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Blaine: It’s fucking Thanksgiving, my family is in the other room. Why the fuck are you even working today? Don’t have the balls to tell JCS that you don’t want to work today?



Blaine: I don’t fucking care what he said. No.



Blaine: No.



Blaine: No.



Blaine: No, I have a broken fucking leg! What you don’t remember? The same damn-



Blaine: No the same damn one that I won Queen of OCW on! The one that I have been asking for over a year for time off for!



Blaine: The doctor is an idiot. He’s just some fucking guy that Jake Allen found drunk in the street! Slap a hat on him and Tiberius Dupree starts calling him Doc!



Blaine: Stop saying numbers! It’s not about the-



Blaine: Stop saying you will pay me!



Blaine: Wait, how much?



Blaine: Are you serious?


Blaine: Add another zero to the end of that.



Blaine: Oh shit. That would make me the highest paid...



Blaine: Fuck it, I will buy another leg. When do you need me?

  • Mark Out! 2

"Amatuer cheat hunter, Resident OCWFED historian, Lover of spreadsheets, data and HOI, MASTER OF THE GOKART"




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