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Aiden Ryan

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Aiden Ryan last won the day on October 22 2012

Aiden Ryan had the most liked content!


  • Location
    New York


  • Interests
    MMA & Soccer


  • Xbox Live GamerTag
    O So Real O

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Newb (1/14)



  1. theaidenryan hit me up on AIM. I'd like to talk
  2. Aren't you supposed to be a heel? Haha, I feel the same way man.
  3. U heard u wanted to talk, sorry I was at basketball but hit me up I'm PM or at theaidenryan on aim
  4. aim: theaidenryan
  5. Thanks for the corrective criticism but, do you mind going more in depth of why I didn't look that great? I would like to be able to correct it for my next match, so I don't make the same mistake. In my opinion I thought out match was pretty good, I didn't think it was one-sided either. In the beginning I did some damage, hit a big spot.. second half of the match he did some damage and hit the awesome finish. Looking forward to hearing your advise so I can make sure not make the same mistake again.
  6. If you need any more references or anything, just me me know.
  7. Thank you to all of the Vets' that have taken the time to help us rooks out wether it be post-Ambition critiques or in DMs. I think I have talked to all of the rooks now at least once, so I think I can honestly say that we're all taking in all of your guys's feedback and trying to use it to better ourselves. I know for myself that my experience in OCW has been nothing short of awesome, and its been extremely fun working with someone as motivated as a guy like Hollywood. I'm grateful to say that so far there have been numerous guys that have been there helping me with my introduction to OCW and I can't thank them enough. I personally promise every week I will try to get better and put on an entertaining show whether its via RP or Match. #imtryingtobeface
  8. Haha thanks, and I already did :). The attire and hairstyle in the Video Segment is the new look of my CAW.
  9. Aiden Ryan is seen lounging back in one of the 10,834-seats inside the heart of the Van Andel Arena located in Grand Rapids, Michigan home to the upcoming Ambition 34 event. Aiden is reclined in the chair with his hands behind his head and his feet propped up on the seats in front of him, with his eyes closed and a noticeable grin on his face, he begins to speak as the camera zooms in closer.. Aiden: Adam, I heard what you said yesterday, and it got me thinking.. and you want to know something? "You're completely right". I was jealous, I was jealous of the fact that someone like yourself.. someone as mediocre and down-right awful as yourself was getting the attention and push that I deserved.. Aiden looks down and starts to laugh to himself quietly... Aiden: But it was a third-rate company, full of rednecks and scumbags.. so its no surprise that you were so loved, you were one of 'em. He looks up and stares at the screen, the grin wiped off his face.. Aiden: And I guess you could say I'm calling you out, because I need to show everyone in attendance, and everyone backstage what skill and true entertainment looks like and I'm going to prove my point, that I belong here and you don't. Aiden Ryan is noticeably getting more angry and while he is in deep thought he runs his fingers through his hair, takes a deep breath and then begins to talk again.. Aiden: But Adam yesterday you crossed the line.. you can talk all you want about my in-ring abilities and my talent, but you have no idea what I've been through in my life, and you have no right to talk about personal life and my past because its something you'll never understand... Aiden pauses.. Aiden: So just keep drinking those beers Adam, because this Sunday at Ambition I'm going to tear you apart, I'm going let you feel the same pain I felt as a child. Adam, this sunday I'm going to break you.
  10. Sitting on one of the wooden benches inside the OCW Men's Locker Room, there is Aiden Ryan shaking his head and laughing quietly to himself, while looking at the ground. He takes a breath and slowly lifts his head up looking at the camera, revealing a grin.. he begins to speak.. Aiden : Adam Rictor.. man does that name sound familiar, could it be? The same Adam Rictor, the "Pillar of Technical Wrestling". The same man that claimed he could wipe the floor with everyone that came through South City Wrestling, even that "Naive Kid from London", you never got that chance though, since I was called up to the big leagues with half of the years of experience you have, and you want to know why? I'm entertainment, but nonetheless here you are! You've made it after years of wrestling in High School gyms, you finally made it, Congratulations, really