Dracnel Posted October 17, 2008 Posted October 17, 2008 The scene opens up to The bald Guy sitting on a chair, his feet are up on a desk and he is talking on the phone whilst smoking a cigar. The office seems rather familiar, and around the walls are various OCW paraphanillia. The Bald Guy: .....So I said to the man who does he think he is? I've got the best talent OCW has to offer and he hasn't even stepped in the ring yet... I mean it was priceless.... He ain't no stupid Dragon Boy or dick like... Yeah I better not say his name.... But my guy is the real deal and he should be fit to be in the ring by Dec.... The door to the office opens and in walks a certain member of the OCW elite management. With his back to the camera the management figure sits down in front of the startled Bald Guy. Management Figure: So I guess you think your the boss now? The Bald Guy (sheepisly smiling): Well no, not really, more a future management figure, you know, I just thought I would see if the shoe fits... You get me? Management Figure: Not really.... Get the hell out.... In fact you haven't even signed a contract with OCW yet and your still running round here like your something special. Your client JTS is only on the development program, he isn't scheduled to fight, and he hasn't even passed his medical yet, so how about you stay out of the OCW offices until you have something to come back for? The Bald Guy looks shocked, and then thinks for a moment, before replying. The Bald Guy: Why don't you kiss my shiny metal ass? The management figure looks at The Bald Guy and reaches for a letter opener that is on the desk, The Bald Guy looks at the management figure realises he has said something wrong and slowly backs away. The Bald Guy: That went a little better in my head, you know show you I had moxy.... Be a Geoman style guy to ya, you know your right hand man, god knows.... Ok have a nice day now.... The Bald Guy runs out the door just as the camera catches the letter opener fly into the doors surface. The managment figure starts to shuffle his paperwork and get things in order when theres a knock at the door. He looks up, and a moments later a rather scared looking Bald Guy comes in... The Bald Guy: I thought about what you said sir, and your right I need a reason to be here, so here it is... I want to talk to you about my clients debut match and the way I think we should handle his PR... I was thinking maybe we could work out an angle where by he comes in, kicks some ass, someone goes down for him, and we make him an undertaker style unbeatable machine, imagine the marketing, the man that never loses? The man that can't be beat? Theres no way it can fail, and believe me it would be epic! The management figure looks at him with a look of utter amazement on his face. Management Figure: Are you stupid? Do I look like someone that is interested in some jobbers entrance, you want to be big, you want to make him a star? You work and develop his gimmick with the production team you don't come in here, mess up my office and then tell me you want me to make my talent job to him and give him the push, get the hell out... The Bald Guy: No wait... Wait.... I have another idea.... The one thing OCW is missing is a decent oriental character... I mean you the Dragon... But come on you know you can do better.... I was thinking maybe we could do a whole gimmick on how my client thinks he is from Japan, he got a hit on the head and thinks he is japanese it can't fail.... The Management Figure: Get....Out....... The Bald Guy: Ok I'm gone, but before I go can I do one last thing, I think you will like it..... The management figure grips his paperwork tightly and pulls a face of complete hatred towards The Bald Guy... The Bald Guy ignores it, completely oblivious to the management figures annoyance and continues... The Bald Guy: I thought I would just give you my card, you know in case you need someone to help manage your talent, take you to the top... Give you the edge... You get me? http://i447.photobucket.com/albums/qq194/JTSOCW/agent.jpg The management figure starts tapping on a button on his phone... A look of complete insane madness on his face, and as The Bald Guy puts his card on the table, the office door opens and two security guards walk in and flank The Bald Guy. The Bald Guy looks at them and gets the message. The Bald Guy: Ok, Sir, have a nice day! The Management Figure (shouting as The Bald Guy is led away): Your not Foley shut the fuck up! ................................................................................................ The cameras catch up with The Bald Guy sitting in an office with Dave Rotundo, they are discussing JTS and the way he has been managed so far, and you can tell by The Bald Guys sweaty face, and look of sadness that it isn't going well... Dave: Ok, so we go over the story so far, you come to the OCW training ground, you meet JTS and he hires you as his pr manager.... We give you a little space on OCWFED.NET and you use to do what? The Bald Guy (speaking quietly): Market my client sir... Dave: Ok, market.... Shall we look at what you did? He clicks a button on a laptop in front of him and shows The Bald Guy the link... http://www.ocwfed.net/forum/showthread.php?t=5661 Dave: A video, that is good at the beginning, but then fails on a epic porportion when you get the date wrong... And then what do you do? You post a poster on the site, trying to advertise a date for your clients arrival that hasn't even been agreed, and what happens? You get it wrong!!!! Shall we look? http://i447.photobucket.com/albums/qq194/JTSOCW/jts.jpg Dave: Oh and then you insult all the other talent in OCW on your daily blogs and when you see them in the halls, clever work.... The Bald Guy: In my defence they were laughing at me... Dave: I'd laugh at you, your so stupid you make Forrest Gump look intellegent! What next? Oh yes you try to get people to sign a petition to make JTS OCW's Wrestler of the Month! http://i447.photobucket.com/albums/qq194/JTSOCW/wrest.jpg The Bald Guy: It seemed a good idea at the time... Dave: I'm not done yet, we put up with these silly little gimmicks, because the cameras were rolling and recording your every move, and the fans were gaining an interest, but then what happens? You had to get involved with Austin Alexander and take OCW cameras to a manuscript reading where your client tries to out-do him with a hiddeous attempt at writing... Are you insane? What the hell kind of marketing campaign is this? The Bald Guy: Ok we know we did some wrong, but hey you can't make an omelette without breaking some eggs right? I mean lets look at the facts, we haven't done too badly in the fan ratings right? Theres an interest in my client.... And you have to admit that we bring a whole new edge to the world of OCW and he hasn't even stepped foot in the ring! Dave: JTS fan ratings went from a small interest to no interest, you got more fan interest for a brief moment, but now your a fan turn-off... People actually don't want to see you and your only doing a few videos on OCWFED.NET... The Bald Guy: Ok so were failing, were not getting interest, but what do you want from me? I will do whatever is needed. Dave: Well after speaking with Jaysin Sensation, and some of the marketing staff, we have decided to keep JTS on in the Development Program, but to ask you to leave. The JTS marketing will now be taken over by OCW marketing staff. The Bald Guy: I'm sorry sir, but no can do, when JTS signed on for my management services he signed up for 6 months, so that means by the time he is ready to enter the ring I am still contracted to him... I'll tell you what though, I will work with the marketing staff and take a back seat, you won't even notice I'm here. Dave: Ok I will let you stay in this whole marketing mess, but you keep your head down, and don't get in the way. The Bald Guy: Ok, you won't even know I am here, I will be like a ninja, full of stealth.... Dave: And maybe you will learn how to market a wrestler, I mean I like you, your obviously a guy that wants to help, but your too new to this business, listen, learn, and find what works, then use that to your advantage in the future. The Bald Guy: Ok sir, thank you for this chance I won't let you down.
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