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OCW RIOT- January 17th, 2008

Vic Vimes

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Cant watch at work :(


However if not tonight, tomorrow, ill comment mroe on the show.

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Not sure how often ill be able to give a full review like this but I will try and do one each week. This Riot was very good and deserves a review.



(contains spoilers)

I give this show ***1/2 (out of **** very very strong show)


I did not know Smythe won matches, I guess times have changed while I was away...or maybe it was a fluke. Non the less it was a solid match and I would hate to have been the referee having to raise Smythe's hand after how many times he spat in it.


I deffinitly wouldnt mind seeing Nate vs Blake. The Ohio song to end that promo was classic.


Anthony Martin must be new havent seen much of him but that was a big win over the veteran Blade. Martin was able to come up big at the end and hit the flying elbow drop which was reversed earlier in the match. Im digging the sharpshooter finisher.


Ladder match between Blood and Strider AWESOME! For EX Title NICE ADDITION! ...and also for one half of the tag titles?!? Very interesting. Especially with the Reed Strider issues surfacing. Could this be the beggining of the end for BDTT? Good stuff.


Chino vs Kang was very very close. Chinos entrance gets a thumbs up had me chuckling. Dont know much about Kang but it was a good showing from him Chino is no easy push over.


The attack from behind from V.V. was well played out. The heat between these two has been building up quite well. Looking forward to the future match.


Hardcore match we deffinitly my favorite of the night. It went back and forth. The match ending was awesome starting with the back and forth chair shots being reversed. It was that moment that you knew whoever got that chair shot in would get the upper hand and most likely win. Stevens nailed it followed it up with a splash to the outside and then an elbow drop to the outside to finish. Incredible match VERY VERY good favorite of the night for sure.


My Return...no comment other then its good to be back. Now I just need a fight!


Matt Wilson making an apperance was good to see. Hopefully sooner than later the Maniac will be back to full time duty. It was a nice touch adding in the clips refreshing everyone of why youve been out of action.


I must have missed this whole Guy and Poison religious thing going on. Interesting though it was only fitting for Versus to show up. Like the finish of versus hitting the stunner into the cutter (yeah its been awhile I cant remember the exact names finisher names...feel free to refresh me with them). Guess there was no God to save Poison from that out come I was waiting for VS to get involved and he did. Good showing along with promo. Oh highlight of the RP was playing that video in slo mo and having it reveal a Ninja lowering down to change the Polls on the computer. Classic.


And then we get to the end of the show...DAMN! One hell of a promo and the ending video was very well done with the editing. Ill mention of few of the things that stood out in that final segment.


-Blakes entrance, the opening with the lips adds a very nice touch I must say.


-Majins hip thrust following his moves always get me laughing

-Nate running out to save Tiffany only to get nailed in the head with the title, busted open, then conchairtoed to the head by the boss. Terrible just terrible.

-Great editing

-This looks to be a promosing fued


Well that was my input on this weeks Riot take it for what it is. Great show!






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Just a few observations, good show overall.


Smythe needs to tune down the high damaged grapples, all of his strongs did over 14. Unneccessary, especially vs. a LHVY.


Kang did better than I expected, was pulling for him at the end.


I didn't like the finish to the Hardcore title match. Aren't we suppose to wait for pain animations to end?


I apologize for the grapple finisher, it was suppose to be a turn facing front to cutter, but I just said screw it and hit it off the grapple.


Majin is a video editing god.

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HOLY FUCK RIOT IS THE SHIT! its like a mini PPV with all the Cameos fucking hell, good fucking job kids.
 15-06, 18:20 Tiberius Dupree make him tap with brownie mix


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Damn, what a show, so far. From, reading the reviews, and watching the first 2 pages, I must say, I've never been this anxious to see the rest of Riot, in a long time. I will give my full review on it, tomorrow, along with, the first Turmoil, and my review on that.

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