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Kip Conrad

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Kip Conrad last won the day on May 6 2008

Kip Conrad had the most liked content!

About Kip Conrad


  • Biography
    I'm All that and a bag of chips!


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Kip Conrad's Achievements


Newb (1/14)



  1. Bold you didn't beat me.
  2. no on eundstanrds my sily jokes!
  3. OMG Breaking new has been banned? so no more breaking news in the future? what will we do? wait... wait... I KNOW! We could send ocw staff back to 5th grade to learn how to wrtie up sentances. (unless kd wrote this.) untill then breaking news has been banned!
  4. FIXED
  5. HE IS GOING WILD ON HIM WILD!!! oh and top 5 aint updated on front page. :0
  6. http://www.madore.org/~david/images/cards/french/king-hearts.png ok my bad
  7. http://blog.syracuse.com/metrovoices/2008/01/large_king.jpg
  8. who is king? is it http://images.businessweek.com/ss/06/09/ceo_socnet/image/burger-king.jpg or http://i118.photobucket.com/albums/o81/kyko_shauran/tekken/T5DR_King.jpg or http://www.superiorpics.com/wenn_album/Elvis_Presley_-_Honorary_Statue/elvis_presley_001_072807.jpg
  9. I can beat leon. I'll hold 3 titles at once. As far as my kissing goes, most of you are just upset you have not gotten kissed yet. Smythe just hates it cuz he can't get enough of it.
  10. the truth is that certain people get picked even when they have been gone and return because everyone else sucks balls maybe if other people stepped up there would be more choices. I am getting tired of kissing the same people (smythe)
  11. Jay when I say you got owned, relax its the internet. Take a joke and update the champions page!
  12. someone got OWNED!
  13. Poes's girlfirend allowed him to get kissed by me. even if she didn't it was gonna happen anyway :)
  14. at least he is smart, he knows I'm a wreslter Smythe does not want to fuck with"
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