Administrators Mr.Sensation Posted November 7, 2024 Administrators Posted November 7, 2024 Warning Pink Eye 1 15-06, 18:20 Tiberius Dupree make him tap with brownie mix "Booking Wrestling is the most thankless no-win position anyone could ever be in. When things go well it's the talent that makes it work. When they go badly, it's because the Booker doesn't know what he's doing." - Eric Bischoff Jookie: what website do we upload to againi for got Our Hero: Jookie: fuck u boricua "I'm like Smythe, except Good" - Matsuda OCW works best when it’s a melting pot of different ideas and opinions coming together to create some cool ass shit. It’s at its worst when people are only invested in their own/their pals’ content." - Paul Pugh "I'm 5,9" - Ry "I'm sorry if this sounds mean but OCW shouldn't be allowed to vote" - Jake Allen
Administrators Mr.Sensation Posted November 7, 2024 Author Administrators Posted November 7, 2024 Side bar I need to stop putting shows in "CARDS" sections christ its getting worse. Any way some random not so random thoughts on Ambition since we are yapping about it on discord for posterity! Piligram As a side bar I appreciate written content on Ambition. A threat to Petie from the Temple of Omen. Which leads into the next match. Simple Pro Wres more less. Steven Motherfucking Jackson - First things for whatever reason its Stephen Jackson on youtube I guess ill have to fix that. So I don't remember who said it I think it was SCSA but Wrestling is who you are dialed to 11. This very much feels like that and in a Sea of "I am rich and wealthy" on the roster from Rookies like Victor Matt to Champions like El Parca an "Everyman" is incredibly refreshing. I enjoyed the promo it didn't feel forced which is when content can be at its worst. As I said my only gripe is all that fucking cussing. Like you see me on stream yelling at ppl when they get excessive yet this motherfucker is Fucking this, motherfucker that, shut up YOU'RE A FUCKING ROOKIE, B! And yes I can the the irony of ME saying tone it down. I try my best on comms to not to swear yall really don't want 2006 CZW JCS Comms. I've heard y'all gasp at some of the shit Ive said so cut it out! Make your profanity important. Cody Hagen vs Gabriel Vincent I'm not going to say I am surprised because we need to stop acting like people can't improve just cuz you don't vibe with them. Pretty cool match I think there was 1 moon walk so don't do that. Solid back and forth with Gabe trying to cut down the RED WOOD that is Corey Hagen! If I had one complaint Gabe kept recycling moves, like LONGEST MOVE IN PRO WRESTLING 3x. You're a rookie so its fine you learn and get comfortable with your moveset over time. Fun match didnt hate. That's not Deaver- So yea I got Pilgrim and Boss Deaver confused. To me they look similar him hanging out at ringside is very much on par with the prior RP earlier in the show ( Which I didnt read till after the show was posted because All I do is link the youtubes and upload the vids so great job on that. What I won't say great job is Apparently Cody ISN'T in DNS but in "Temple of Omen" This is weird to me. On the surface level who the fuck is Omen to have some higher power like gimmick while he is a heavy in DNS. Just have cody in DNS like nWo. He's in by association. This Side group within a group is why ppl say it's too big. But thats just me. Pugh with the News The Who, The What The Where The Why. Pro Wrestling 101 That's Not JAE! Solid video, nice building of char very pro wrestling. My only real complaint is some of the footage used. But even then its super mild. I'm thinking the heavy set dude in black with the mustache is Mo Jae but it probably isn't (it should be). My only REALLY REAL complaint is fuck tiktok AI voice. I'm so fucking sick of hearing it I usually will swipe to another video or close the youtube who uses it. Again thats not on the producer of video that just how I feel it fucking stinks and I hate it. But good job on the presentation and package. Curious to see the char in action we really don't have stuff like that atm. I mean Kass Kicks and ppl kick but no one does Taekwondo ill probably pop huge when someone gets fucking round housed ko'd. Junko vs Flojo Super fun match to watch very competitive. I'm a Junkie and watching junko go from EASY W to being able to hang with everyone is always delightful. Match had a lot of hi octane action A LOT OF BRIDGES. My one caveat was when 1st Rolling flo was hit and 1 kick out Flojo went hard in the paint on the outside (nothing wrong with that just kind of odd over and over) It almost led to a