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Trisha: Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen to this Special Interview. My guest today is none other than the Manic Hispanic Carlos Cruz. Since the KoOCW Tournament Carlos Cruz was nowhere to be found apart from appearing on Turmoil a few weeks back trying to cash in Leon’s Future Investment Briefcase and on this weeks Turmoil and today we will find out why we have seen very little of our favourite Mexican.

Carlos Cruz enters the room wearing his ring attire with a bottle of water in his left hand.

Carlos: It’s my day off, what am I doing here?

Trisha: You’re here for an Interview so why are you wearing your ring attire?

Carlos: I was told I was doing a meet and greet.

Carlos sighs

Carlos: Might aswell do the interview now i’m here.

Trisha: Good. Get comfortable and we’ll get straight down to business.

Carlos walks over to the chair opposite Trisha and slouches in it.

Trisha: Comfy...Good. First Question. Where have you been? You’re usually around the arenas during shows and people started to get concerned because none of their belongings hadn’t disappeared.

Carlos: Don’t I deserve a break every now and again? I was getting a little homesick so I decided to go back to Mexico to visit the familia. My Papi hasn’t been feeling well recently so it gave more of a reason to go back and it gave me time to train a bit more because you don’t get much time when you’re constantly travelling

Carlos takes a sip of water.

Carlos: I came back for a few shows but stayed in my locker room out of peoples way and it happens the only time I came out was when Leon left his briefcase lying about so it was too good of an opportunity to miss out on.

Trisha: Interesting because we heard that you snuck into Leon’s Locker room, stole the briefcase then locked him and Deano inside, then proceeded to come out and cash in the briefcase for the Pride Title until you got stopped by someone.

Carlos {talking to himself} : I still never figured out who stopped me.

Trisha puts her palm on her face.

Trisha: We saw you on Turmoil teaming up with your old friend Chris Ryder to face The Underdog CJ Hoppus and your old foe The Air. Must’ve been nice to get back into the ring after your month or so out of it.

Carlos: Can’t complain. It felt nice to get back into action and I’m not going anywhere else for a while so I’ll be around more for your random interviews about nothing.

Trisha: My interviews aren’t random. I interview people about what the fans want to know about their favourite superstars. If I don’t do it I’d be out of the job so for that comment I’m going to make sure I do more interviews with you.

Carlos puts his head in his hands and is heard speaking to himself in Spanish.

Trisha: There is one last question.

Carlos takes his head out of his hands and stares at Trisha with a evil smirk on his face

Carlos: Go on.

Trisha: How is the inner voice?

Carlos stands up and pours the bottle of Water over Trisha’s head before starting to head to the down. Trisha is heard screaming from the feeling of the cold water running down her back and Carlos turns his head around and stares at a wet Trisha.

Carlos: Does that answer your question.

Carlos turns his head back and walks out of the door leaving Trisha sat in her seat with the production crew trying to dry her off with some towels.


I'm in LA right now on the cell with Mania about to get a wax and a quick stop at the tanning booth, can you please do some landscaping for me while I am out?


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