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(A Long one, but will eventually make sense... if you speak Portugese obviously.)

The Scene opens in a crowded street in the middle of Rio de janeiro, Brazil. The people in the street seem to be forming a circle, with several men standing in the centre. The people all seem to be pumped as if something big is about to happen. We cut to a burly looking local and an older man talking within the circle


Older man: Recorde, ele é fraco


Burly Bloke: Eu beberei seu sangue


He spits at the floor.


We then cut to the other side of the circle, where an aggitated Pugh is standing, flanked by more locals.


Pugh: You're kidding me right? That guy is huge... This isn't going to work Ronnie.


Ronnie: dun wurry missuer Pugh, Capoeira will guide you


Pugh: You're aware this is just dancing right?


Ronnie slaps Pugh across the face and throws some mad shapes


Pugh: See, where I come from, you'd be condemned as a queen


Ronnie slaps Pugh again


Ronnie: now now... ow you say? shut the fuck up. porco ignorante


A bell rings and a man appears in the centre of the circle


Announcer: senhoras e cavalheiros, boa vinda para enegrecer quarta-feira!


The crowd cheer as the announcer draws breath


Announcer: Esta batalha determinará o vencedor do royale da batalha, e os mil prêmios do dólar


The crowd cheer again, as Pugh looks anxious


Pugh: Seriously, there has to be a better way to get home


Ronnie slaps Pugh again as the announcer continues


Announcer: No canto a minha esquerda, um homem conhecido somente como o TOURO!


The burly man steps forward and soaks up the adulation of the crowd


Pugh: touro? Bull? i'm fighting a bull?


Ronnie: he is bull. Bull is Touro. He is Touro


Announcer: E no canto a minha direita, um porco inglês

Pugh steps forward, wearing his wrestling attire and salutes the crowd, who boo him.


Pugh screams some abuse back at the crowd in broken Portugese


Announcer: e agora, você luta!!


The crowd cheers as the bell chimes again. Touro charges towards Pugh, who ducks out of the way. As he gets back to his feet, he poses for the crowd, who are still booing.


Pugh: Boo this!


Pugh kicks Touro between the eyes, but Touro barely flinches, he then advances on Pugh, who is noticably stunned


Ronnie(from the side): Capoeira Pughe!


Pugh looks over and shrugs. he then performs a flurry of kicks to Touro, who stumbles back. The crowd begin to cheer as Pugh continues to use Capoeira.


Touro, however, is quickly becoming enraged, and grabs Pugh by the neck, lifting him into the air.


Pugh: Ohhhh Jesus

Touro lifts him higher, and as a last resort, Pugh kicks him in the grapefruits, instantly sending him to his knees. Pugh lands on his feet then kicks Touro square on his temple, knocking him unconcious. The crowd are sent into raptures and Pugh begins to soak up the applause.


Announcer: as senhoras e os cavalheiros, seu vencedor são PUGH


Pugh continues to cheer and mouths "I'm going home" at Ronnie who sagely nods. The crowd continue to cheer Pugh as the scene fades.



Nah I'm gonna write it then start dressing as a clown


Clowns are cool...well, evil ones anyway.


2 x Hardcore Champion (Longest defending OCW champ,19 defences)

1 x NA Champion

1 x Pride Champion

1 x TV Champion

2 x OCW World Heavyweight Champion

F.I Winner 2012

MOTN vs Leonheart @ Wrestlution 7


'Don't worry about no one else, hows my hair look' - Tiberius Dupree

'Wipe you ass and go to bed' - Sensation to B17

Clowns are cool...well, evil ones anyway.


What about dickhead fatty clowns who won't keep their noses outta other peoples business?


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