I mean it. Aiden starts laughing.. but trying to keep a straight face, he begins to talk again You're right about one thing, you shouldn't be ashamed to call yourself a Professional Wrestler, but maybe you should be more focused on how you're going to keep your self afloat in this shark tank when all you have going for you, is headlocks, and arm drags...and then you have the insolence to disrespect something you don't understand.. Aiden's smile turns into an irritated and offended look.. Look at you, you're calling my lifestyle a disgrace, because I have tattoos and piercings, but mate, you're the disgrace to this sport. Begging these fans, these minions to support you, its sad, it really is because, guys like me.. we don't need to ask or plead for them to want to see us, they might hate me, despise me, and dislike what I stand for, but they respect my abilities, and they envy what I can do inside a ring, and every since I started doing this, people have filled seats to see me go in the ring because they want to see excitement, not chin locks, and toe holds. Aiden takes another deep breath... But hey, maybe you'll finally get your chance, to beat that Naive Kid.
  11. Its like dancing sitting down. Squeeze - tap release - twist. Left hand - right foot - left hand - right hand. In a perfect rhythm and sequence, Aiden is riding his brand new BMW K1200r motorcycle, he never thought he could afford. Blurring by the tight spaces of Pennsylvania Avenue and West St. in the Big Apple. Its tuesday night, and he is two blocks away from Madison Square Garden, where the OCW 8 Year Anniversary Show is going to take place. As Aiden approaches 34 St., home to MSG he yanks the throttle back and starts flying, weaving in and out of the bumper to bumper traffic. As he is slaloming through the extensive rows of traffic he begins to think about the news he heard earlier today. Aiden: I can't believe this. This is my chance, my opportunity to show management that I belong here, and Im not just some misunderstood, depressed child... He can already start to see the lights, the signs, and his heart begins to fill with so many different emotions. Anticipation, nerves, and everything in between, he is beginning to find it hard to concentrate on driving.. and in a moments notice, he arrives, he pulls off to the side, puts his kick-stand out, takes off his helmet and just looks up at the historic venue, and admires it for everything it represents...he appreciates and understands the level of professionalism and dedication it takes to get to perform in there and all he can do is marvel at it all, the almost incomprehensible feelings and rush you must get to be apart of it.. I didn't get this far to not compete, I will show everyone who I am. I will show everyone my dedication to this sport, and I will not fail at accomplishing my intentions, and achieving the prosperity that I have sacrificed my life for. Aiden takes a deep breath.. I promise you, whoever this may concern, my avidity, my ambition will not be concealed. The scene fades out
  12. Sitting on a cold, hard steel chair in the backstage area of the OCW Arena only accessible to staff and wrestlers, there is Aiden, looking down at the ground marveling in wonder about all the incomprehensible events that have transpired in his life these last few weeks. He still can't believe that a young troubled youth like himself has made it all the way across the "pond" to OCW, the biggest wrestling promotion in the states, and yet all he can do is reflect on the hard path that he had to take to get here.. In a low soft voice, Aiden starts talking to himself, and almost as though a full audience is listening. Aiden: Nothing about this has been easy, ever since I can remember, I was always being picked on and ridiculed because of my small stature and my incompetence to communicate with others and my inability to express my emotions like everyone else. I dont know why I was always like that, maybe its because my father left me and my mother, giving us a broken home? Never having my place of security or safe haven, maybe its because I never had anyone I could turn to when I had problems, questions, or just when I needed to talk. I never understood how to make bonds with others, or the importance of relationships. I could even blame the hell that is South East London, my origin, my home, where everyday, came the constant fear of the presence of crime and the possibility of being victim to it.. Aiden pauses, and takes a deep breath.. That doesn't matter now though, time went on, I matured, and you see as I got older I learned something, I learned how to use these fists, these weapons... Aiden picks his head up revealing a sly grin on his face, and the scene fades out
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