict straws full of jello and sponge baths from 48 year old male nurses in your near future.




The CCW Television Champion (screw you Geomon, I'm not giving it back)




Dear BRADBauer,


In response too your letter. I hope for your sake you'll get Double A's dick out of your mouth and let my monkey stop butt-humping your ass, if you even want too realize a fraction of what you said. I guess a man can always try, but trying and succeeding is something else. Take it from a real former Television Champion you ain't nowhere yet, Chump! If it wasn't for Double A s(h)aving your ass all the time, you would still be down in jobber hell. So why don't you just keep your ass on the ground when you face me in the steel cage and stay down untill I escaped from the cage. It would save your pretty face and me a lot of energy. Capiche!




A Real former Television Champion and soon too be EX-Champion,


The 'motherfucking' "NEW" Air .... BITCH!!!!!!!!

2k8? I havent figured out 2k7 yet - Big Joe D


I am the First Dutch EX-Champion - The Air

I am the First European EX-Champion - The Air

I am the First True EX-Champion - The Air

Delusional? Not at all! I Speak the Truth, cause I can proof it and the others can't. Those Heavy !@#$%^&& ain't got none on me.


What the hell is this... where are CCW`s Main Eventers??? a CCW show without the Steve, MMM, RD MONEY and VERSUS... is pretty much unwatchable...


but with a huge storyline developing... I`m gonna have to tune in to see where everything goes... hmmm... decisions....

Signature 1 - The Alpha Heel

Signature 2 - Spear 5 (F) - Stargazer


Finisher 1 - Flapjack 2 (F) - The SDW

Finisher 2 - Reality check (G) - Dawonderful Dream


Finisher 3 (i'm cool enoigh to claim 3 moves) - The Darkside - THe Million Dollar Dream

What the hell is this... where are CCW`s Main Eventers??? a CCW show without the Steve, MMM, RD MONEY and VERSUS... is pretty much unwatchable...


but with a huge storyline developing... I`m gonna have to tune in to see where everything goes... hmmm... decisions....


And what the fuck would you know about Main Eventing? Let alone Upper Midcarding, let alone Midcarding, let alone Lower Midcarding. When the jobbers arn't being used right then voice your unwanted opinion.



actually... Gabe... I was on a CCW show once... and I MAIN EVENTED...


you see in OCW I`m a high low/low mid carder... but in CCW I`m MAIN EVENT MATERIAL... once again proving that OCW is forever > CCW... DND can`t help you guys... only Smythe DaWonder can... we`ll talk for let`s say 5,000 OCW dollars a week... my contracts almost up... and Vic is giving me the screw job with this 3 on 1 crap...

Signature 1 - The Alpha Heel

Signature 2 - Spear 5 (F) - Stargazer


Finisher 1 - Flapjack 2 (F) - The SDW

Finisher 2 - Reality check (G) - Dawonderful Dream


Finisher 3 (i'm cool enoigh to claim 3 moves) - The Darkside - THe Million Dollar Dream

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