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Cozz last won the day on April 11 2018

Cozz had the most liked content!


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    Just waiting


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Newb (1/14)



  1. The Camera catches up to Dr. Edmonds, who can be seen talking on the phone, Dr. Edmonds: Not even heard off him recently? Since February 2nd? Okay thank you Miss. Dr. Edmonds hangs up the phone, and throws it. Dr. Edmonds: Fuck. Hey you Cameraman, have you seen Cozz around by any chance. The cameraman shakes his cameran left to right to signal no. Dr. Edmonds:Okay I guess I will have to try somewhere his house next. Dr. Edmonds heads to the exit where he sees the same big Security guard and walks past. Security Guard Chris: Have a good day Dr. Edmonds: Piss Off. The Camera fades to black
  2. Camera cuts backstage to Dr. Edmonds as he continues to look for Cozz. out of breathe blurts out. Dr. Edmonds: Where can that kid be. Dr. Edmonds sees a calm and collective CJ. Dr. Edmonds: Hey you! Can I talk to you a sec? Caleb looks around making sure Dr. Edmonds is talking to him. CJ O’Donnell: Sure. What do you need doc? Dr. Edmonds: have you seen one of my patients around? His name is Cozz, it's really important. CJ O’Donnell: Sorry doc I can’t say that I have. I must say OCW is a safer place without him around tho. The guy is off his rocker and needs to be checked in a mental institution. Dr. Edmonds: That's why I’m trying to find him. He's not usually like that. Something is going on with him, and I don't know what going to happen if he doesn't get the help he desperately needs. CJ O’Donnell: Well I know he has been hanging out with my sister Riley lately. If I got along with her I would give you her number but we don’t exactly see eye to eye. I wish I could help you Doc but your patient has a personal vendetta against me and I really don’t know why. Dr. Edmonds: If i had time i would dive into a one to one session with you to dive into it but finding Cozz, but take my card and make an appointment with my receptionist. O’Donnell grabs the card from Dr. Edmonds and looks over it. CJ O’Donnell: Thanks but me and my sister have never seen eye to eye. Never will. I still think to this day she was adopted. You can sense the sarcasm in Caleb’s voice with his last statement. CJ O’Donnell: If I see Cozz I will call you but I will not approach him. He is a loose cannon ready to explode at the drop of a hat. Dr. Edmonds: as much as I keep client confidentiality that's not Cozz, no time to explain, make sure you tell me if you do, and please stick to that not approaching. Dr. Edmonds runs around the corner to continue his search
  3. A black screen fades in, as the cameraman is running towards a sign saying “Exit This Way” and what can be seen is a big security guard talking to a guy showing his nametag. Security Guard: James is it? Your not on the list of allowed backstage personale? James: it's pronounced Dr. Edmonds to you. Security Guard: Okay Dr. Edmonds.You are still not on the list of backstage personale. Dr. Edmonds: im not part of OCW staff. I’m a private psychiatrist, try under Cozz’s family and friends I should be on there. Security Guard: Don’t use that tone with me sir. Let me radio my boss takes out a Paw Patrol kids walkie talkie Dr. Edmonds: What…...The…..Fuck…….. (mouthed under his breath) Security Guard: hey Bobby, I have a Dr. James Dr. Edmonds: Its Dr. Edmonds. Security Guard: Right. Sorry Bobby a Dr. Edmonds here, looking for access backstage but is not a part of OCW, says he should be under one of our rookies family and friends under Cozz? Bobby: yeah hang on I will have to speak to Johnny because I think he has the list. Hey Johnny you got the list of the rookies with the family and shit on it. Dr. Edmonds: is this a fucking joke? Johnny: I think chris took it earlier. Hey Chris! Did you take the list under the the staff list? Dr. Edmonds starts to get really frustrated. The Security Guard pulls up the Paw patrol walkie talkie once again, and speaks. Security Guard: Im not sure let me look. Dr. Edmonds: ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS! Chris: yeah I have it. Thanks guys. Yeah come on in i see your name here. Dr. Edmonds: Finally. It is like talking to Frankie G. Fuck sake. Chris: Have a nice day. Dr. Edmonds: Piss off Dr. Edmonds walks through rushing to continue trying to find Cozz.. Camera Fades to black
  4. Thank you for the shout, really glad i'm actually making an impression around here haha. and i wont ask people to let me do spots with them just want natural spots to occure ( just to clarify).
  5. WRESTLER NAME - Cozz HOMETOWN - Swansea, Wales HEIGHT - 5'10 WEIGHT - 196lbs THEME SONG - Undeniable by Seckond Chaynce SIGNATURE MOVES(S) - Swinging Neckbreaker 6 ( The One Shot ) - Wheelbarrow Suplex 2 ( WelshPlex ) FINISHERS(S) - Fisherman Driver 2 ( The Way Out ) ACCOLADES - None Yet Biography - Cozz was born on the 14th September 1997, only starting training to become a wrestler at 18, he is still new to this world but now at 20 years old who knows what could hold in his future here at OCW.
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