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Dennis Black

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Dennis Black last won the day on December 12 2017

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About Dennis Black


  • Biography
    Wrestler and Make a Wish King


  • Location
    New York


  • Interests
    Madison Cox


  • Occupation
    Being the Best in the World


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  1. In all seriousness. I appreciate you parker. Your objective outlook on the situation. The amount of work you’ve put into the sanctuary storyline with myself and Pam. And the Vincent vs Bones match. I feel it was one of the more competitive matches to take place at CG.
  2. Na, I did make sure to PM Scott summers though. Emma was a bit difficult to get ahold of. :(
  3. ....well said.
  4. The Career stip was 'not' my decision nor pam's. KD submitted the rp, and we found out as the show went live. We worked around it, rather than making a drastic commotion about it. We were flexible. I'm not here to sling insults. I'm just stating what it is. The FI is still intact, and nothing was taken from the handler. If jonny wants to come back and face sophia for the title this week, sure. Have at it. I recognize that we 'could' have informed people of our plans. we 'could' be more supportive of each other. we 'could' try to build each other up. We 'could' try to debate shows on an intellectual level without resorting to personal attacks more often than not. But we don't. Nor was it a requirement to give anyone a heads up as we did not use anyone else's caw or steal anyone's FI opportunity. We furthered a long standing feud with in character misdirection. We used attire. That's it. That's the last i'm going to speak on it. I apologize if anyone is genuinely upset, but pam and I aren't here to fuck anyone over. No one was screwed over. This was feud progression.
  5. I never said.... Elitist bullshit? o.O
  6. Congrats to kass on making history. <3
  7. It will be sorted on the next episode. So If Sentai wants to come back and fight Sophia, that’s fine. I’m sure Pam will have no issue with that.
  8. If their caw wasn’t used... If their opportunity isn’t gone... Then what exactly happened to them? Other than someone dressing up as them and using an empty case? Honesty, this is a bit over blown. Since when do we need to ask to use someone else’s attire?
  9. His caw was not used. 2k18 has a feature that enables you to transfer attires from one caw to another. Using someone’s caw should absolutely require a heads up. But that wasn’t the case. The body types aren’t even the same. There was even bread crumbs on shows leading up to this. As Parker said, we would never do an angle like this without protecting everyone involved. This angle has been going on since last summer. This place is fun when we can just watch content as a fan and wishing to see where things go. Anyone who has paid attention knows that this cash in isn’t legitimate. The handler of Sentai did not lose their opportunity. The only handler that could legitimately be effected by this was kd, since kat’s Career was on the line. Kd gave the go ahead after comp took place. Pam and I were trusted to carry things on a much larger scale last summer. Why doubt our intentions now? We are all here to tell a story.
  10. trouble in paradise. And not the good kind.
  11. the tag match was a handicap match since flojo wouldn't tag ; ;
  12. Been Enjoying Justin’s story. Writing even when you aren’t competing is very important. I wish more new comers realized that. Keep up the good work. Looking forward to seeing where you take your character.
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