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The scene opens to Stacey Clark standing outside a locker room after a few seconds the door swings open and The Shogun of Harlem, Tre Golden exits.


SC: Tre if I could get a few words….


Tre presses his index finger to Stacey’s lips leaving her perplexed.


Golden: Stop right there, I already know what you're here for.


Golden: Justin Jehst… decided to grow some hair on his chin and now he thinks he's a man.


Golden: To clear the air, I didn't not attend King of OCW. I'm not a spectator, I'm a competitor.


Golden: The mere fact that I wasn't selected with my resume was ludicrous. And I refused to demean myself.


Golden: I did hear the man I handed the World Championship To…. submitted in the first round.


Tre lets out a big mocking laugh


Golden: Hilarious.


Golden: To address the delusional Mr. Jehst. You know where I am, I don't hide from any man. But I've had to come find you over and over again.


Golden: Where I'm from, if you have a problem with someone you find them to settle it.


Golden: But all he does is talk, too much talking in this company and not enough action.


Golden: But I see now that's how you get opportunities, Management wants you to shuck and jive. Walk around in a fucking Neon suit and spout some nonsense and you get world championship matches, match with legends.


Tre mimes the dancing and ridiculousness of Jehst.


Golden: that shit right there… That's pathetic.


Golden: Justin, buddy, I know you're not all there in the head but to threaten me with weapons? Of all people, ask Harvey you don't want any of that smoke. Check out the burns I left on baby boy Watts.


Golden: Bring a bat, bring a chair if you feel the need. Bring a goddamn knife to the ring.


Golden: Because I promise you… I'd still Kill you.


Golden: Ball is in your court homie.


tre turns to stacey and gives a cold stare.


Golden: Is that enough words for you Stacey?


Stacey nods.


Golden: Good.. now get your narrow ass out of here. I have a Blunt that's calling my name.


Tre walks out of frame as the scene fades to black.

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