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Match of The Night & Show Rating Voting  

11 members have voted

  1. 1. Match Rating

    • 90-100
    • 80-90
    • 70-80
    • 60-70
  2. 2. Match of the Night!

    • Main Event - Wrex vs. Rust Cohle
    • B17 vs. Mugen
    • Underground Elite vs. The Pivot
    • Junko Jirrota vs. BELLE
    • Kassidy Hayes vs. Nate Ortiz
    • Extreme Rules - Samsin Simsin vs. Mad Dawg Davis

This poll is closed to new votes

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 15-06, 18:20 Tiberius Dupree make him tap with brownie mix


"Booking Wrestling is the most thankless no-win position anyone could ever be in. When things go well it's the talent that makes it work. When they go badly, it's because the Booker doesn't know what he's doing." - Eric Bischoff


Jookie: what website do we upload to againi for got

Our Hero: uploadafraud.com

Jookie: fuck u boricua


"I'm like Smythe, except Good" - Matsuda


OCW works best when it’s a melting pot of different ideas and opinions coming together to create some cool ass shit. It’s at its worst when people are only invested in their own/their pals’ content." - Paul Pugh

"I'm 5,9" - Ry

"I'm sorry if this sounds mean but OCW shouldn't be allowed to vote" - Jake Allen


International Title Vid:


The build for this feud has been very grounded in the OG ways of OCW. More written over videos, which usually I don’t mind. I think there’s some things missing when you don’t really capitalize off of videos but that is what it is. This vid definitely in my eyes “salvaged” the feud in a sense because we just haven’t seen all that much from all four of these guys. It just seems like 2 1v1s in a fatal four way match which I’m sure will lead to a lot of tension between Pugh & Rust since they’re both infamous traitors. I gotta be honest though, I really don’t wanna see like any of them as international champ. I like The Lobby and I wanna see them fight for the tag titles so if they breakup or betray each other that would make me sad. Nate is in a weird view for me, he’s been this absolute legend basically the entire time of OCW, right now he gives me 2022? John Cena vibes where he just can’t really get the job finished but gets super close so I don’t know if I’m really wanting to see an int reign from him as Nate only comes off as a world champ. Mugen has been on a really weird run. Dudes winning matches that people probably aren’t thinking he was gonna win (me included) but I just want more from him + the title scene in general. The video did what it needed to do and was produced very well I’m very torn on what the outcome for the four way is gonna be but hopefully the aftermath sorta itself in a good way. 


Samsin vs. Mad Dawg:


These guys just beat the shit out of each other. Samsin has definitely found himself in his look / presentation. I have a feeling that regardless of what happens at Hard Target he will stay in the upper midcard whether in the tag division or vying for singles gold. Dawg has also started to find himself, I personally would like to see Dawg probably phase out from DNS as he doesn’t really need them anymore. Obviously we don’t get what we want but I can see these two being perpetual rivals for the foreseeable future especially since Samsin is going on his DNS Killer streak. Neither guy lost any momentum when it comes to the result so both should be proud on that. Slowly but surely they’re making the steps needed to both solidify themselves higher on the card. 


Bolek is a psychopath:


Truthfully, I do not like what Bolek is doing. Originally I was trying to give it a chance, no pun intended but idk this just doesn’t hit right. This feels like regression for Bolek, he became international champion and feuded with Rust and looked like he was gonna do something with Kass. Idk if Kass being in the CCW feud stopped that or if it was just world building between the two but I just am not fond of going back to the well in this sense. We get it, you’re a vile dude and a threat to women but I wanna see you be a threat and vile to other people where you can get a payoff. Chance isn’t here, he’s the only one who in reality would come and save Bobbi so seeing all of this is just a big confusing situation for me. Maybe some baby face will pop up and try to save Bobbi instead of Chance or maybe Bolek will just keep her as his slave? Idk. 


Skadi’s Trial:


Now this was fucking epic. At first I wasn’t overly sold on Skadi, her tron + look were nice and her moveset as well. She came off as a filler character, something to help bolster up the division but not much depth to her. This however changed that thought, this feels like the true beginning for Skadi and for a new baby face in the womens division that is sorely needed. The visualization and everything in this promo made me feel like I was there watching it all unfold as Skadi was battling this trial that Odin had set upon her. It also was nice that this had ZERO to do with in the ring, it gives me this feeling that no matter what Skadi doesn’t always need to win and she just needs to be courageous and make sure she stands her ground when the time comes. It really set a nice pace and was a good read. I can’t wait to see where it shakes out for Skadi in terms of feuding but very well done. 


