David Jackson Posted November 29, 2010 Posted November 29, 2010 *The camera fades in and we see Jim Black sitting down in the interview room at OCW Headquarters. There is one other chair in the room and it's occupied by David Jackson. They are talking a bit before everything starts and Carlos the cameraman cues them to let them know that the camera is recording.* Black: (Calmly towards the camera) Hello everyone and welcome to this exclusive on OCW fed.com. On the most recent edition of Riot, history was made. Nathan Gaines and, my guest at this time, David Jackson squared off in the ring for the OCW EX Championship. What has to be, in this reporter's opinion, the biggest upset in recent memory, D-Jack defeated Gaines and became the new EX Champion. (Turns towards D-Jack) Now, before we begin this interview, is there anything you would like to say Jackson? Jackson: (Thinks for a second) It feels so good to finally be holding gold in OCW. I'm still in shock that it had my name on it. Black: (Grins) That emotion seems to be shared throughout OCW David. Now, let's get started. On the previous Riot, you and Mayhem fought in a grueling, competitive match. What was it like fighting Mayhem again for the 1st time in 4 years? Jackson: (Rubs his head) Painful. I've seen Mayhem tear through everyone he's ever faced on Riot and on pay-per-views. Then, I see my name on the card as his next victim. I actually smile at the thought of me and him locking up again. Black: (Surprised) You were actually happy that you were facing Mayhem? Is there something wrong with you? Jackson: (Grins) Yes, there is something wrong with me. If you want details, you should give a call to my psychiatrist, here's his card (hands the card to Jim). Now, when I last fought Mayhem, he destroyed me in that ring. I got maybe 5 seconds of offense and 6 minutes of getting my butt beat. Now, 4 years later, I get my chance to redeem myself against the man, the myth, the monster, Mayhem. Also, get a little measure of revenge for my mate, Chris Baxter. Black: What was your thought pattern after your match with Mayhem? Jackson: (Laughs and groans at the same time) One of surprise and the need for some Advil or Tylenol. I came so close to beating Mayhem and he came so close to beating me on quite a few occasions that both of us got understandably frustrated. I don't know if it was due to Mayhem being frustrated at the length of the match or the fact that I didn't stay down, but he scrambled my brains with that chair shot. I got the win by disqualification and I know you take what you can get in this business, but I would've preferred that I got the win by pin fall or submission. Who knows, maybe I'll get another opportunity at Mayhem to do just that. Black: Anything is possible in OCW D-Jack. Now, fast forward to moments before your title match against Gaines. How well were you healed up from your match with Mayhem? Jackson: Well, anytime I have a match like that, I have light workouts and cardio till I start feeling like myself. I wasn't hurting as bad as I was last week, but I was still tender. As I was walking to the ring, my body told me I could not last long against an athlete like Nathan Gaines. I had to end it as quickly as humanly possible for a OCW wrestler. Black: Is that why you dominated the match like a man possessed? Jackson: (Shakes his head) No, that part I don't have a explanation for exactly. I believe, however, that ever wrestler has that one match that they consider their best effort for that year. I think that my match with Nathan was my best effort on Riot for that year. Black: Well, no matter what, you are now the champion of the EX division. Chris Baxter is the OCW Television Champion. It seems that the pirates are taking over OCW. What would you say is on the horizon for Baxter's crew? Jackson: (Thinks for a second) Well, I can't speak for my mate Baxter, but I know what I would like to do. I would like Baxter and I to start tag teaming together again. That way, when they bring back the tag team titles, we would be in the running for the titles. Black: Let's run with that thought for a minute. If you held the EX Championship, Baxter held the TV Championship, and you both are the OCW Tag Team Champions, what would be after that? Jackson: (Thinks even harder) Hmmmm...., I would say the only thing to be left would be for one of us to hold the OCW Championship. The only way I can think of that would satisfy who deserves it more is for us to face each other and see who is the victor after it's all said and done. Black: Wait, you two have been on the same side since Baxter came into OCW. Why in the world would you want to potentially ruin your friendship? Jackson: If Baxter and I don't want to fight each other everyday of the week, then there is something wrong with us. We have been fighting over titles, bragging rights, and just because we wanted to see one of us bleed. We've been doing this type of mentality for years before both of us were in OCW. Still, that is enough of a trip down dream lane. Let's continue with your original planned questions. Black: (Looks almost disappointed) Well, believe it or not, I only have one more question for you. On this week's edition of Riot, you and Iceburg Le'Tuce are facing each other one on one. What are your thoughts on this match? Jackson: Well, two things come to mind. The first, if I beat the local OCW pimp, then I will continue the roll I've been on. The second, if I get beat by Le'Tuce, then who knows? I can't predict what in the world would happen. Still, I expect a good fight from a former TV Champion. If that is the case remains to be seen. Black: (Looks right at the camera) Well viewers, that is all the time we have for today. This is Jim Black with the OCW EX Champion David Jackson signing off until next time. *The camera fades with Jim Black and David Jackson shaking hands.* http://sphotos.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-snc7/383813_10150416716952781_147904157780_8515390_2054734349_n.jpg
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