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The COMPLETE Journey of Shamulua jr. Before escaping to America.

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{Opening Chapter, Part 1.}

[The scene opens in the dark night of the south pacific's own isle of Samoa. A tribe of Samoans circled around a large fire chanting...]


Samoan Tribe: Aiga, Agia, Agia.


[The Samoan tribe leader calls the ritual to an immediate halt.]

Samshua: (In The Samoan Language)

LISTEN UP! We are family and tonight we welcome Agamu Jr. as one of our own, the 5th of 6 children in his family, yet doesn't feel as close to them as in the past,he comes to us in hope of acceptance, loyalty and friendship. Do we all accept Agamu Jr to our Tribe?


[the crowd of the tribe raises the torches they hold, signaling the acceptance.]


Samshua:Agamu You are accepted by us, we promise Loyalty and friendship and we will not allow anything other than the same in return.


Agamu Jr: (In The Samoan Language)

thank you all, and thank you samshua, i shall not let you down as a member.


[samshua places his hand on the shoulder of agamu jr]


Samhua: Good there are some very important rules here in our tribe rule number 1 at all times your face shall be covered, this is for your protection against our rivals and enemies. no face shall ever be revealed!


Agamu Jr: I understand Sir


Samshua: Good, the others you will learn in time but right now im going to pear you up with a long time member to learn and understand more about our tribe.


[A tall man tattoos from head to toe, wearing all black with a unique mask steps into the conversation]

[Agamu seems to recognize the symbol on the his mask]

Samshua: Agamu meet Sholue, a long time member, 15 years to be exact he is well known here for his witchcraft activities, i have specially chosen him for you because he is the most respected and grown of all the other tribe members that are under my wing. I see potential in you agamu Do Not Let me down.


[sholue and agamu jr. shake hands and begin walking and talking]


Sholue: (In The Samoan Language)

Agamu, the leader seems to have great faith in you, this builds my trust and confidence in you as well.Here in this tribe i am the master of witch craft myself and many others strongly believe that i posses supernatural powers and abilities, and with these abilities you can choose to do good or choose to do bad, i choose to do good, to help and cure tho's who are sick as this is how i was taught and i expect the same from anyone who i share my powers with.After Speaking with the leader,who believes in you to be a great candidate for the responsibilities that come with the unique gift of witchcraft i would like to ask you sir agamu jr do you feel you could handle the responsibilities of this


[before agamu could he even begin to think of his answer the deep question that was asked..Sholoue spoke again.]


Sholue: You know what don't even answer that its way to early to tell if you have what it takes. we will just take it slow and see how it goes. anyways welcome to the tribe son.


Agamu Jr: Thank You Sholue

{Part 2.}



[The Next segment opens in the night with the sight of smoke near by with the sound of sparks flying off of a small but hot flaming fire put together with not more than a few branches off of a tree. On each side of this fire their sat Agamu on one side and Sholue directly across, As the began to Converse.]

Sholue: (In the Samoan Language)

Agamu now that you are a member of our tribe it is most important you learn your way around here promptly,Starting with rules and regulations..As you know you need to be able to trust each and every member in this tribe as you would your own fleshing blood.

As for the rules you have already learned that you need to hide your face at all times and i can see that you have done so. Another is you must change your name, you may not go by the name of Agamu here it is not safe for your family as many members have learned the hard way.Do you understand?


Agamu Jr.(In the Samoan Language)

Yes sir i do and that will not be a problem!


Sholue: Good now moving on, Agamu Tell Me more about your self..


Agamu Jr: Well i grew up in a rather large Family i am the 5th of 6 Children at a young age most of us were close to each other..in the last few years its been downhill no one getting along,fighting and disagreeing. Some of my family have split and gone in there own direction. I miss them a lot but its time for me to get out and find out what my future holds..That's why i am here.

Sholue: I am going to share something very private and powerful with you agamu. After Speaking with you i want to show you my power, pass on this power to another which i trust and believe will only do good and i see that in you. The power that a Samoan Witch Doctor Possess is the sky's the limit. Come with me as its time for me teach.



[They Begin walking torwards the old dusty shack that had only been about 10 yards back from the fire. Sholue places his arm around the shoulder of agamu as the greet the front and only door Sholue opens the door and closes it after they have entered. The only site left to visualize is the outer perimeter of the fallen shack that was barely standing. As time passes only the two of them know what is going on inside.. suddenly a strong heavy strike of lightning is heard, and the moist drops of rain started to splatter off of the ground.]


[The rain and lighting contiunues as Agamu and sholue step outside of the the shack.]


Agamu Jr: I feel the power. its existent.


Sholue: as you should son i am proud to declare you the new Samoan Witch Doctor Around here! as i said many many times.. the power is for good no evil no matter what the circumstances are, And keep in mind others can bring out the evil in you so you must be on your toes all of the time.


Agamu Jr: i understand sir Thank you for the honor and privilege that you have giving me, I Agamu accept this gift in all of the circumstances that you have provided.