Beat The Clock (All of them):


I’m gonna do all of these because I just find it easier. Firstly, I hated every single guy that was going against the dudes in the CCW title match. We seen two of the challengers in the International 4-Way lose, and Rust lost very decisively for that matter. I was letdown by the production of no uniformity with the timers and having both Rust + Mugen coming out first. I understand shit can happen on a time crunch but every single dude knows a beat the clock challenge is all about the mystery of WHO is gonna be facing the person. Kass & Nate did it properly which is why that was my favorite out of the three, however Wrex definitely made it seem like he was trying to fucking MURDER to get his stipulation of choice. I also wasn’t overly keen on how Wrex won and that was really it, once again I get it shit happens and all that but I feel like this sort of challenge was probably let known ahead of time especially between the 3 guys. I’m also not overly in love that Wrex would choose a Splinterfest, I kinda? Get it but not really. I know we’re not gonna kick Kass out of the match even though that’s what I would think Wrex would want to do in some way. I’m sure the match itself will be good but idk just a bit odd for my taste. Also B17 losing to Mugen was super unexpected so I see him going into Hard Target with a vendetta. 


Flojo & Bae Backstage:


I really wanna see Flojo do more. I love the character but I just feel blah with her. The ups and downs just break my heart but Bae is so fucking goofy. Clickbait + him are such meme characters that are silly in their own way. Stop interrupting someone’s cinnamon roll time you horny fuck. 


Gabriel & Dawg Collide (unfortunately for Gabriel):


Obviously Mad Dawg was not happy losing to Samsin hehehe. Poor Gabriel just was trying to go to his car? And get something I imagine but Dawg just couldn’t handle that whistling. It was a fun video and Gabriel is definitely starting to become the breakout rookie of his class, he should be very proud of himself with that because the dude is applying himself and doing a really fucking good job at it. Underground Elite is still somewhat growing on me, I hate Eddie’s name, the unknown leader looks goofy as shit. But Gabriel? That’s the money man right there, the glass comment made me chuckle but very well done on the segment. 


Jordan Trance Backstage:


With how this promo was written I would’ve liked to see this as a video. I think with the actions that were written it would’ve been nice to see literally and could’ve been executed in a way to make people laugh by Jordan just being this goofy dickhead, I’m not in love with the bare knuckle thing. I hope that’s just a meme and not gonna lead into their blowoff match like that because I can’t be fucked to watch a match that just would be inorganic on how to play it. I want more from Trance, the potential is there to go to the very top so I hope he capitalizes on it. The feud is a nice stepping stone for both guys regardless of result for their inevitable match up. 


Deborah / Emp Interview:


Oddly enough I could’ve seen this segment happening earlier in the feud and then all the rampage laying hands on each other being what ended the feud leading us into Hard Target. I liked the interview and I thought it was a neat concept, I hate Monica and Stacy’s voices. They are the most blatant computery ai voices that just makes me mute them when it would cut back to them. I don’t really know how to feel about the end of this because I don’t really know if Deborah wins their match that it would be the end between Emp & Deborah. I don’t see Deborah winning an ambulance match and Emp staying away for awhile, maybe I’ll be surprised if that is the case but I just think this is only the beginning if Deborah retains (she absolutely will go Debbie!) kudos to them for also doing an ambulance match, i hope that with this we actually get an ending and not a cutscene, no shade but if this does happen to be the end of the greatest women’s world title reign I wanna sob and watch Deborah go out not have some sort of cutscene that diverts from it. I feel this will be violent and I doubt you can get blood on women even on pc? But somehow if they’re able to bleed then that’s absolutely the match where I wanna see them bleed. 


Junko vs. Belle:


Definitely 1 of 2 MOTN contenders for sure. This was just an absolute battle between both of these women and I respect both of em for just taking it to one another. I definitely thought Belle was gonna squeeze it out but man what a surprise! Junko getting a win was a pleasant surprise and I’m happy for her. I’m curious to see where she’s gonna go as I don’t think she’s really done anything other than just be EMPs new lackey which can be good but I wanna see you feud on your own. Belle can go anywhere in the division, whether it’s Pride or World I see Belle fitting legit anywhere. She’s one of the few baby faces that are believable but same thing with Junko. I’d like to see just a bit more out of Belle whether it’s video or written. 


B17 Meet & Greet:


I like Bingo touching on how there isn’t always such clear ways to do things. This promo was nice, I liked how he presented it but I feel like it was missing something. Something to actually provoke him and have him show signs of being angry and losing his cool a bit. It was a solid world building promo that touched on the feud so can’t complain. 


