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Backstage after barnett walked off camera he can be found backstage still fuming.

One of the many trainers walks in following barnett.



Scott barnett slams the locker door open and pounds his fist against the metal surface



Trainer: hey no need for that bud, calm your shit your doing fine



Scott barnett: of course im doing fine in the ring and out!



Trainer: then why the anger kid



Scott barnett: you didn't see that low blow?!



Trainer: who didn't see it kid, keep two things in mind, either in the ring or out your the new blood. And that means you'll have people left and right pushing buttons. Now that dont mean accept it. Use that anger you feel and give it a direction.



Scott barnett: i got a direction the top of the chain



Trainer: with that temper and that lack of control your showing the only thing you’ll see is the short end of the stick. Passion combined with uncontrolled anger leads to failure to a large degree.



The trainer looks at the ceiling and motions towards the heavens with both hands



Trainer: you find that happy medium of passions combined with controlled aggression and the stars will align, you get me?



Scott Barnett: yeah i get you……..


The trainer walks from the room and looks back with a nod at barnett as he shuts the locker room door


Scott Barnett slams his fist together and releases a deep sigh. he bows his head in thought stewing over the events from moments just minutes before


Scott Barnett: yeah ill show everyone that the real deal means business, everyone will see........

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