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~War Journal: Entry Number 1~


Date: October 12th, 2007

Subject: Turmoil, Annoyances and The Clash.

Author: Tall Guy Ov Terror



Welcome to the inaugural entry of the "War Journal", in which you people have the esteemed privilege of entering the mind of Ov. Atleast for the first entry, my brothers may feel inclined to write further journal entries. This particular one is about the week's happenings and what the future can hold for the Dogs, starting off with next week's Turmoil.


Turmoil could indeed move the Dogs of War from the back of everyone's mind to the front of there lips with the likely possibility of a Trips securing the TV Championship and the non title bout with myself and The CCW Champion, Versus. Not to mention Pugh replacing Defecto in the 17 Stones and Under Determination League matchup with Michael Heaton.


Of course the classless, clueless, carless, jobless, soapless mower riding idiot will more then likely be present causing myself and the rest of the DOW's a mild amount of annoyance. Carlos, I am pretty certain you can read english, but to cover all my basis.


"Permanezca fuera de nuestro pequeño hombre de la manera, el golpe pasado abajo era justo el comienzo de él todo."


Which translates too "Stay out of our way little man, the last beat down was just the start of it all." Honestly Carlos, if you don't understand that, then you deserve all you get.


Then there is some sort of "Darkness" spreading in the OCWFED nation. Whatever this is, whoever this is needs to stop. Your an annoyance and a bothersome eyesore.


Moving on to "The Clash". A card of which I was regretfully left off of. I say regretfully because I am just concerned by what the ratings could have been as apposed to what they will be. Perhaps I will do everyone a favor and tease the fact that I WILL be at the Clash, as will the rest of my fellow Dogs.


But let's go over some of the matches.


Double A vs Smythe.. Don't Care.


Kage and Versus vs AJ and Blood. Should be an interesting match, theres gonna be alot of gold in that ring. The Dogs' eyes will be indeed watching this one with much interest.


KANNNNNNG JAMES, the hardcore champion vs Pee Stee. Good, shut his mouth Parker. Show him just how hardcore the DOW's can be. Bring more gold into the fold.


Well, I am sure all the other matches could be entertaining, just not worth my time in giving some sort of synopsis. Fill in your own blanks.


Moving on to something I would like to address personally. That is infact, my losing streak. I just want to say that Versus will be the end of that streak for me. I have been waiting for my time to shine since I got here and you will all see that come this Monday Night when I put the champion's shoulders to the mat.


I got rid of Manny, he was clearly the albatross around my neck and the reason for my failing to get a win during my time here. I now have a great leader in Recon putting me on the proper path. With him I have no doubt in my mind I will make it to the top of this sport. With the Dogs around me will be the most feared and revered group ever to step foot in the ring. This is only the beginning folks. In the weeks to come you will all look back at how things were and pray to anything you hold holy that you had it this easy again.





  • Mark Out! 1



  • Administrators
you will forever be a son of a bitch for getting rid of manny.
 15-06, 18:20 Tiberius Dupree make him tap with brownie mix


"Booking Wrestling is the most thankless no-win position anyone could ever be in. When things go well it's the talent that makes it work. When they go badly, it's because the Booker doesn't know what he's doing." - Eric Bischoff


Jookie: what website do we upload to againi for got

Our Hero: uploadafraud.com

Jookie: fuck u boricua


"I'm like Smythe, except Good" - Matsuda


OCW works best when it’s a melting pot of different ideas and opinions coming together to create some cool ass shit. It’s at its worst when people are only invested in their own/their pals’ content." - Paul Pugh

"I'm 5,9" - Ry

"I'm sorry if this sounds mean but OCW shouldn't be allowed to vote" - Jake Allen

you will forever be a son of a bitch for getting rid of manny.


Just wait until Turmoil if you love Manny so much.




Aslong as my name is Carlos Cruz, I will always be in your way Olivia.


That goes for Pheobe, Paula, Tracy and Rachel aka The Rest of Dogs *cough* Girls *cough* of war.


Hey so called Darkness If your reading this... gimme a call, maybe we can work on a few things.


*Waits for Turmoil because like everyone, he loves Manny in a non gay way*


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