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Chris Baxter

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Chris Baxter last won the day on September 24 2012

Chris Baxter had the most liked content!

About Chris Baxter


  • Location
    Nashua NH


  • Interests
    wrestling, martial arts


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Chris Baxter's Achievements

Ham & Egger

Ham & Egger (3/14)

  • Conversation Starter Rare
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  1. WRESTLER NAME: Darryl Webster HOMETOWN: Nutley New jersey HEIGHT: 5'8 WEIGHT: 190 THEME SONG: Loser - Beck SIGNATURE MOVES(S) combination 8 / Leg drop 7 FINISHERS(S) Michinoku Driver 3 (dynamyte Drop) NOTABLE FUEDS: none ACCOLADES none Biography: just trying to get by living under the sky
  2. I donated 50c a while ago lol
  3. Yeah when rl shit gets in the way it's hard .. time can't move fast enough
  4. -waves at smythe- Um .. well now i would agree with you smythe .. because ocw doesnt have the luster of the EX division we had in the ol days .. but i have been EX from the start ,, and refuse to go heavy .. will i bring an alt when i come back IDK .. but i have my eyes on suda right now .. he has the belt ive wanted since day one
  5. i cant load the damn matches (new[used] comp)
  6. I agree Pugh .. was nice from the legends that did show up but still light for an anniversary show let alone a 10 year anniversary show
  7. who remembers Mayhems Playgirl photo lol
  8. The men there want easy lays .. not my style f that app
  9. Your the one with only his right ear pierced .. that's code in our world
  10. Rather small booty .. if it's coins I'm sorry to say that it is all chocolate
  11. So basically all the matches won't load for poor trance
  12. There can be only one
  13. Damn your method of madness Morrison ... Wisdom to aspire to
  14. 2nd ... just like it came to our review war -_-
  15. - Footage from Florida State Mental Hospital in Chattahoochee, Florida. Date 10-31-14 Time 6:00 pm- -scene opens in the hospital as some of the patients who were on the outing earlier today are in costumes but Baxter is nowhere to be found on the floor, camera switches to his bedroom where he is eating his dinner as a the patient Joseph dressed in pirate garb enters the room- Joseph: Ahoy matey how ye be Baxter: -arching his eyebrow- are you mocking me Joseph: How could you guess Baxter: Look I am on voluntary .. i do not want any more problems Joseph: -pulling out a metal fork he smuggled from the outing and pointing it at Baxter- this charade can fool everyone else but it can't fool me and you will pay for making me a fool -Joseph leaps on baxter and begins stabbing him with the fork in the head laughing as he does it- Joseph: this man shall not see the light of day -Staff once again bursts in the room pulling Joseph off him- -Baxter stands up and feels his forehead and looks at the pool of blood in his hand- he then punches one of the staff holding Joseph out as Joseph attacks the other which drops them as well- -Joseph turns to Baxter to strike him but Baxter grabs the fork on the ground and stabs him in the groin with it- -Doctor Richards and Nurse Quinzel rush in and look in horror as Baxter has Joseph on his knees begging for mercy- Dr Richards: Christopher Stop This Now!! -Baxter now holding Josephs head in in his hand and begins to bend his back backwards staring at the doctor and the nurse- Baxter: He warned you about me .. hahaha!!! kiss him goodbye -Baxter then kisses josephs forehead the spins him strait into the wall- -other staff run in and pick up joseph who is unconcious on the ground bleeding from his genitals- Nurse Quinzel: What is wrong with you -Baxter picks up the fork and grabs Nurse Quinzel by the hair pointing the bloody fork at her face- Baxter: you know .. there has been something wrong with me for the longest time and it took this man -points at the bloody heap of joseph- to set met me strait. -sniffs the nurses hair- mmm what is that pert .. i love pert ..-shaking the fork in his hand- reminds me of my mother .. she used to keep tootsie rolls in her perse .. you know doc i think i will sign myself out now Doctor Richards: I dont think.. Baxter: Shut up!! -points the fork at him- you put me on voluntary so i can sign myself out whenever i see fit .. you said i can sign myself out -drags Nurse Quinzel with him- whenever i want and thats what i want so i want out i want to sign out .. WHY AM I NOT SIGNING OUT!! Doctor Richards: You Signed yourself free this morning dammit .. why didnt you leave hours ago Baxter: -turning back to Nurse Quinzel- oh you shaking -grins- its kind of a turn on .. I heard a nasty rumor about you -laughing- it seems you had a romantic relation with a patient years ago Nurse Quinzel: He Was my.. Baxter: He Was nothing but a Joker -Baxter starts to pry the fork at the lips of Nurse Quinzel- so how does that losers nuts taste -nurse quinzel doesnt open her mouth so Baxter stomps on her foot and sticks the fork in her mouth and throws her to the ground- Baxter: -approching Doctor Richards- Me.. Out .. Now!!! -Doctor Richards goes to the main desk and throws Baxter a bag and presses the button to open the doors- Dr Richards: Get the fuck out of here! -Baxter grabs the bag smiling as he walks through the front door.. as he is on the other side he pulls out a lighter as the door slowly closes.. he lights the bag and throws it inside just before the doors close.. a huge explosion is seen behind him as hops in his boatmobile and speeds off- Baxter: Sachel Charges ... gotta love em' -cackles- -Scene fades to Black-
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