Gabe Richards Posted November 27, 2007 Posted November 27, 2007 THE LAST ONE EDITION
Gabriel Alpha Posted November 27, 2007 Posted November 27, 2007 Great show, I would comment more but I have just come off a night shift and prob won't make much sense! Beaur for me u stood out!
Seth Irving Posted November 27, 2007 Posted November 27, 2007 video at the bottom of page 1 isnt loading for me. Any one else have this problem?
The Steve Posted November 27, 2007 Posted November 27, 2007 Awwww, no one got to see me in my '08 goodness. :( Sensation: "I'm an ignorant hispanic."
Parker Posted November 27, 2007 Posted November 27, 2007 Good solid show with some very good rp's especially from bauer,with a solid match from him also, i was rooting for bauer as i refuse to support anybody with matt spears' hair! deano vs air was also a good match but i didnt get to see the end of that as my comp wouldnt play it, but spot of the night goes 2 deano for his rope choke/top rope body splash spot. trips vs rd was entertaining but rd pinning after the spear just looked wierd. 2 x Hardcore Champion (Longest defending OCW champ,19 defences) 1 x NA Champion 1 x Pride Champion 1 x TV Champion 2 x OCW World Heavyweight Champion F.I Winner 2012 MOTN vs Leonheart @ Wrestlution 7 'Don't worry about no one else, hows my hair look' - Tiberius Dupree 'Wipe you ass and go to bed' - Sensation to B17
Deano Horse Posted November 27, 2007 Posted November 27, 2007 I also had that problem Michaels. Great show everyone. Another great week from CCW. I just hate it how there is no discussion for the show whatsoever. I enjoyed the Main event and its that which gets my vote for MOTN. I think everyone worked really hard on the RP's this week great job. Lots of props to people who submitted a RP. The DeanoHomo Club Member Kip Conrad
The Air Posted November 27, 2007 Posted November 27, 2007 Take care Gabe. 2k8? I havent figured out 2k7 yet - Big Joe D I am the First Dutch EX-Champion - The Air I am the First European EX-Champion - The Air I am the First True EX-Champion - The Air Delusional? Not at all! I Speak the Truth, cause I can proof it and the others can't. Those Heavy !@#$%^&& ain't got none on me.
NOMAD Posted November 28, 2007 Posted November 28, 2007 Any1 else think that Paul Pugh looks like a sort of Brad Pitt fight club kind of guy? I actually prefer his 08 look to 07. 1 x International Champion 1 x Tag Team Champion
Gabriel Alpha Posted November 28, 2007 Posted November 28, 2007 I'm sorry to ask this but how do we get payments for the matches and rps, I can't find that guy they said to pm, but maybe I am missing it, can someone put up a link? or explain the procedure?
Michael Morrison Posted November 28, 2007 Posted November 28, 2007 Man... that first match brought back some good memories. Who can't love the table glitch where you fall off the table but your opponent remains hovering in the air above and then rams himself through the table somehow. Voodoo in that hoodoo. A quarter of the way through Deano v. Air, I thought Deano was definitely going to win it, but he just couldn't sneak his finisher in there. Air manages to counter two finishers and kept himself in the match for quite some time and even had a shot at pulling off the upset. Banjo, thanks for the "legendary" status in your interview. Although I don't consider myself a legend, I appreciate it, none the less. And here's to Nemesis and his slow "I'm so badass I don't have to run after my prey" chase technique... which will hopefully buy you enough time to evade him further - as long as you don't trip in the woods or something. Banjo's match against rookie Jason Michaels was interesting. Jason was going after Banjo's legs like he was Stacy Keibler or something. Spot of the match had to be when Jason ran right into a Spine Bustaaaaaa. I will give Jason points on his CAW, though. The face stands out... obviously the hair as well. The overall look is different, so he sticks out. That's a good thing when you're in a league responsible for 7 foot clowns, Gothic Cowboys and Sensei's with flowing, golden locks. Oh snaps, Ryder flips the script on Reed and delivers a 3rd degree burn by pointing out it was Reed and Strider who lost the Tag Titles to Team Underdog. I guess it shows him right for trying to slap the label of "dead weight" onto his former "Movement" members. For shame, Reed. As for Bauer's match against Matt "Don't Call Me Heaton" Spears; I gotta say the ending was a nice entertaining touch. Brad Bauer gets robbed... and not just one of those, "Hey give me your wallet", lame crackhead robberies, but one of those, Terminator punching a hole through your friend and then turning to you only to say, "Your clothes... give them to me." That kind of robbery. Paul Pugh goes Y2J on us with his LDN countdown... did I see "lightsaber" in there? Anyways, he enters Y2J style and dawns some retro Miami Vice gear as he interrupts Jason Michaels... who honored us with this brilliant piece of RP'ing, "Jason laughs as he struts around the ring cockily" This quote would only be rivaled by Deano's, "I have had so much sex lately I'm not sure who's been Deano'd and who hasn't." If he keeps it up, I might have to start bringing a sign that says, "I came to Turmoil to see Deano Horse." Keep on rocking the casbah, brah. In the main event, it looked like Trips might have had the jitters, which is common when facing a champion. You know they're a champion for a reason and it ain't gonna be easy, so you tend to over think or over defend in hopes that you won't make a mistake. In the end you realize that they're only human... all too human. In a nut shell, Trips gave it his darndest but got his Mutt Sack to go. Just know this, RD... I'm watching you very closely. I know you better than you think and when I return... money ain't a thang. :P
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