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Versus last won the day on June 27 2017

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About Versus


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    I've done it all 10x over. Until you do it, don't speak to me.


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    In only the most lavish of spreads.


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    Smoking weed, winning Gold.


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    I wrestle.


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  1. Probably the best in OCW by far.
  2. *Submission is July 1st, not June. Jay hates the month of June so much, he ignores it's very existence.
  3. 2nd runner up!!
  4. Sekkind!!!!
  5. I don't know how you're balancing it. I assume H2O will have a horrid drinking/crack problem by the time he's late twenties, early thirties. Can't deal with all that shit and end up normal.
  6. I'ma review this show - The review. Riot opens up with the greatest interview segment in OCW history. Things happen, things are said. I don't know what else to say about this writer, except it's better than anything on any screen, ever. Next up, my man KD with a dark room/white-t message for a bunch of sissies. Cort, Ed, Ed, Ding...apparently, they're all going to walk away with broken necks and take a place in the garden. It's ok, I hear KD is a great greenskeeper. I've secretly been growing weed in his garden for years. I don't think he knows...I put on fake glasses and moustache on them, so they'll fit right in. Johnny got gifted a fucked up mug from Mugen...or...MUGen....get it? No? Didn't work? Well fuck you then. So, what the hell's an amber lamp? Waiter seems kinda chill for a woman choking on the floor, no? Like "Oh, look at that, chicks passed out...fuck it, here's your menus." I'm so lost...why is the waiter angry about dudes ordering donuts...is this a reference to a past RP? Sorry if I didn't get it. Although, I'm very impressed with your knowledge of the Italian language. H20...brah...I'm surprised you're not working the afternoon shift, giving handjobs for blow in some shithole strip club you got so many daddy issues. Fahhhhhk dude. Like the father son version of Ike and Tina...look it up you young assholes. Let me start off by saying Tibby's RP's are some of my absolute favorite to read. Even if it's as simple as a 2 paragraph rip on Pugh, it's still has these little nuances that only come with experience and talent. For instance the line about laughing better than you...just adds depth to the ego that is Kneesus. Back to donut pizza! Long story short, they got the info they were looking for...kinda and Johnny Law is a lego stealing piece of shit. Fun RP, I'm gonna have to go back a few shows, and catch up. Truth serum is always fun. Big Ed v. Austin Lee...or, as I like to call it, Opie v. Flash Gordon! Solid back and forth, but it seems like once Big Ed got a head of steam, he was unstoppable, only took like 4 grapples to get him orange. I guess it helps to be a giant biker with a beard shaped by the gods themselves. Dimsmore, the Ace! He ain't happy with you painty face! Not one bit. Savage Lands teaser...Savage Lands: Land of the savages! More RP'ing from the mind and fingertips of a swell guy. Debbie just green misting bitches for no reason. Bro...can H2O get some f'n stability in his life? This episode should be called "H2O's a toilet for everyone he cares about". Shit! Ed....just...4 lines, and one of them was "Big Jap Titties". Elegant. Ohhhh Anna...smokin in the girls room. I like your style. ...did H20 just caw like a fucking eagle? I find it funny that neither H20 or Baker seemed to allow the other person to get ground moves or anything on Blek. It's like they're fighting to be his BFF. "I'll save you!" Reminder, BFF attack plans never work out. She speaks! Drago's dome ain't right. BUUUUUUUTTT...really, who in OCW's is right?! Except Madison...her dome is on point. (Get it?) Dims getting dropped head first onto a monitor outside the ring was a cool looking spot...not for Dims, but to watch as an unbiased viewer. Missed divebomb and the tantrum in the ring looked great as well. Scaggs is right, this shit's just plain unsafe. AHAAHAH! Chair shot from behind, and Mugens head bounces off all 3 turnbuckles on the way down, hahaa. Solid match, definitely concussed peoples in there tho.
  7. How I picture Cort. http://i.lvme.me/2ioosox.jpg ...and I like it!
  8. Not dead.
  9. Had to look deep into the archives for this one: http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d103/JDVS/sbomber.jpg
  10. You gon' have a herrrt attack.
  11. 12 years...holy crap. OCW's only 2 years younger than Baker. Glad to be a bit of a cornerstone, and hopefully keep the smiles coming. It's about giving back. Also, I still can't believe Nate was only like 15 when I started talking with him. I'm pretty sure he's Benjamin Buttons, or he's really like 42. Also, Cookies BRUH!!
  12. I think that if you plan on using Twitch, it's probably best to immediately check your video manager to make sure that the match was capped, and is around the amount of time you expected. That's what I plan on doing, besides maybe getting a cap card, or having Dennis over for tea and scrumpets so he can show me how to do all the mumbo jumbo he just said.
  13. That's great to know, ahead of time. If you told me after, I would have been really mad at you from my coffin.
  14. Hahahaah. That intro had me fired up, I'm about ready to go start a fight with the cops. All of them at once. Should end well.
  15. Yeah, I'm bumpin my own shit. Can't let the leaf cover the golden temple, ya know?
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