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Yet another video on OCWFED.net titled "Catching up with Kang". Once you click play on the Video Stacy Clark is shown knocking on Kang's hotel room door. After two knocks the door opens and it's Kang...


Kang: Whats poppin beautiful, Kang hasn't seen your beautiful face in a while.


Stacy blushes a little...


Stacy: Hey there Kang, we haven't had an interview in a while so I was wondering if you didn't mind if we caught up also let your great fans know how your doing, what you plan to possible be doing and whatever else we can cover.


Kang opens his door all the way as he walks into the room more the make space as he replies


Kang: Stacy, you know your one of the very few that don't need to ask Kang for an interview.


Stacy again blushes as she takes a seat next to Kang and they start the interview.


Stacy: Hey there Kang, it's been a while hasn't it? Anyways, the fans have been wanting an interview for some time now. They seem to see someone they remember. Someone they saw before, the Kang they saw at the beginning when he got the most notice.


Kang chuckles.


Kang: Damn straight Stacy, Kang is back to Kang. The Kang that got him noticed, The Kang that was the hype of OCW. Thats why come this Riot expect something new from Kang, something that shows the people that Kang is back... THE KANG IS BACK!!


Stacy: God that is good to hear, but this week on Riot tomorrow you have to face a man thats life recently has revolved around chains, bars, cage... being locked in a secluded space. It's like saying you are stepping in his home court and he loves it that way.


Kang: Kangs gotta agree with you there, Rooster lookin, Jail Meat Lovin, Men ass fetish man wants it this way. Kang knows it's going to be hell, but Kang ain't been hit by a finisher in over a month now and Kang plans to keep it that way. If it's gotta be this way to end Death Row... Cross, then Kang would gladly Molly Whoop Dat Ass! in the cage.


Stacy: I really hope so Kang, for the sake of your fans please don't get injured in there.


Kang looks over at Stacy and gets a grin and then Kang looks back at the Camera.


Kang: Don't worry about Kang... Stacy, Don't worry about Kang.. Kang's fans. Like Kang said Kang will Molly Whoop that Rumping Ranger.


Stacy looks down at her notes to remember something else to ask Kang...


Stacy: I really hope so Kang, I really do. On to other things to, Aries... You two seem to be partner. As if that one tag wasn't your last, like you all are a strong alliance and plan to keep it that way... True?

Kang smiles...


Kang: That little elf Elmer Fudge ain't half bad, yea expect Aries and Kang always to be great buddies. Expect Tag gold around our waist in the future, expect us to be like a allies for a long, long time to come.


Stacy: There has been some minor reports that Aries has infact gained weight to step up the Heavyweight division and put his Ex Division status behind him. Do you know anything about this or are you un sure about this?


Kang chuckles...


Kang: Haha, Johnny Quest has been stuffing his face as of late. Any time we head out to the bar, restaurant or just take a quick stop somewhere he is eating like Malu. So yea, Kang thinks it's safe to say that fat little midget is trying to get into the Heavyweight division.


Stacy smiles with a small laugh as she looks back at her notes.


Stacy: Ok Kang, last question I believe. The biggest match at Damnation, an OCW legend is done. A man that you had a problem with once you joined OCW, once you got in he made sure he tried to get rid of you. Now he is done, retired... Thoughts?


Kang: Kang doesn't respect that mans actions, what he did outside of the ring and what he did to some great wrestlers but what he did for this company Kang does respect, what Kage did to push OCW Kang respects, so looking at that Kang says take it easy Kage... but if Kang looks at what Kage did outside the ring Kang says keep that ass of yours out!


Stacy: Ok Kang, thanks for your views and this interview. It was good to catch up and lets hope to God that you don't end up off really bad tomorrow in that cage.


Kang: Thanks Stacy, and yea it was good to have this interview with Kangs women, hopefully there will be more in the future.


Stacy yet again blushes as the video stops and freezes at that point since it's done.





2x International Champion

1x Hardcore Champion

stacys probably blushin due to bad gas. youre lucky the drunken one doesnt decide to beat down your kid kash looking ass!

Dane Xavier: cyber bullying is not only illegal, it's pathetic




"I swear to go if you call me a Liberal again you RETHUGLICAN, SEE WHAT I DID THERE.


This is america, if you want to throw your hard earned sweat money on a videogame gambling site and thus deny you and your family food and shelter THAN BY GOD DAMMIT YOU CAN, BECAUSE THIS IS AMERICA YOU COMMIE SOCIALIST.



Now then when Can I expect your next donation?


"- Jay Jay




Double A


"The Weapon




stacys probably blushin due to bad gas. youre lucky the drunken one doesnt decide to beat down your kid kash looking ass!


Listen Cat Women, Batman has got some business to take care of so why don't you go purr your ass back to BB's rear while A-Mart "Watches how it's done".



2x International Champion

1x Hardcore Champion

Listen Cat Women, Batman has got some business to take care of so why don't you go purr your ass back to BB's rear while A-Mart "Watches how it's done".


Keep talking to me like that, ill dress you up like Jon Benet Ramsey, and smack you around like my little baby.


If your still feeling salsy, then ill make sure the makeup runs down your face, as i twist your arm, and pop it off like a polly pissy pants, doll

Dane Xavier: cyber bullying is not only illegal, it's pathetic




"I swear to go if you call me a Liberal again you RETHUGLICAN, SEE WHAT I DID THERE.


This is america, if you want to throw your hard earned sweat money on a videogame gambling site and thus deny you and your family food and shelter THAN BY GOD DAMMIT YOU CAN, BECAUSE THIS IS AMERICA YOU COMMIE SOCIALIST.



Now then when Can I expect your next donation?


"- Jay Jay




Double A


"The Weapon




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