count out or close to it but flojo broke the count (like a face genuinely would) again super fun match. Just Perly Tings Perls Back and pissed at Monica for asking stupid questions. I love Monica being used now, Perl claims revenge will occur and her nose is broke. If this means Perl with a face shield I will pop huge! Bolek vs Werner Probably my standout match of the night between this and the Main Event cant really decide fully yet. Match had a lot of good back and forth and both people know there characters well. Bolek is a dipshit but he's improved his movements, his moveset and his in ring acumen. He very much plays the "Shit Head Heel" to a Tee reminds me of less botchy early Randy Orton or in OCW terms 2009 Leonheart (minus being as good as leon was in his prime) Both men got busted open the hardway and the finished was 1000% pro wrestling super fucking fun match to watch. Main Event - Rory vs Claudio This feud started on Ambition (I'm 90% sure it did) so it's gonna end on Ambition. The match itself was very hard hitting and back and forth basically at its essence to very big meaty mean bumping meat. Claudio returned to full Claudio form from 2022 or 2021 I can't remember as if he has learned nothing. But if all you know is how to be a bad person stick to what you are good at. The Stink Face was mad out of pocket (little did I know it would get far far worse). This kind of reminded me of a prison fight IDK why lmao. Either way between this and the Bolek vs Werner not sure which takes it for me from a match standpoint. Well done. Post Match - As I said match was great but the afterbirth. There is A LOT to unpack and I will try my best. On one hand I understand some of what went down. I don't feel as strongly as some but I often continually say "Less is more". We can start with the "Stain/Crash" I understand the intent, but I don't think anyone in VP or Twitch chat understood what was happening with the ring which caused a lot of confusion. We could have ended there but then it continued. Oddly enough while nasty as fuck I chortled at the jock strap thing I think if it had ended after that it would be what it was but then it kind of just kept going and going and going. I understand the idea is "you don't mess with claudio, do you see what happens larry do you see what happens when you fuck a stranger in the ass" This reminds me of the Cinderblock thing from a few years ago. It just kind of feels excessive for the sake of being excessive. Like best example I could give would be when heather fell through the stage if EMP had lept from top of the tron through the fucking hole I woulda felt that same "ok this is excessive". I think the desired result could have been accomplished by just: Remove the piece of canvas to expose the wood (the wrex special) Hit the spot "giggidy" Blood on the exposed Wood where impact happend Then while still in ring do that nasty spot Gloat on stage while rory is stretchered out. It just felt very long while I will not use it as a unit of measurement IE a Valmont It was still long but no where near that long. That being said the other part I am kind of confused about is Rory is basically a new char. So getting written off this early is kind of weird? Is he getting written off? Am I wrong in thinking this is writing off a char because it felt very definitive to thoroughly humiliate and decimate. But then again during the Emp x Deb there was orbital damage then return 2 weeks later then more orbital damage to other. So it's probably not the end for Rory. IDK those are my thoughts I'll end with if anyone ever needs a set of eyes for a segment and they don't have a weak stomach feel free to hit me up I will let you know asap if its good shit or needs improvement. That being said I love seeing all the RP's for ambition. Very Powerful Hour. See ya Friday 5 1 15-06, 18:20 Tiberius Dupree make him tap with brownie mix "Booking Wrestling is the most thankless no-win position anyone could ever be in. When things go well it's the talent that makes it work. When they go badly, it's because the Booker doesn't know what he's doing." - Eric Bischoff Jookie: what website do we upload to againi for got Our Hero: Jookie: fuck u boricua "I'm like Smythe, except Good" - Matsuda OCW works best when it’s a melting pot of different ideas and opinions coming together to create some cool ass shit. It’s at its worst when people are only invested in their own/their pals’ content." - Paul Pugh "I'm 5,9" - Ry "I'm sorry if this sounds mean but OCW shouldn't be allowed to vote" - Jake Allen
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