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WhereCulture Wrestling: El Parca and Colin Locke Interview

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Colin Locke, El Parca, and WhereCulture’s Aaron Willis are sitting around a table in the WhereCulture offices. The background is full of championship belts, signed pictures, and general wrestling merchandise, all of which go slightly out of focus as Aaron addresses the camera with his usual flair.


Aaron: Hello! Welcome to WhereCulture Wrestling, and today, we’ve got two very special guests. We’ve got Colin Locke in the studio, and we also have, making his first appearance on the channel…


Aaron leans back in his chair and shouts to the ceiling;




Parca seems surprised for a moment, but Aaron gets right back into his usual flow.


Aaron: Now Parca, your title reigns have been big so far, like, you have held onto that belt like no one’s business, there must be some immense pressure on you every time some new challengers come up, right?


Parca: Lately? Absolutely. At first, it was all like a dream to be honest with you. Capturing the International Championship off of the most dominant champion in it’s history is wild. Beating Thomas Archer is no easy task...


Parca gives a quick glance to Colin before looking back to Aaron


Parca: -And THEN! Sweeping the Tag Team Classic with Reese was just.. What’s the word for really big moment?


Parca pats Colin on the shoulder.


Parca: Help me out here amigo, what’s the word I’m thinking of?


Colin’s eyes open wide as his brain starts almost audibly ticking in search of a word.


Colin: Well, I suppose that’d be a big milestone in your career from the sounds of it.


Parca: Yes! Thank you. It was just a huge milestone and, now? Look at us. Chill Faktor is right around the corner and we defend against Dominion. THEN! On the next Turmoil it’s Me vs. Danny Watts. Within a week I will have to fight the hardest I ever have in not just one, but TWO matches.


Colin: Ah, to be fair though, Danny will give you some breathing room, that triple threat we had, just went for a leisurely stroll every now and then, I’m confident for you on that front. Dominion, though, I dunno, that could be a challenge.


Aaron: Well, we’ve already seen Parca vs Tony Everrett, great match by the way, I think Colin’s right in that Dominion might be one of your biggest challenges yet. Lucha Country might be the thing stopping them from grabbing most of the company’s belts come Chill Faktor!


Colin: Oh, Christ, if Rust retains and then they got even more belts, we would not hear the end of it. I dunno though, you guys seem solid, have you been doing anything different when you’ve been preparing for Dominion?


Parca leans back in his chair before sighing,


Parca: That’s a good question, honestly this is probably our most difficult task. We got Nate Ortiz, quite literally the best wrestler in the business. This man has done any and everything you can do in this business let alone the company.


Colin raises an eyebrow as Aaron nods along to Parca’s words, completely engaged.


Parca: And then, you got Antonio Everrett, the man who is one of the most dominant people in OCW currently. Those two men teamed up? You got a hall of famer, ex world champion, and then a soon to be world champion chomping at the bit at the idea of taking our titles. We stepped it up, we prepared for a war and, that’s what we expect out of them.


Colin: See, this is weird for me, the only thing I know of Dominion is what I’ve seen from them so far, I was thinking Nate Ortiz was looking a bit skeletal recently, I mean, he’s not a spring chicken, let’s be fair to ourselves, so I’m just learning all this stuff about him being, like, apparently alright at wrestling.


Aaron gives a little snort with laughter as Colin just brings up Nate’s age without any kind of subtlety or softening of the blow.


Aaron: One day you’re gonna get into trouble, Colin, talking like that.


Colin: What, you wanna see Old Man Dominion go flying? We’ll see about that after Archer’s given me my lots back, Parca gets the first go at Dominion though, I’m just sort of in the queue somewhere.


Aaron: But, anyway, Parca, we know this is a huge moment in your career, you know it, and you’re most likely wrapped up in your training for that, but what if we’re here in, two, three weeks time, and you’ve retained against three members of Dominion, what happens then? Anyone you’ve got your eye on who might be coming for your titles in the future?


Parca smooths his hair back as he leans to the left side of his chair nodding.


Parca: You can never look past your current challengers. Thinking of the future when you have a threat in front of you is just playing with fire. Our attention is fully on Dominion, whatever happens next for either championship is irrelevant if I can’t keep hold of them.


Colin: You know, I’m amazed that people aren’t just gunning for your belt left, right, and centre, I feel like if I was the International Champion I might be able to get a European passport, would be great.


