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Who is Tyro Kraven?


2 x Hardcore Champion (Longest defending OCW champ,19 defences)

1 x NA Champion

1 x Pride Champion

1 x TV Champion

2 x OCW World Heavyweight Champion

F.I Winner 2012

MOTN vs Leonheart @ Wrestlution 7


'Don't worry about no one else, hows my hair look' - Tiberius Dupree

'Wipe you ass and go to bed' - Sensation to B17

Who is Tyro Kraven?


The Next Hardcore Champion!

2k8? I havent figured out 2k7 yet - Big Joe D


I am the First Dutch EX-Champion - The Air

I am the First European EX-Champion - The Air

I am the First True EX-Champion - The Air

Delusional? Not at all! I Speak the Truth, cause I can proof it and the others can't. Those Heavy !@#$%^&& ain't got none on me.

Kage vs. Mayhem. Wow, ill defiantely be looking forward to that match. Not as much as "Bold is an asshole" match

Dane Xavier: cyber bullying is not only illegal, it's pathetic




"I swear to go if you call me a Liberal again you RETHUGLICAN, SEE WHAT I DID THERE.


This is america, if you want to throw your hard earned sweat money on a videogame gambling site and thus deny you and your family food and shelter THAN BY GOD DAMMIT YOU CAN, BECAUSE THIS IS AMERICA YOU COMMIE SOCIALIST.



Now then when Can I expect your next donation?


"- Jay Jay




Double A


"The Weapon




I will be looking forward to redeem my lost chance to get into the future investment match. I will not screw this up !



Finishers: "Where is Tyro?!" (Front,F-U 2)

"Faaaceeebusstaaaaaah!!" ( Back, Facebuster 06)


Signature moves: Oversell punches (Grapple)

Fancy footwork punches (Grapple)

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