Drago Cesar Posted March 28, 2017 Posted March 28, 2017 We fade into the scene of Drago's dojo, sometime at night. We see Dragana leaned up against a wall with Johnny staring at his computer screen. Johnny Law: Seems we've done all we can for now. Johnny turns toward Dragana. Johnny Law: We'll try again tomorrow. We'll find him. I can promise you that. Dragana gets off the wall and taps Johnny on the shoulder. She walks to one of the rooms and closes the door. Johnny sighs and sees that his phone is vibrating. His eyes light up and he looks at his phone only to toss it back in dismay. Johnny Law: The hell do I even have that app for? Suddenly, we hear the front door to the dojo swing open as we see Drago and Bubba enter, both of them looking exhausted. Bubba grunts and waves at Johnny before he walks over to a corner and slumps over, falling asleep. Johnny Law: Holy crap dude, where have you been? You look like you've been through hell! Drago Cesar: Could say that. Was kidnap, stranded in desert with Bubba, had to fight psycho people in church, Mugen urinate on shirt.... Johnny Law: What??? Drago Cesar: Good times. Good times. Drago lets out a loud yawn as we see a door in the distance slowly open to reveal Dragana. She covers her mouth with her hand as she realizes who she's looking at. Johnny Law: Drago, there's something I gotta tell you. Drago looks around in one of the drawers and sees that there's some women's clothing in it. Drago Cesar: You find girlfriend? Good for you! Johnny Law: No no no, your s- Drago Cesar: You wear woman clothes? Johnny sighs. Johnny Law: Oh for crying out loud, what I'm trying to say is.... Before Johnny could finish that sentence, he's cut off by a surprisingly loud voice. Dragana: DRAGO! The hunter hears his name being called and he freezes in place. His eyes shift toward Johnny, who motions toward Dragana. Drago turns around and sees his sister. His jaw drops and he shakes his head. Drago Cesar: Oh......Shet...... Dragana power walks toward the hunter and grabs him by the ear, dragging him toward the room she was in. Drago Cesar: AH! She lets go of his ear and glares at him for a few seconds, her expression being one of anger. Tears starts to form in her eyes as she slaps Drago in the face, causing the handprint to be left on his cheek. Drago hangs his head in shame as Johnny observes. After a moment she gives him a big hug and he hesitantly hugs her back. Johnny walks up to them. Johnny Law: It's been a long time coming. Drago Cesar: I know......I facked up...... Drago lets her go and looks at the ground. Drago Cesar: You know this, Johnny. Family kick me out after war. Didn't want to see me. So I'm go into hiding. Didn't want to be around her or anyone else in family, too much shame. That why we come here in America. To start over. Even now, after so much time, can barely look sister in face. Drago shakes his head and turns toward Dragana, this time speaking in his native language. Drago Cesar: I'm so sorry. The hunter turns around and walks away as Dragana wipes away tears. She smiles at Johnny, who nods. She closes the door as we fade to black. 7 "Roll 20 for initiative, you cuck" - Mr. Sensation "I don't have a brain" - Tiberius Dupree "4 os a gppd cp,[ro,ose" - Mr. Sensation
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