Designed, perfected and named after OCW Legend Mad Michael Morrison, the Morrison Method is a formatting guide for Roleplays and other segments that keeps the overall style of each show consistent and easy to read. All written content needs to follow the Morrison Method.
The Morrison Method works as follows:
- Actions, and Names are in Bold:
- Actions Example: Mr.Sensation throws a cup against the wall.
- Name Example: Mr.Sensation: Well well well, if it isn't Paul Pugh, and the sissy express.
(Quotation marks are NOT NECESSARY when a character is speaking, it’s assumed when you use the Morrison Method correctly)
Full Role Play Example:
As the last match ends, the camera pans to the back. We find the CEO of OCW Mr. Sensation at his desk yelling into a phone. Just then Bobby Minio walks in.
Bobby Minio: Bossman!!!
Mr.Sensation: Not now Bob, can't you see I'm yelling!
Bobby Minio: Well you stink!
Bobby Minio quickly exits as he slams the door, Mr.Sensation is enraged!
Mr.Sensation throws his phone at the door shattering it!
The Camera Fades to the next segment!
(If you need any help working with the Morrison please contact
Tiberius Dupree, Nate Ortiz, Mr.Sensation or if needed Quartz.)
A common question in OCW for Rookies is "How do I get Booked?!". The process of booking is quite simple. In order to get noticed and teach us a little bit about your character, please post an introductory ROLEPLAY using THE MORRISON METHOD!!! in the PROMO ROOM SECTION. or Even PLAYER NEWS for updates on your character. This gives us an idea of your character and what you can bring to the table, this also opens you up for critique and guidance in how to begin your journey.
Being proactive assures us you are ready to be booked IE posting content in the Promo Room, interacting in the Discord, getting cleared for DCAWS and overall showing us that you are active. In this way you are the master of your own destiny in OCW it is all up to you!.
If writing isn't your forte or you aren't comfortable writing, you can always submit video content IE a hype video for your impending debut. Once again taking initiative is the only way to succeed in OCW. Nothing will be done for you. You have to put your best foot forward and initiate your own journey!
Lastly, if you require help with character development you can ask around on the Forum, the Discord or even by private messaging staff if necessary. Be respectful however, you are more likely to get help if you are polite than if you are entitled, or a raging dickbag. You can also get quicker help by contacting TIBERIUS DUPREE or if needed Mr. Sensation.
Show Cards are posted approximately 10 days before the show airs, and will be posted in the MATCH CARDS section of the website, the #ANNOUNCEMENTS section of the Discord and on the TWITTER FEED for OCW, as well as always being posted on the CALENDAR, found here: http://www.ocwfed.com/forum/calendar.php
There is no excuse for not knowing what show is upcoming.
(Late Submissions will not be used) (deadlines for shows are posted on the calendar section of the site at the bottom of the forum, on the sidebar of the forum and in the front page of the website ocwfed.com.).
Event Roleplays, video submissions/segments, and Matches should be submitted in the Submissions section of the site using the proper subsection, (Riot, Turmoil or PPV) in a timely fashion. That is to say BEFORE the deadline, this year we will be much stricter on enforcing deadlines. If written content is not in on time it WILL NOT be used, if a match is not in on time it WILL NOT be used. When you submit a match or Roleplay you should use the Morrison Method(see Below) in addition the name of the thread should be as such;
[Name of Show], [Date], [What this is]
Your Submitted Thread should look like the below.
Riot 401, Week of 12/12, Mr OOC Promo <-- Typical RP Submission Example
Turmoil 203, Week of 5/12, Big Willy Hype Video <-- Typical Video Submission Example
Wrestlution, Week of 02/23, Mr OOC vs Parker MATCH <---- Typical Match Submission Example
For promos it would be appreciated if you posted where you would like the promo to appear on the card, REMEMBER, not everyone can open and close the show.
The Deadline for TV shows (Riot and Turmoil) and PPV's will be posted on the card each week, so make sure to check it in case it has changed for any reason!
If you need to record a match, but do not have a capture card, there are plenty of ways in modern gaming to record footage without one. If you’re on Xbox, you can utilize Twitch.tv or use a USB 3.0.
The streaming method is the most common and it’s extremely easy.
Create an account on TWITCH.TV and afterwards, make sure your account is set to automatically record all live streams as VODs (Videos on-demand)
You simply need to begin streaming before your match, play the match, and go to your account on Twitch.tv and download the recording of that live-stream. We recommend deleting the recording from your account after you download it to your computer to ensure nobody can view your match before the show airs.
PLEASE NOTE: That failure to show up for matches or overall inactivity while in "Rookie Rank" will result in your Discord Account being moved to "Friends/Fans". It's nothing personal but we can't afford to waste time with those who are not able to be active. Also note that you can contact the Discord Admin Mr.Sensation and he can Reinstate your account to Rookie status when your schedule allows.
First and foremost, you have to understand that you HAVE TO PUT IN WHAT YOU HOPE TO GET OUT of this community. When you contribute, this community, and this hobby, really does give back. You'll make friends and gaming buddies, and you'll get to have a place to be creative, have fun, and kick a few asses.
Everyone has to contribute! If you're not writing, if you're not making an effort to be a part of the shows, you will not get booked on the show. Getting booked in matches is reserved for people who are making an effort to be on it.
If you are Main Eventing a Riot or a PPV, you are expected to contribute Main Event content, in effort, quality and quantity. If you are wrestling on a show, you should have segments on that show. Build up to your match, make people want to see it, and have some consequences or aftermath if you can. A match is an opportunity for a story, no matter how big or small, do not pass on that opportunity. We are all here to contribute to a super fun show and no matter how small you think your part is right now, every bit helps towards that goal!
If you have skills that could help in other aspects of the OCW, tell somebody, offer those skills up, contribute. A lot of people do. Some people are handling the social networking fronts, others design graphics and attires, others edit videos... If you have some cool skill, chances are the fed could use it.
Make sure you are getting in touch with your opponents within a reasonable amount of time. Everyone here has jobs, lives, significant others, children etc, RESPECT EACH OTHER'S TIME. If you see you are booked against someone, reach out immediately and start scheduling a time for the match that works for both of you. We have players from a number of different countries, so time frames, especially during the week, do not always match up. Leave no room for last minute error.
If you have recorded a match, get that match edited and uploaded through something like Dropbox or Google Drive and submit the link inside the submissions thread.
Downloading and uploading a match takes the staff time. Putting a show together takes a lot of time. RESPECT THE STAFF'S TIME. Getting these things done within a reasonable time frame will allow us to correct any errors or mistakes that might come up.
We watch the shows every week together as a community in the Discord Viewing Party if you want to join and experience it live. You’re also free to enjoy the content on your own time!
Be cool. Have fun. Wrestle your asses off. Write your fingers off. Get over.