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  1. SUE VS ASHLEY I've played James enough to know that you can't know which Jamie you're going to get. He's going to be consistent, but will he have the extra heat? I want to say yes, but Ash probably running on extra motivation and is likely in a better competitive position to win. WREX VS H2O I expect a pretty even match. I haven't fought either one of them recently so I don't have much to speculate with outside of a desire to give Wrex a marginal advantage but Harvey has Quartz as his Hype Man and that's got be enough to sway it. H20 with a grueling victory. FLOJO VS MARISA Marisa just has the confidence and the momentum that I won't pick against here. Jynx vs Scotty X vs Devon Flash My eyes will explode if I watch, probably. Flash is my pick if for no other reason that Jynx and Scotty will focus so much on each other that he steals it in a flash... C-Note vs Telos CNote. This is just his moment.
  2. Don't threaten me with a good time.
  3. Rumor has it that some lovely ladies were recently matched with a Dirty White Boi
  4. I feel like I'm fueding with someone and working myself into a shoot all at the same time.
  5. The GMs I’ve often said that I don’t particularly like these kinds of things, but idk why this one had me laughing. When Spider pulled up a slide of Ancient Egypt, I started laughing. Spider is just so fucking stupid, and when it hits, it hits. Moore vs. Emp Hey, what’s been said has been said. Move on time. The wrong person won. I’m kidding; I’m not that petty. Congrats to Moore. Emp’s story will move along, and I’m here for it. Cody Hagan Combat Center I didn’t let you in, kid. That was some homeless dude with long, scraggly hair. I’m glad you are training. Good luck next year. Jynxx vs. Soctty I assume this was for the X? I hope so. Hey, background music fuck up happens. I’ve done it before, but that is why two people record continuously, and that is what saved my ass twice too. As for that, I didn’t like the match as much as Jay, but it didn’t shit the bed, it was on a PPV and it was a quality show. FPR breaks, yeah, they happened. They canceled each other out, but they happened. I’m not as angry as I once was, so I won’t yell yet. Dark Sue Seems natural to me. Character progression sometimes takes you to a different location, and you roll with it. People being upset just means that the face depiction was quality. So I am all for it because it is a mark (see what I did there) of a good character who evolves. Tag Match I didn’t even realize what was happening with the attires until the match was about to start; I just thought many people were having a midlife crisis. I can take it or leave it. The attires don’t bug me, and I had pop, but I wouldn’t say I’m clamoring to see that again. The match was very, very, very long. I said it during the post-show cast. I watched it and laughed through most of it. I don’t want to watch again. I particularly enjoyed The Riptide Party by John. Congrats to the champs. John’s post-match promo was an extra drag because of the match length and because it sounded very Christopher Nolan unnecessarily exposition-heavy Heather gets locked up, and I won’t let her out. Fuck you and your friendships. Kar-oh no Jake puts over talent; it’s what he does. Applaud this man for not being selfish, and while you’re at it, applaud Omen for being big cuz you can’t teach it. The question is…can he back it up in the ring? I don’t think he can, fuck you, rookie. Stay away from me, too! C-Note v Reese What Jordanna said is true. C-Note did not do a good job of making Reese look good. Now, I’ve heard arguments either way about the nature of this, and overall, I can’t complain that both of them didn’t benefit from this moment. C-Note showcases he’s ready for the next step; Reese likely needs to pivot and learn from this. The sheer amount of disappointment that Reese has endured is kinda wild at this point. That is a bunch of shortcomings, BUT that might make the payoff even more special. Mad Dawg Remains Drunk Looked sober in the video. Wide-eyed as fuck, but not drunk. It’s kinda funny. I feel like Bash and Coco are having a conversation with themselves at each other. “I didn’t get any help!” “I pinned Paul Pugh!” Oh no…Dawg is feeling a certain way. Honestly. Mad Dawg is the one to split from the group. He’s got his bimbos in a row. Seems very appropriate. Owen vs. Shelly Owen is just a more complete character at the moment. I love the idea of Kid Iccuras flying too close to the sun with his homemade wings while Owen built a flying machine that could fly safely. Does that make sense? Oh, I don’t care. Owen feels more complete as a title holder, and the match was just as expected and of high quality. Who would have thought that Billy The Kid was doomed to fail while The Man with One Name was the true Cowboy? I don’t make sense right now. Congrats to Owen. GNG AI I can’t do that, so kudos to you. It also makes me uncomfortable because I am old enough to have watched T2. Blacksmith and Spooder I can’t talk about the match without mentioning the big ole FPR (it could have been a break, but it didn’t get that far break). It didn’t change anything, so let’s move on. Insert “Don’t Do That Meme”. I enjoyed the match; it didn’t seem as one-sided to me as it may have been. The referee spot was hilarious, and I love that Spider pulled the referee in the way. What a heel. Good for Smithy; he’s not for everyone, but I am fond of that non-English-speaking Idiot. Oh. That wasn’t Spider. The tattoo was drawn on and rubbed off after all the sweet. Not Spider. Owen soft spot Oh? Juicy juicy. KassCUM vs. Perfect Storm It’s only overdone if you hear it too often. Luckily, I haven’t. McFuck Wrex, Fuck Kass too. Fuck Quartz, Fuck Harvey. Great match. I don’t think there were any tag team moments in the ring, but the brawl outside the ring was lovely and made up for that. Quartz hitting the flippy shit only to get hit with the flippy shit is symmetry, and I love symmetry. Last Action Barbie © Maxx said it, not me. The action Movie route is tried and true and effective when it happens. That being said, your movie will look much better than mine, which was a huge hit in China and only in China. Aisu vs. Bingo The racism was accidental. Don’t make me drop a second. JCS and Wife share a special moment I’d like to think Emp is looking for the script. That's an excellent moonwalking reference. Is it odd that Jay calls Emp “man” and “dude”? Just me? Why the fuck does Jay/Emp have all this stuff in his/her office? Not that I am against being tied up and eating Kit-Kats. OMG OMG OMG, they are falling for each other! I KNEW LOVE WOULD PREVAIL. Women’s Title Triple That match was freaking fast. Did not expect that. Straight steal. Short matches have just as much of a place to be good matches as long epics do. Wish Flo didn’t cash in yet. The idea of what she was becoming was just starting to take hold. The kind of face she was to become suggested cashing in for a fair match; the heel that she was would not have cashed in on a relatively fresh character. Idk. Mixed feelings. Reese promo Sometimes…sometimes…the good guy needs to find a little wrong. If that sounded sexual, I’m not sorry. Flo Promo Idk what to say. Maxx vs. Parca MAXX WINS, MAXX WINS, MAXX WINS!
  6. Ross isn't a professional so this seems to have leaked.
  7. Wrong winner? Bit harsh, init?
  8. Myyyyyy booooooyyyyyy. Hope you learned your lesson.
  9. Testing tings

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