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(A video package narrated by Morgan Freeman starts to play, the skyline of Syracuse New York begins to move along the screen)


Born in Syracuse New York, Tre Golden found an early passion for wrestling.


(Video shows a young Tre Golden in a wrestling singlet)


Making his dream come true Golden wrestled for Cornell university, achieving all American status three times, and a Ivy League championship.


( video plays highlights of Golden in his red Cornell Singlet, he hits a beautiful double leg on a unnamed penn state wrestler, and mat returns another, the highlight ends with a quick pin)


After college Golden still had the burning desire to compete, he enrolled in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and Mauy Thai classes, and set his sights on the sport of Mixed Martial Arts and the worlds largest promotion, the UCF.


( video package shows various different UCF events)


Golden made a huge impact in the UCF, dominating much more expirenced fighters, submitting Brazilian Jiu-jitsu blackbelts, and earning a reputation of being one of the best grapplers on the planet at a very young age.


( highlights of golden striking, throwing and submitting opponents flash)


At the age of 23 he made history when he won the Light Heavyweight Championship, being the youngest to ever do so.


( a still photo of Golden with the UCF title around his waist is shown)


But the quick rise to fame and wealth was to much for young golden, he tore his ACL putting him out of commission for a year, he spun into depression, lashing out against his love ones,partying to the extreme, and spending most of the money he made.


( various photos of golden partying is shown)


His fighting return, although a win, was a disaster. failing a post fight drug test for cocaine,stripping him of his world title. all culminating in his drunken high speed police chase resulting in his arrest and six month prison sentence.


(Golden's mugshot is shown)


His worst fear realized, the former world champion Tre Golden, was released from the UCF, after failing another post fight drug screening and was suspended by the athletic commission for five years, effectively ending his fighting career.


(Images of a sullen, former champion in a commission hearing is flashed across the screen)


Opportunity has now risen, as OCW won a case against the commission, allowing him to compete on their shows, and the former MMA phenom has entered into the fantastic world of Professional Wrestling.


( a montage of golden working out, appears with dramatic music blaring in the background, ending with a close up of Golden's face, sweat dripping down and highlighting his eyes, which burn with desire)

  • Mark Out! 3
Ho about a Morgan Freemen impersonator? The budget is a bit tight.
  • Mark Out! 2

"Amatuer cheat hunter, Resident OCWFED historian, Lover of spreadsheets, data and HOI, MASTER OF THE GOKART"




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