Sholue: Good now i must go and meet with the other Tribe members you Stay here for a bit and practice what i have demonstrated, okay i shall be back in no time.


Agamu Jr: I understand See you soon.

[they depart from each others presence]


[The sight of the inside of the smelly old shack is finally seen with Agamu Sitting on a week wooden stool thinking of all the good that can come out of what he has just learned. As time passes Agamu Begins to realize that sholue has been gone far longer than he presumed. Agamu stands up, walks to the door and rushes out to see if he can figure out the situation. As he gets outside of the shack, Agamu Drops in shock of the image that he is seeing. There Sholue was a fallen bloody mess, at is feet a deranged Samoan Like Knife is seen at his side. One Single Moist tear falls from the face of Agamu Jr as he takes the mask from Sholue's face. On the Inner mask The original birth name of sholue is carved. The sight of the carved name is seen "Shamulua" Agamu drops one last tear has he places the mask on his own head and Whispers very quietly I Shamulua Jr. will not let you down.]




{Part 3.}

[The Sight Of the Newly Named Shamulua Jr. Kneeling before Sholue The fallen samoan tribe member and former king of samoan witchcraft is seen. He Finnally gathers his composure and stands, The look in his eyes have never been so fierce. The anger that's inside him is revealing in his presence.]



[The sound of Rocks kipping up as a group took each step is heard and Shamulua Jr. being in a Paranoid state of mind is seen looking all around him, He quickly moves to a dark spot and begins his lookout..The group finally make it to Sholue's body and appear startled, The leader of the pack "Ulamuano" begins to speak.]

Ulamuano: (In the Samoan Language)

SHOLUE! [He falls down and begins to check the pulse of shlolue.] HE'S BREATHING GO GET HELP NOW I WILL STAY WITH HIM! [The pack following orders run back to the leader and the other tribe members.] Ulamuano: STAY WITH ME...DON'T DIE..

[shamulua with a his disgusted body actions creeps out of the darkened bush he hid in.]

Shamulua Jr:

(In the samoan Lanuguage)


[Ulamuano turns around frighted by the sudden call out]

Ulamuano: (In a sad and shocked voice) Agamu?

Shamulua Jr: My Name is Shamulua! [He rushes to Ulamuano places his palm over his face completely covering it as his victim begins to foam at the mouth N falls flat on his chest.] within seconds Lighting strikes harder than ever before.. Shamulua is seen kneeling before ulamuano after the incidence uttering some kind of chant or curse.]


[The samoan Witch doctor aware of what he has just done knows if the tribe sees him he is a dead man. Ducks and tumbles back into the bushes of which he came from. The sound of many loud footsteps walking at a fast pace is heard as well as seen approaching the scene. The Tribe Leader calls for a halt as he is eye balling the lifeless sholue and ulamuano in his path.]

[The tribe leader begins to contemplate the scene and self questioning..Who could have done this..Why would they do this? The tribe leader then remembers who he set to be guided by Sholue. With no Agamu in site he assumes his assumption is correct.]



{Final Chapter, Part 4.}

[shamulua overhears the tribe leaders demand, He quickly brain storms his evacuation of the tribe scenery.]


[The tribe lifts their torches up high and begins the hunt of their suspect,On the other hand Shamulua aware of their every move makes his escape from the bushes, after disguising himself to the best of his ability,using not much more than leaves and dirt, yet was completely caught off guard as to what was coming next. Samshau jumps out in front of him and stops him in his tracks, with some of the tribe member's.]



Samshua: (In The Samoan Language)

AH HAH, What do we have here?...Get him!


[shamulua in awe starts to try and fight them off, yet fails do to the amount of men standing in front of their leader.]


Samshua: Hold him down..i am going to enjoy this..


[He pulls out a gold well detailed samoan knife and places the tip of the blade against the face of shamulua.]


Samshua: you will pay for the carnage you have caused this tribe you sneak.Thought you were smart enough to come in here acting like mr. nice guy so everyone likes you, and then turn your back once you have received what you came here for.."The power" i promise you wont leave here at all never mind with any power.


[The chuckle from samshua after his statement made him appear a bit crazy.]


[samshua rips off the mask that sholue once wore, and strikes the face of agamu with the gruesome hand held knife. The blood drips off his face at a rate of which rain would. Samshua moves to the back of the head of his target and Deeply slices into the back of the skull.]


Samshua: Finish him off.

[After the strong words of samshua his followers take their action, Yet agamu seems to be feeding off of the blood that poured off his face, and fights out of the hold. A Dark smoke rises from the soiled ground and clutters their presence.

Once cleared...he was gone. The leader appears Frustrated at the failure of the men under his wing.]



The Screen Fades to blackness..

  • Mark Out! 1
When Shamulua's Music hit's you know one thing is certain, you are about to witness non stop destruction on his opponent, careless of the victory, yet so determined to unleash pain and suffering.
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