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*Disclaimer, this RP was inspired by the writers of British Comedy Peep Show*


Now then let us set the scene. Dan Syndrome awakes in a heart shaped bed in the pent house of one of Las Vegas' most prestigous Hotels and Casinos. His memory a mystery to him he scans the room for some clue as to where he'd been and where he was supposed to go.


Stumbling like a reptile he staggers toward the bathroom noting on his way two tickets to London England on the coffee table.


"Two Tickets?" he mutters to himself quizzically.


As he enters the bathroom he takes a moment to vomit into the bathtub, head still spinning, he then turns to the sink vomits again and looks up into the mirror. As he tries to collect himself he suddenly has the vagest tinge of memory.


"Yesterday I did a .... baad thing" He ponders to himself, the guilt and nuasea of his actions rife in his guts but the details of the deed still a mystery.


Minutes later after all the bile and stomach acids had passed up from his stomach and out of his mouth Dan Syndrome felt it was time to unravel the mystery of his bad deed, he may need to flee or at the very least apologise to... someone.


Syndrome heads to the minibar looking for clues and some degree of sustinance to settle his didgy bowels however finds it completelt barren.


Suddenly a flashback to him and an mystery assailant playing minibar polo on BMX's in the Hotel lobby, someone else's hotel.


"Who is the other person... they're the clue to this mystery. Was that the bad thing... no it was worse" Syndrome concludes.


Syndrome collapses and is taken into another flashback involving Syndrome dressed as shaft and his mystery partner in a wedding dress driving a golf cart into a magic show then getting chased by a tiger from the establishment.


Syndrome snaps back to reality, has an epithamy and snaps his head around to the balcony where he comes eye to eye with a white Bengal Tiger who seems just as groggy as Syndrome. He then notices a Tiger sized reefa on the table on the balcony.


One more time Syndrome is whisked back to his fleeting memory and recalls himself and the tiger sharing a joint whilst the person in a Wedding dress lies face in a bowl of ether.


Syndrome still not convinced he has recalled the "baad thing" goes back to looking for clues having decided the best course of action is to leave the tiger where it is and let the maid deal with it later.


Syndrome starts to pack after his method of staring blankly around the room alloted no more clues, he goes into a white Elvis jump suit he seemed to come by the night before, he finds stuffed in the cumberbund a certificate at marriage. Heart racing Syndrome tries to focus his split vision on the name of his new partner.


"Maybe it wouldn't be so bad being married to a hooker" he desperatley thinks to himself.


But all to soon the grim truth is staring Dan Syndrome square in the face and simultaneously he hears a knock from within one of the rooms closets. He sheepishly goes over to investigate opens the door and Pugh slumps out unconceous wearing a wedding dress.


Pugh stirs looks up at Dan Syndrome who is literally seconds away from vomiting once again. Pugh looks down at his attire then looks over to the balcony.



"I did a baaad thing Dan" Pugh exclaims


Syndrome stops vomiting to ask "W-W--We're not married... are we?"


"I wish" Pugh states "B-B-But that's not your marriage certificate... look at the grooms name!"


Syndrome re-examines the certificate and makes out the grooms name to be 'Mittens el Tigre'. Shocked Syndrome looks to Pugh to ask... but stops when he sees Pugh sniffing his hand and beggining to cry:


"I have Tiger seaman on my back..." Pugh states, Syndrome vomits.


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