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It starts out with an interview, nothing special but a sit down with Kang James and Stacy Clark. Call it what you want but its just a little segment talking about Kang James and his enemy as of right now Vincent Valmont


In the backround is the OCW emblem and what seems to be a black sheet behind Kang. Kang is sitting there in street clothes and you can see Stacy Clark's microphone but what gives it away is being the only female for OCW interviewers so the voice


Stacy Clark goes ahead and ask Kang a question about Vincent Valmont and why he seems to only want Kang James or really wants to take down Kang James


Stacy Clark: Hello there Kang, well as you know I am just hear for an interview with you about your enemy at this time Vincent Valmont and what this means to you right now with dealing with him and any other opponent Mr. Vimes puts you up against.


Kang simply shrugs like it was no biggy, didn't really bother him much


Kang James: It's no biggy really, that pansy whipping fool hasn't even ran into me face to face so I am not even thinking about him but if he does I will be ready to let him know your messing with Kang and if you come stepping Kang will deliver the ass whooping of a lifetime, the pansy beating of a showdown and anything else that goes with it.


You can tell Stacy Clark is trying to think of stuff to ask as this goes along but then comes up with something else while Kang was describing what will happen when and if Vincent Valmont shows his face around Kang James


Stacy Clark: Ahh, well does it get tiring to go up against Main Eventers and great fighters like you have and then turn around and look at Vincent Valmont? I mean I know Vincent does not have the same reputation as some of the guys you have faced but he really seems determined and it's not like he went down easy against an old CCW Champ


Kang James: You see thats the thing, people think Kang cares. It's all about the fans and providing a great show for them to watch and make them wanna come back to see Kang. Not the guy that wins but to see Kang, to see how good he does and people cheer for Kang. They want Kang to win but Kang wants to deliver a good match and thats where Kang is different from all the other OCW Superstars.


Stacy Clark: But won't people stop watching if you always lose? If you perform and don't get the W and just try and make it a good match and nothing says Kang can't do both.


Kang shakes his head like its pointless, some of the greats go there by performing and he knows he will to but people don't seem to remember that.


Kang James: Kang can and has done both just hasn't pulled one out in a while but thats not what matters to Kang. Kang makes a show for the people, However that pansy licking fool will get his ass whooped in the ring. Thats where Kang will perform a show and also perform the executional ass whooping off a life time. Also gotta add in Kang has beaten 2 OCW Champs, one former and one current so when Vincent "the Pansy boy" Valmont did good against an old CCW Champ it didn't intimidate Kang at all.


Stacy Clark looks confused as to when Kang beat the current OCW Champ and how as she doesn't remember to when he did pull out the win against him. She sits there thinking about a question to continue the Vincent Valmont issue and to have conversation about Kangs Career


Stacy Clark: Hmm I don't seem to remember you beating Majin, I know you had issues with him and Kage around the same time but I can't remember when you beat strictly Majin. As for Vincent Valmont and your issue with him do you think Vimes will ever put you up against this man or do you think Vimes is worried about him as much as you are?


Kang James: I think Vimes is worried about him as much as I am but who knows we may see Pansy Boy go up against Kang James in the future if he has the balls. As for when I beat Majin, I beat that transvestite when it was Me vs Him and Brutus was the special ref. I got the 1 and 2 but Brutus broke it up and refused to count the 3.


Stacy Clark: Ahh Ok, well before we head out here let me ask you two things. Would you say you have any regrets in your current OCW career and would you like to leave a message to Vincent Valmont before we officially head out?


Kang sits there and rubs his chin to start and think back about his OCW career and how to continue about trying to get in the head of Vincent Valmont, he then comes up with and idea and his regret.


Kang James: Yea so far Kangs only regret is teaming up with that back stabbing Brady bunch boy to beat Kage. It wasn't like Kang and Kang regrets it and as for Pansy Boy ill need to borrow that mic of yours


Stacy Clark hands Kang James the mic and Kang James takes it and begins to do one of the greatest OCW sounds


Kang James: Haven't done this in a while so it'll feel good but this is to you Pansy boy... KAAAAAAANG!! James is waiting for you



2x International Champion

1x Hardcore Champion

might wanna lighten that blue man it's hard as fuck to read

EST. 2006




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