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Online Championship Wrestling's Development Report 12-17-2013

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- OCWFED.com is happy to report that in keeping up with the hectic holiday spirit and tradition that many of us are accustomed to across the globe this time of year, OCW's Talent Relations is non the different.



- The past few weeks have seen the emergence of a pipeline of potential streaming from what appears to be a hot bed of talent "Sin City", Las Vegas Nevada. The acquisition and sub sequential development deals offered and signed by both light heavyweight prospects and Vegas natives "The One Man Revolution" Bobby Minio, and "The Reckless Kid" Luke Fuentes.



- The small monetary investment from OCW Talent Relations is being decorated as a tremendous coo, and a feather in the cap for Online Championship brass. The pair of seasoned rookies' performance at Online Championship Wrestling's first pay per view of the fiscal year "Certified Greatness has been heralded by rave reviews and received numerous nominations for "Match of the Night" from both peers and our viewership.



- Online Championship Wrestling's guerilla tactics proved fruitful this past pay per view weekend in Baltimore City, Maryland as scouts took full advantage of time and place working around the clock to provide the OCW faithful with the talents they pay top dollar to see. Potentially the next "BUFFNESS" Sean Mcgee, or the next Michael Hollywood.



- Baltimore Maryland native Mikey Blaze fits neither of those molds, but rather that of our own "T-Plex" Tobin Frost. Scouts persist that Mikey Blaze's repertoire consists of a schmorgesborg of gutwrench and german suplexs which have become a fan favorite to count in recent months.



- The forth and final developmental contract was extended to Newark, New Jersey native and potential oddity Flea. Unfortunately we were unable to get word with or unearth much to do with the mystery known as the "The Crazed One" except that the name "Flea" may be quiet the oxymoron as it is reported that brute strength is "The Crazed One's" style of choice.

Edited by Patolomai
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