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B-17 last won the day on September 14

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  1. Ooo a spooky guy.
  2. You're talking about Florida!
  3. Dupree: Listen, we work with criminals, degenerates, and thugs. You’re the only one we can trust on the active roster not to embarrass us internationally. Stupid Spider set us back decades with the Japan incident. Ok, first off, they attacked us first. Second, if they didn't want to party why did they provide us with alcohol?
  4. I think the biggest tip that needs to be suggested is that you need to determine how much effort you want to put into this before you ask for such things.
  5. - I had fun with the tag match. Honestly Bee and I are just having fun as both Click and Bae are just meant to be relaxing and fun. The stories are suppose to be on the silly end but if Tag Title opportunities happen we won't walk away from them. As for the match quality I was the one to record the match and edit the match. I recorded on my PS5 as well as with a Capture Card for safety reason ( Had a file randomly be corrupt after recording something). The ghosting is hard coded into recording because the match was done with the PS4 version of the game which runs like absolute trash. Not amount of editing could remove how bad the old gen version of this game runs. Yep. Ghost was there, Live. Playing fantastic music but forcing me to reconsider if my motion sickness was fake or not.
  6. I think your Ai Voice is perfectly acceptable. It's better than AI Wrex. I agree; Nate has WAY too much on his plate. Even if you are actively involved in multiple angles, you don't need to appear for all of them. Some of the stories can be told without your direct involvement. I especially noticed it because you also have a match. That's a lot of Dig It in one episode, and Less is More. Fuck finishes do have a time and place. IDK if there have been more recently, but it feels like there has been more recently
  7. Yall. It's just feedback. It's just words. It's good to hear. Don't think of it as rude unless it's from Jamie.
  8. For my initial post I'd like to point out that I know Maxx is joking about my repeated moveset and very much likes seeing BAE (usually) miss the third elbow strike.
  9. I agree with Pervy that I want the Marissa/Dawg/Nate thing to end.
  10. Pervy, you're a bad guy, and I'm telling you, you can't trust that other bad guy. He's from the streets, and he wants something. Getting Pervy is deep with the Cartel, and they sent a guy to protect their investment vibes here. I don't dig the Jynx narrative—a bunch of telling instead of showing. I understand that Jynx is still looking for a voice in his delivery. This is wrestling, not Tolkien; we don't need the backstory of every tree branch laid out. And because this is wrestling, the simplicity of a message/action will get over better than the complexities of thought. Essentially, the same thing I said above applies to Skadi. Although most of the language was about setting the scene, it did get into the telling instead of showing aspects of fluffy writing. I also thought it was like a myth being told to someone, which would be cool, but I don't think that was the intent. Without any pomp or circumstance? Bullshit. Mugen is nothing but pomp and circumstance. No one talked about your tour, you delusional intergalactic fool. How dare you compare yourself to Tay Swift. Four men got their shit in, motivations are clear. Alliances....well, not so much. Muhahahah. The rest of the writing I was involved in so I won't comment on it.
  11. Remember how BaE had a secret to tell everyone? Well. Not anymore.
  12. Gross.
  13. I like narrative symmetry. It has to be one of my favorite things to look for in a novel. Of course, within OCW the concept of narrative symmetry applied to the grand scope of an entire show/event isn't always possible. Concessions are made because we must remind ourselves that our control does not extend to other's stories. Therefore, I rarely get worked up or upset over the minor elements of someone's story and like to consider how it fits into the grander scheme, even if it doesn't quite hit the mark. An example is the potential redundancies of a singular show, lessening the impact of a later event, or a video that doesn't get the point across as intended. However, I like how, without collaboration between the other parties, all three world titles told fundamentally different stories and ended in contrast to how they began. This makes me giddy inside, and it makes me excited to see each match. And I enjoy its simplicity. When watching/reading, I appreciate the storyline of former friends, the potentially repentant heel, and the progress vs. tradition storyline. Some other thoughts. 1. Petie vs. Bishop exemplifies what (IMO) OCW needs more of A constant state of character development. I told Dawg recently that I prefer Petie, and this recent work has solidified that. 2. That being said, Mad DAWG was an MVP content machine this week, and I think his taking the bullet for BASH should serve as a plot point of significance. 3. A recent conversation within a group chat allowed me to note that Paul Harris is quite divisive. Do people prefer Paul Harris or Owen? I preferred Owen, but the solidification of Paul in what seems to be a long-term tag team is a positive step forward, and I like the tag name. 4. I don't know how to describe Scotty X or his motivations.
  14. How about a C for....fuck it, I'm going for it. Cunt Kick.
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