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 15-06, 18:20 Tiberius Dupree make him tap with brownie mix


"Booking Wrestling is the most thankless no-win position anyone could ever be in. When things go well it's the talent that makes it work. When they go badly, it's because the Booker doesn't know what he's doing." - Eric Bischoff


Jookie: what website do we upload to againi for got

Our Hero: uploadafraud.com

Jookie: fuck u boricua


"I'm like Smythe, except Good" - Matsuda


OCW works best when it’s a melting pot of different ideas and opinions coming together to create some cool ass shit. It’s at its worst when people are only invested in their own/their pals’ content." - Paul Pugh

"I'm 5,9" - Ry

"I'm sorry if this sounds mean but OCW shouldn't be allowed to vote" - Jake Allen

Guess I'll be the 1st post on the repost ,and again like I said the 1st time great show ,Kaang /Aries greatest match Ive seen in OcW.If there is a better match show me.Can't wait to see Jay aka Vince get whooped ;)



Dorien Arnaud :1x Ambition Champion, 1x hardcore champion

Kat : 1x BombShell Queen

K.Dangelo : 1 TV champion 2x Hardcore Champion 1X North American Champion 2x Tag Team Champion, 1x Pride champion

Espado : 1x Light Heavy Champion


A Vision: By Vincent Valmont

The return of the Vision Review...some very nice stuff on this week's Riot.


Page 1-

We kick off Riot with I-Gen. They address a few things for the night, and it looks like they're ready to play....and i'm not 50! Nice work on the intro.


Trance and Carlos are backstage. Hopefully Trance can protect our worried little mexican from the angry german.


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A upset Evan Knox comes to the ring, and cuts a promo. He does a "Valmont" and plays against the crowd. Knox makes it clear he hate seeing a white rapper hold on to the ex-title, and that if only he was in that ladder match, things might've went different. Sadly for Knox, VFM....I mean LFM? What the hell is the emo on tonight? Anyway, LFM comes to interrupt him. It was nice to hear KottonMouth Kings again, but it isn't the same with a emo coming out to it. :) Looks like Knox will be put into a match made by LFM. I wonder what VFM has to say about this?


Irving comes to the ring, next. He tries to explain his actions from S2R, and what went down between himself and what was thought of a return of the monster himself, Mayhem. What else does Irving have up his sleeve, especially after burying Mayhem alive?


It seems everyone loves coming to the ring in front of the crowd....Smythe Da Wonder makes his way to the ring. He also tries to explain his actions from Turmoil, when he did the most unthinkable and attacked the daughter of Mr.Sensation aka the wife of Nate Ortiz. I'm sure Jaysin might not mind this, but Nate Ortiz might have something to say about this? Surprisingly, Nate doesn't come out to get a piece of SDW. Instead it's.....Spoonman. Nice impromtu match being setup here, as CFC vs SDW tonight.


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Carlos and Trance are chilling backstage, some more. Cruz still being the paranoid mexican that he is. Aries comes knocking at the lockeroom door, and makes himself at home. What does these 3 have planned?


Evan Knox vs "Wonderful" Wesley 4/5 - This match started off pretty even. Both only getting offensive off reversals, which there was alot of. Nice style points for the annoying lil' Smythe. Some nice markouts in this match, and close pinfalls. Why does everyone use britney spears in their matches these days? Props to the fin reversals by both Knox and Wesley. This match was down to the bone. Even though Wesley had this match tooken early, Knox made a small comeback and gotten Wesley red first. I won't spoil the winner, but congrats on the hard fought W. Both of these wrestlers deserve a future shot at the ex-title, imho.


We cut backstage to the I-Gen lockeroom between Leon...LFM, and Gaines. It seems Gaines is finally getting this whole being a manager thing down, and has books to guide him. Sadly LFM doesn't have a book to guide himself from depression. Nice RP guys, interested to see who LFM goes up against tonight.


Chris Mania vs Smythe Da Wonder 3.5/5 - Props to Smythe in his intro. The little slow motions was markworthy. A pretty offensive match from both wrestlers. Both was relentless on attacking. Not many reversals in this match which I was surprised with. Then something I predicted earlier in the show finally happens, as a "certain" someone comes to interrupt and costing the match. I won't spoil it, but I marked. Good work on the ending, I want to see more between these two as the plot thickens more.


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Another promo cut backstage between Aries, Trance, and Carlos. After having a small business talk, Aries leaves. Trance, and Carlos are about to leave for the night as Trance tells one of the only officers around to secure Carlos while he goes to the car to put the luggage away. Sadly what Carlos predicted, and Trance didn't see coming. Ryder turns out to the the officer in disguise as he gets his revenge on Carlos, a little too late for Trance on the save.


Parker vs Omega - Hardcore Championship 3.5/5 - I never said this yet in my reviews, but I like the new attire of Parker's and his intro. Both of these wrestlers have been on a hot streak lately, and both coming off hard fought maches from the PPV. We'll see if Omega being LHVY will have any effect on a hardcore heavyweight in a hardcore title match? Parker started off strong, landing combos and being aggressive...and why wouldn't he? He loses, he's fired! Just like a Parker match, a guitar has to be busted in pieces. For a hardcore match it only gets interesting when weapons comes into play, and so once this match went outside it went into another level. Nice addition with the ladder, kinda disappointed it didn't get used more and that table didn't get broken into. But nice peformance from both men and congrats to the winner on his hard fought W.


Just like a nice promo from the attitude era, Nate Ortiz doesn't take no garbage from fat average joe securtiy guards as he beats them down, and continue to try and track down Smythe who is on the run.


Kang vs Aries 3.5/5- What was seemed to be booked between Kang and MMM doesn't happen. Instead Aries comes to the ring in replace of MMM, it would've been better with a intro from Aries. Another nice impromtu match between 2 guys with similiar style of fighting. Alot of striking and reversals in this match. Some nice fin reversals in this match too. I would've expected more storyline being put into this match, and the ending was nice. Is this the beginning of something worse for Aries?


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Main Event - ??? vs ??? - Impressive match between two champions who are also coming off impressive victorys from the PPV. Both of these men are also on hot streaks. Match was down to the wire with a great bunch of reversals. I can honestly say I wasn't surprised at who won this match. I think what hurt the loser of this match was that he targeted the body too much early in this match, and it led to him getting red first, but props to him for playing strong and fighting off a relentless offensive attack. I lol'ed at the botched running grapple which lead to a arm drag, and a powerbomb outside the ring. Wished I would've seen a chair shot, but then I marked for the ending. I havn't seen that kick in a while.


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The infamous Page 6 if you want to call it, or the finale. If you have seen the ending to the main event then the ending to Riot is no surprise. Mr. Jaysin Sensation himself cuts a promo. Sensation lets I-Gen know that him and VFM are smarter than them. Jaysin takes his stabs at the members of I-Gen, and announces a few matches for the Anniversary special on Riot next week. Earlier in the show I-Gen said they're ready to play, but Jaysin says that play time is over. Nice ending to a very nice storyline driven Riot.






OCW's 2008's Most Improved Wrestler

2x OCW Heavyweight Champion

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