Casey Paine Posted April 28, 2016 Posted April 28, 2016 ***Scene opens on what appears to be the dashboard of a moving vehicle. Were looking out over the hood of faded maroon colored Jeep driving on an open road in the middle of the desert. We can see for miles in front of us with nothing in sight other than road and sand. Over the roar of the wind, Cypress Hill- 'Cock the Hammer' is booming on a stereo. The camera slowly begins to zoom out and a rear view mirror comes into sight. Hanging from the mirror, swinging from side to, spinning and twisting in the wind, is a pot leaf shaped air freshener. Taped to the center of the mirror there is a picture of OCWs Bobby Minio. The camera slowly starts to zoom out more and we see the reflection of the driver, a man wearing yellow tinted aviator sun glasses and an off white/cream colored fishermans hat pulled down tight onto his head to keep from blowing off in the wind. The camera pans left to the driver of the vehicle and we see that its Versus. There is a bandage just under his hat on the right side of his forehead. Theres a 'cigar' hanging from the corner of his mouth with smoke billowing out of the drivers side window and out of the top of the jeep. His head is bobbing to the beat of the song, but other than that, theres no expression at all on his face. We then pan right to the passenger seat of the Jeep and we see Casey Paine. Her seat is laid as far back as possible, almostt laying down. Shes wearing an 'IC' baseball hat turned backwards, cut off jean shorts and a cut off T-shirt that reads 'ToP for Hall of Fame 2016' with the infamous picture of all 6 original members of ToP; Majin, Casey Paine, Steven Jones, Guy Fausto, Poison and Michael Morrison standing at the top of the stage from Summercide 2006. Casey has her legs stretched out with her bare feet, crossed and bobbing with the music, resting on the top of the passenger side door. Caseys head is bobbing along with the beat of the song as well. Shes holding her cell phone with her right hand up to her right ear. Suddenly, she reaches over and gently backhands Versus in the chest with her left hand and tells him 'Its ringing'. Versus reaches down and pauses the music. Casey then reaches up with her left hand and places her index finger over her left ear to help keep the sound of the wind out. Casey then begins to slightly shout over the wind.*** Casey: HEY HUN, ITS ME! ..... Casey: DO WHAT? YOURE GONNA HAVE TO SPEAK UP! ..... Casey: NO, IM IN MEXICO! .... Casey: DONT ASK! ..... Casey: NO THEYRE BACK AT THE HOTEL IN SANTA CLARA! ..... Casey: IM WITH JOHNNY! .... Casey: WELL HES BEEN A LIL IRATE... ***Casey turns to look at Versus.*** Casey:...AND IRRATIONAL THE PAST COUPLE DAYS! .... Casey: YEAH! THE WHOLE MINI-O'S SITUATION! ..... CASEY: I KNOW! BUT YOU KNOW HOW HE IS! ..... ***Casey laughs.*** Casey: EXACTLY! ..... Casey: YEAH BUT HE SAID HE WASNT GOING TO BE IN CALIFORNIA FOR THE NEXT WEEK AND NOT TAKE THIS TRIP TO MEXICO TO...RESTOCK...HIS BAG! ..... Casey: HAVE YOU EVER KNOWN JOHNNY TO HAVE A 'SMALL' BAG??? .... ***Casey turns towards Versus again.*** Casey: I KNOW RIGHT? WHAT COULD POSSIBLY GO WRONG SMUGGLING HALF A TON OF WEED ACROSS THE BORDER??? ***Again Casey laughs. She then turns to look at Versus again.*** Casey: HI 'PABLO CHACON'! ***Versus cuts his eye towards Casey and slightly cuts a feint smile.*** Versus: HELLO! ***Versus then turns his attention back towards the road, clearly with other things on his mind.*** Casey: HE SAID HELLO! LISTEN...I JUST GOT A PHONE CALL! GOOD NEWS! ..... Casey: YEP! ALL CLEAR! ***Even over the howl of the wind, we can hear someone scream from the other end of the line as Casey quickly moves the phone away from her ear. Casey smiles then puts the phone back to her ear.*** Casey: YES! WERE ALL SUPER EXCITED! .... Casey: I TALKED TO YOUR AUNT SARA AND SHES GOING TO BE THERE AS WELL! .... Casey: I KNOW RIGHT! I CANT WAIT! .... Casey: ALRIGHT SWEETIE IM GONNA LET YOU GO! LISTEN, ILL CALL YOU WHEN WE GET BACK TO CALI! .... ***Casey laughs.*** Casey: TRUE! IF WERE NOT LOCKED UP IN SOME MEXICAN PRISON! ***Casey laughs again.*** Casey: ALRIGHT SWEETIE SEE YA IN A COUPLE DAYS! LOVE YOU TOO! ***Casey then lowers the phone and removes her finger from her ear. She pushes the end call button and sticks the phone into the top of her shorts under her belt. She turns towards Versus.*** Casey: COCK THE HAMMER? ***Versus, without taking his eyes off the road, holds the 'cigar' in his teeth.*** Versus: ITS TIME FOR AC-TION! ***Versus then reaches down and unpauses the stereo. 'Cock the Hammer' begins to blast from the speakers once again. As we begin to fade, Casey looks at Versus and smiles. She then turns her attention towards the passing desert on the passenger side of the Jeep. She raises her right arm, and sticks her hand out the window. She points her index and middle finger and raises her thumb, making a 'Gun'. She then brings her thumb down and mouths the word 'BOOM'. Casey smiles as her and Versus begin nodding their heads to the beat of the song again.*** 7
Sophia Posted April 28, 2016 Posted April 28, 2016 *Fan-girls a little* ^_^ 3
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