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Real easy show to read. Felt nice to sit down and read the show start to finish. I’ve enjoyed the RPs/Vid RPs a lot more than the actual matches. Not because of FPR issues or uninterested in the matches but there’s only so much 2k19 you can watch before it’s like meh.


Some small thoughts & comments on what I remember off the top of my head while at work.


Wrex v. Kass:

Real nice to see Wrex & Kass on TV. Very interesting to see Kass damn near pull the match back after Wrex pulled his signature gassing out. Ended in the dick punch which I don’t know how you’d really feel. Kass made Wrex’s life a living hell so this is sort of a payback moment? Or could this be a moment where Wrex solidifies himself as this careless person and maybe Kass is truly becoming a good guy? Interesting stuff curious to see where it plays out.


Wrex & Kass Backstage Promo:

I probably should’ve talked about this first but fug it. Very solid promo and we see Wrex is still his normal, bitter, rage fueled self. And of course Kass is continuing the apology tour and even PERSONALLY said I’m sorry to Wrex! Very interesting! But as we see Wrex is ready to go to war tonight for everything Kass has done to him over the last year. Is it just me or could Kass be working this slow burn mega heel turn which would be quite marvelous cause I don’t dislike the face stuff and being Alpha Gamer Kass but Papa Kass or even Dr. Kass -eye emoji to you Kass- makes me happier. Moving onward.


Sparks, Quartz, and Ryu Promo:

I get it life happens, interest falls in and out, and a number of other things. But this just seemed like a more bullying promo from Quartz than trying to get Sparks head straight. Sure that’s probably the point of it but cmon man, you seen what the dummy went through with B17 pre & post Doom Machine. Kids fucked in the head! Give him some therapy you big fucking oaf!


Colin Promo:

Now while I’m usually excited for this stuff seeing that Archer is still involved with him is... meh. I’ll comment about the Archer promo in a moment but, I feel like colin got the win, he should move on now. Whether that’s for a title, a new feud, or starting a mariachi band. The Archer story while it was awesome is done in my eyes. They’ve been going at it for a long time and there’s only so much you can do with trying to annoy a capitalist fatty like Archer.


Thomas Archer Promo:

Something that OCW at times blurs a bit is straight up faces & straight up heels. I feel like a lot of characters prefer teeter tottering between good and bad when they can/want. Now this isn’t a big ordeal or even a bad thing this just helps show just how much of a prick Archer is. He knows he has money, he knows he has connections, and he refuses to be told no or receive a loss. I’m curious to see where he and B17 go after their little interaction at Clash as well. A fresh face in the CCW title scene that is credible, and a different challenge for the champion.


Colby & Danny Video:

God damn Danny looks GREAT with that International Championship. I like seeing where he’s going with being champion and how he’s handling it. But now? Oh boy, you just got probably one of the BIGGEST challenges you could’ve gotten as more than likely your second title defense. Colby didn’t really listen to his dad all to well and still stuck his nose in Dominion’s/Danny’s business and asserted himself here. A fresh challenger, for a fresh champion is amazing. But these are TWO BIG MEATY MEN. And I can’t wait for them to slap meat.




That’s all I got for now I may pick back up when I get home if I remember. Or I might not no promises.

  • Mark Out! 7
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I just wished [TY Sparks] would use this opportunity a bit more.


You and me both.


Thank you for your review. Very detailed. I wish more people were like you in life and in OCW.

  • Mark Out! 1


President and leading member of the Paul Pugh Fan Club. We love KidEgo


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The Reese Roleplay Rundown



First up is OCW’s newest rookie who I think is meant to be a good gal, but then makes fun of Joanna for being husky.


I liked the whole Valcano idea and the binder and drawing was fun, just not a fan of rehashing fat jokes when I’m a meaty slam man myself.


Hollywood USA/MMM


Interesting kidnapping angle to say the least, though it’s obviously more so a Jehst feud I’m glad Cort is along for the ride. I wouldn’t want to take on the deranged MMM on my own, especially if he’s sneaking in hooded mannequins to the arena without being noticed.


Is it perhaps a foreshadowing that Cort doesn’t seem to ever be there when something goes wrong or creepy? I dunno what do you think? Is it going to be made to seem like it’s all in Jehsts head like he’s gone full Britney Spears?




Interesting developments if it’s a tag team, I just hope Sidhant doesn’t look like the racial parody he sounds. Although poor guy is going to wind up travelling on a bi-plane or something, I don’t see Elliott having the pull to get the dude a contract.




It’s Tucky! And he’s back! He’s also still a hippy.





Poor TY just seems to float from one abusive stable to another, this time it’s Quartz he’s not good enough for despite Spiders teachings. They do say those that can’t, teach, so if Spider can’t teach does that mean he can do? He now has to go out and find a way to prove he belongs in the company of the new storm.


Colin Locke


Colin wishes he could use his legs enough to walk out and see the crowd.




Evelyn smokes weed and sneaks into peoples houses with the Japanese translator. Terra is obviously not happy about that and gives Evelyn a warning that Valk would do well to heed also.




It’s going to be fucking Mantis.


Wrestling Club


They clown around and rib one another for a bit about card position and being the most beaten tag team in OCW.




They build their upcoming match whilst quickly acknowledging their past. Wrex wants to snap necks, Kass just wants Wrex to mentally heal from his trauma.




TBLS gets across that he completely changed B17, then Cobra laughs at the psychopathic pyromaniac who’s meant to be creepy, this shitting all over the characters vibe. Sure, it’s hokey and dumb, but at least try and work within people’s characters.




Confrontation between the two, again calling back to history. A bit wordy but ends with a cracking line. ‘You won’t take the people from the peoples champion.’ I feel like that accomplished more than the rest of what Valkyrie said.




He sells his past defences well, it’ll be interesting to see how the rest of it unfolds.




I really hate the Frenchize nickname, but here we have Rust who garnered sympathy now going back to his heel faction, I assume there’s a direction it’s going in that required the gang to get back together.



And that completes my very brief summary of what was written on the show.

  • Mark Out! 8


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