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Maxx Edwards on The Late Night Show w/ Jimmy Emmett

Maxx Edwards

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A camera pans over a cheering studio crowd as a jingle is played by the live jazz band. Jimmy Emmett is smiling at the camera as he sits behind his desk.


Jimmy Emmett: Welcome back from commercial break-Now my next guest has been in the headlines recently. Can we get a warm round of applause for award-winning actor and NEW OCW Superstar, Maxx Edwards.



The crowd applauds as Maxx joins Emmett on the stage. Emmett gets up to greet Maxx and they both return to their seats.



Jimmy Emmett: I got to say, Maxx, it's nice to have you here tonight as you seem to have been everywhere recently


Maxx Edwards: Yeah it has been a busy couple of weeks but it is nice to be here.



Jimmy Emmett: Well, I am sure you have to deal with various media sources trying to contact you while also trying to get into wrestling shape



Maxx Edwards: Are you trying to say I am not in shape?



Jimmy Emmett: Of course not! You look great tonight but you are not exactly in K'Dangelo shape.


Maxx Edwards: Not yet atleast! Nahh but training with some great legends I believe I can definitely hold my own with some of those huge OCW guys.



Jimmy Emmett: Serious question though, only starting wrestling not that long ago, how do you think you square up with some of the OCW guys who have been wrestling for years?



Maxx Edwards: Well like I said it's mostly confidence. I know I am better than anyone I step into the ring against. While many people say I can't do it, they haven't seen me in a ring so they really sound ignorant saying that and should keep their opinions to themselves. Have they ever seen me fail? I dominated the box office and I plan to do the same to the squared circle? I have been training hard to become better and I am better than some of the "champions" of OCW as the company itself has lacked the star power it had in years past. And now, the fans are getting sick of it and have started to turn it off. In signing me, OCW hopes to regain their fanbase and gain even a bit of relevancy.




Jimmy Emmett: Tell me Maxx, while you are obviously a big name here in LA, becoming a wrestler and signing with a huge company like OCW, how will you be able to distinguish yourself from the other already established stars in the company and capture some of the fans who doubt you as a wrestler?




Maxx Edwards: Lucky for you, the spotlight is something I have always gravitated towards and I'm sure once the audience sees me in the ring they won't be able to take their eyes off. I mean I haven't had a match yet and here we are talking about it. Whether they like me, or hate me, they know my name. AND, whether they buying my merch at maxxedwardsshop.com, use code "OCW" for 15% off, or they are sitting behind their computers writing up angry internet posts, they can't wait to see me in the ring. So how will I distinguish myself, I already have



Jimmy Emmett: Speaking of your first match, what do we know about it? Who's it gonna be and when?



Maxx Edwards: Well, while we have not decided when my first match will take place, we will be deciding who I'm facing at a party I'll be hosting this Thursday.



Jimmy Emmett: Will the fans be aware of this decision?



Maxx Edwards: Actually, the decision on who I'll be facing will be made Thursday, but won't be revealed at all. However, footage of the party should air on this Friday's episode of Turmoil.



Jimmy Emmett: Unfortunately, that's all the time we have for today. Make sure to check out Maxx's party this Friday on Turmoil as I have the feeling it will be quite the spectacle.



The jazz begins to play their jingle again as the camera zooms out and the screen fades to commercial break.

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