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Hi Folks, Keygan Melly bringing youthis breaking news! Friday night is lit as the kids would say. However lit wasn't necessarily a good term to describe this local Brooklyn neighborhood home. It caught fire some time on Friday night and burned to the ground before fire fighters could come extinguish the blaze. The ownership of the home in question was long wondered about by local residents.


By all accounts a group of men now inhabited the house, but a woman could be seen coming and going often as well. The home at one point belonged to James Cornelius Black a long time Brooklyn resident. When looking into what he does for a living we do find he has been employed by wrestling promotion OCWFED for quite some time. 


It appears Mr. Black lived in the home until sometime in 2023 before the deed was transferred to a shell corporation. Looking up the corporation Worm Corp leads only to the initials of C.P.U. otherwise all of the information has been redacted. When we reached out to local government officials we could only confirm the corporation was registered but nothing more. 

This fire shocked a quite neighborhood. In talking with some of the locals they are a bit confused about the entire arrangement. Cohn Pharter a resident of the neighborhood for the last 40 years took some time to speak with us. Here is what he had to say. 


"Those guys started showing up and most people were scared they would cause a ruckus. They looked weird and would leave at all hour of the night but were otherwise quiet good neighbors. One of the guys did knock down a fence once but it was immediately repaired."


Mr. Pharter continued to say he did vaguely catch some figures leaving the scene Friday night. 

"An older looking guy who clearly dyes his hair blonde to hide the gray and a man with long hair thinning hair sporting a French accent got in a loud car and sped away. I hope the police catch these hooligans, that red head fella I never caught his name but he has not caused any trouble in our neighborhood"


We have reached out to OCWFED for comment regarding the situation but sadly no one has replied to our request for comment at this time. It will be interesting to find out just who was inhabiting the home and why it was set ablaze. If you have any tips or saw anything you are encouraged to email or call the Worm Corp public phone number of 888-DNS-WORM (367-9676).



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