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*Scene opens up inside the middle of a dark grave yard as a storm is slowly rolling in. Seth makes his way through the field with a flashlight in one hand and a shovel in the other. Flashing the light on the tombstones as he walks by searching for something.*


Irving: This can’t be true….


*Pausing in front of every tombstone reading the names off of tombstones.*


Irving: This wasn’t how it was suppose to be.


*The storm finally sets in as Irving pulls his hood up over his head trying to protect himself from the rain as he starts to speed up making his way through the grave yard faster till he arrives a the last tombstone which appears to be blank. Walking in circles around the tombstone trying to find a name or anything to identify who’s resting place this is. After a while he gives up and sits down leaning his back up against the tombstone.*


Irving: *Throwing the shovel into the dark* What am I looking for? I saw him there is no need for this he is back and there is nothing I can do about it now.


*A fog slowly starts to build up around the tomb directly across from Irving. Slowly makes his way back up to his feet shining the flash light in the same direction.*


Irving: What the hell….


*Irving walks over into the fog discovering the shovel dug into the ground and is standing up on its own in a pile of broken rubble and looks like tiny small wood pieces. Leans down looking over the mess flashing the flashlight at the bottom of the tombstone as he reaches down pushing the dirt off revealing his named to be carved on the tombstone. Irving quickly scrambles backwards staring at the tombstone*


Irving: No, He is gone I buried him!!


*Irving quickly turns around only to be met by a hand seizing him by his throat and lifting him up into the air before throwing him back up against the tombstone*


*Irving slowly opens his eyes quickly sitting up in his bed quickly reach up and rubbing his hands around his neck*


Irving: Was just a dream….. Was just a dream.


*Irving quickly slides out of the bed making his way into the bathroom. Turning the sink on and filling up a cup with the water and drinking it. Slamming the cup back down on the counter top spiting some of the water back into the sink as he takes a few deep breathes.*


Irving: Was just a dream, that’s all get it out of your head.


*Irving reaches down and cups his hands letting them fill with water before splashing himself in the face with the water. Reaching for a rag and cleaning his face off before looking up into the mirror discovering scars in the form of a hand print across his neck.*

I know how to wake you up from that dream. Hint: It worked for sleeping beauty.


The NoHomo Club


Justin Rox

Smythe D. Wonder x2 (3rd times a charm)



Deano Horse (Given and Taken)


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