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We arrive backstage at Turmoil. Old faces, superstars, legends, all in small groups having their usual chat. Except for one. Looks like a young man who doesn't know where he is heading, japanese shirt, bag on his shoulder.


Staff: You lost kid ?


Rust Cohle: Nah I'm good.


Staff : You really shouldn't be wandering here, you're with someone ?


Rust : Do I look like a visitor ? I know exactly where I am at.


The guy looks focus, his eyes straight in front of him, he doesn't even look at the staff member who's wondering who the hell is that guy?.. Than the Young Lion turns around, a smerk on his face.


Rust: So this is Turmoil.. ? From what I heard, this is "where the big boys play" huh ? Doesn't look that impressive if you ask me. But while you here, you might actually help me with something..

His expression just changed, his eyes are now laser focus on the crew member.


Rust: Competition.


Staff : I'm sorry ?


Rust : I said "Competition". I did not travel all the way from Japan, just got out of the plane, to waste my time with all that bullshit.


Staff : Well Sir I am sorry but if you don't have a permission to be here, I will have to make you escorted out of the building.


The Young Lion smiles again, that kind of unsafe smile, almost an ironic one. He put down his bag and start searching for something. He finally pulls out what looks like a belt. In fact, this is no ordinary belt. This is a Junior Heavyweight Championship Title, one of Japan most prestigious title. He then comes face to face with the crew guy, championship in hand, puts it as close as possible to the man's face. And he whispers..


Rust: This. This is my permission. Now get me the GM.


The staff member looks stunned, he recognizes the belt, but he doesn't know who he is talking to.


Staff : The GM is not here right now, but when he arrives, I'll let him know. Just excuse me, but I didn't catch your name ?


Rust walks away from the scene but has some last words.

Rust : Tell him that the best Light Heavyweight just walk through the doors of OCW. Oh, and I want a spot in that Turmoil thing or whatever he wants to call it. Tonight. Or I'll do something about it myself.


Looks like someone is ready to crash the party tonight..

  • Mark Out! 1

The FrenchBlade



Riot is down the hall and to the left.
  • Mark Out! 1

"Amatuer cheat hunter, Resident OCWFED historian, Lover of spreadsheets, data and HOI, MASTER OF THE GOKART"




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