Aaron: You were so close to having that match, Colin!


Colin: Do not remind me. My passport’s shit, always gets stuck at airports, takes me ages to get anywhere. It’s a right bastard being English, can’t fly anywhere without severe hassle and everyone tries to do your accent, it’s mental.


Parca: Hey Colin, when the time comes and you finally get in the ring with Archer, gimme a “Heyo!” and I’ll help train ya.


Parca snarkily points and winks at Aaron


Parca: There’s your next story Aaron!


Aaron: You know what, I couldn’t imagine that you guys’ styles couldn’t be further apart, I’m just trying to imagine Colin doing a Parca move, would be a real sight. What do you reckon, Colin?


Colin: Well, obviously I’ll be training with Parca, the guy’s just got it, you know? His moves've got style and they look like they hit like a bloody lorry. I definitely wouldn’t be able to pick up a Parca move, though, plus, Archer knows his style well, as does everyone on the roster. Nah, I’d wanna take a Parca-ism and make it a bit nastier, you know?


Parca without missing a beat.


Parca: Chicks dig flips y’know? Just saying, just saying. Anyways continue!


Colin: You’re a lucha guy, I’ve seen you guys, you probably can’t even get out of the bed without doing fifty cartwheels. Us mortals have gotta deal with just throwing guys across the ring and hoping that they can’t get up. Works though, I’ve not seen Code Jackman in a while, and Blacksmith got scooped so hard he lost his theme song. But yeah, I’m game for some training sessions whenever I’ve gotta deal with Archer, how’d you get on with him when you guys had a fight?


Parca facepalms and rubs his eyes as he lets out a small groan.


Parca: I guess you’ve seen how you get on with him. He’s a prick, a right prick. Is that the saying? Did I get it right?


Parca looks back and forth between Colin and Aaron for approval. They both smile and nod back, clearly enjoying the effort Parca’s going into to get the lingo down.


Aaron: Yep, you’ve got it!


Colin: Oh christ, yeah, he’s a proper twat, can’t stand the guy. I was more thinking you’ve already seen his in-ring tricks first hand, it’d be worth it to get a bit of a heads up, see the sort of stuff he might try on me when we’ve got to fight.


Parca: Oh that? Easy! I guess how I’d explain it is, when you get in the ring with him expect the unexpected. Luckily for me, I didn’t have his whole group to deal with either. So that one I have no advice for, pal, sorry.


Colin sort of waves the part about him having Archer’s entire organisation after him away and replies;


Colin: Ehhh. The weight of his money that he’ll send at you, yeah, awful, that’s been hard to keep track of, but, I mean… Like, who’s he got? Said it before, I’ll say it again, the guy knows he’s the only one he can trust to beat me, it’s why he’s not fed his failed film stars to me, would be a total waste of time. As long as I can avoid getting my legs smashed up and find a way to ruin his day, I’ll be very happy whenever I’ve gotta go in the ring with him. I’m more concerned about the horseplay in your matches, you’ve got Danny running around to grab chairs, and half of the Dominion stuff I’ve seen ends with every other member turning up and messing about. Do you reckon there’ll be anything dodgy happening over the next few weeks? Can’t help but feel you’ve not got a smooth ride ahead, if we’re talking about expecting the unexpected.


Parca nods along as Colin goes on, he sits up as Colin wraps up.


Parca: Well, here’s the thing I’d be lying to you if I said no. But then again, the odds may be on our side for once. Rust is main eventing at Chill Faktor, Nate & Ev will be preoccupied, and Danny is gonna be preparing for Turmoil. It’ll be grueling, but they all are focused on their own stuff, so now we just gotta prepare for any sort of stipulation. I’m confident me and Reese are prepared for it all.


Aaron: Well, hopefully all that preparation pays off this Saturday, we’ll be doing a live stream of it, so all you lovely people at home can see our reactions to the show as it happens, and, as always, there’ll be a review of the show on our podcast which will be releasing on Monday! Colin, always a pleasure to talk with you, and it’s been incredible meeting you, Parca! But for now, it’s goodbye from these two…


Parca and Colin: Bye!


Aaron: And it’s goodbye from WhereCulture Wrestling, but before we go, why not hit that subscribe button while you're here so that you can keep up to date on all of the newest wrestling news? We'll see you all very soon.

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