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Turmoil 174: The Blue Brand's Final Stop to Cide

Nate Ortiz

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Not that I'm one to be racially insensitive; but you should come out with a head dress thingy. Oh! And that axe thingy! Oh;and wrestle in Sandles. Why isn't your finisher and suga full of tomahawk chops????!?!?!




On the bright side, your name is ethnic enough. Which is better than being urban.




Welcome to my kingdom, rag! Pay your taxes and we won't have to put you on a reservation.




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From my sister to the Bleks (with love):



  • Mark Out! 1
"It's like the number zero...It's empty, but at the same time it holds infinite possibilities." - Igor
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From my sister to the Bleks (with love):







  • Mark Out! 3




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Markin out for Bray these last few weeks. broken one stepping it up while other phoning it in. Main evented twice against Turmoil's and arguable ocw's two top characters this season and winning won, and coming close to winning the other.


keep that momentum bray. keep foot on the gas.


and tell ace thanks for getting that abortion.


I aint fit to be a dad.

  • Mark Out! 2
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