Quack Effect:


Another Dragana video another lovely time. These videos are easily the most sports entertaining videos we have going in OCW right now. The fucking cat now being with Dragana is so hilarious, this is a HUGE mountain for Sue to climb. As much as Dragana in the segments comes off harmless she is absolutely one of the biggest threats in the division. She’s probably the biggest threat to Sue’s reign right now and I think win or lose this will be a good time for the Pride Championship. Sue can elevate herself by conquering a legend or Dragana can begin a run like no other. Really looking forward to their match at Hard Target. 


The Pivot vs. Underground Elite:


This was tag team wrestling! While this game is absolute dog shit for tag matches these two teams made chicken shit into chicken salad. It was nice to see Eddie & Gabriel matching and looking like a proper team. The Pivot is one of the best examples of an organic team that grew together. This guys are absolutely my #1 to see them become tag champs. I want that rematch between them and Mass Effect yesterday. Really good match and the 2nd MOTN contender for me. Easily one of the top tag matches we’ve had this season. 


C-Note & JynX:


I gotta admit, C-Note is doing the god damn thing. His baby face turn, or so I assume, has been really good. At first I didn’t buy into it / believe it but now I’m really all in with it so if that’s the direction he’s going into I want him to keep going cause it’s so good. But while this segment started off good it did not end good whatsoever. This feud has been extremely confusing for me on the side of JynX. I don’t know who the JynX character is, the Paul Harris feud he was this voodoo witch doctor that did all sorts of shit, but now he’s just… a thug in facepaint essentially. He broke into C-Notes house which I wasn’t a fan of but i kept waiting to see what would happen… now this segment? Ya man you lost me. I just don’t know the direction you’re trying to go for the character. I also didn’t understand the Prince Mamon double? Then it just ended. This was without the whole ingame hud that immediately took me out of the segment entirely by the end. Idk if you were wanting to look strong or what but at least for me it seriously missed the mark. I’m hoping their match can bring some sort of conclusion for them both but honestly I am worried for JynX if he does retain because outside of being champ I don’t know what he really does to make his character make sense. 


Valk On the Tonight Show:


This is just a me thing and I get I’m being weird, but for some things I just don’t like irl shit always being tied into OCW. I’d have liked a more OCW universe type show just for the aesthetic, there’s ample journalists / people who could’ve been in this segment but that’s what ever. Wasn’t entirely in love with Valk sorta killing the kayfabe side of wrestling for the segment either. I know it’s ironic when I say this since my character has done it but I am extremely tired of men laying hands on women when it comes to DNS. It’s overplayed and something that SHOULD garner a huge reaction just makes me groan and not give a fuck. It’s good in moderation for shock value but when Perl had Valk get jumped, Bolek kidnapped Bobbi, now Bash is smashing her head on a desk? On something that would be on national tv? I just eh idk man it didn’t really hit right for me. Like I’m sure the match will be good but the build definitely missed a bit for me. 


Blaine is frustrated:


Pretty straight forward. Blaine wants to be head of security and we should let the big woman because head of security. 


Tre on a mission:


Pretty solid promo from Tre. Yet another thing that I personally would’ve liked to see be in video form. But it’s nice to see him have content on the show and continue building the feud with Jordan. 


Overall, this really didn’t feel like a go home show, I feel like the last Riot felt more like a go home than this. This show was still pretty decent but seeing no content from Cold Front, Mass Effect definitely stunk would’ve liked to see what they would’ve done to build more but alas. Also nothing from Victor Matt, I don’t need video all the time but one short replacement match doesn’t mean you immediately bought all the good credit back. Nothing from Deaver as well was rather disappointing. There’s a handful of people who have been real stagnant that could’ve benefitted by being on the show but oh well. Onto Hard Target. 

  • Mark Out! 7
On 10/22/2024 at 7:49 AM, El Parca said:

Gabriel & Dawg Collide (unfortunately for Gabriel):


Obviously Mad Dawg was not happy losing to Samsin hehehe. Poor Gabriel just was trying to go to his car? And get something I imagine but Dawg just couldn’t handle that whistling. It was a fun video and Gabriel is definitely starting to become the breakout rookie of his class, he should be very proud of himself with that because the dude is applying himself and doing a really fucking good job at it. Underground Elite is still somewhat growing on me, I hate Eddie’s name, the unknown leader looks goofy as shit. But Gabriel? That’s the money man right there, the glass comment made me chuckle but very well done on the segment. 

Thank you very much for your kind words. it's really feels good from someone whose work I look up to.

  • Mark Out! 1
On 10/21/2024 at 10:49 PM, El Parca said:

International Title Vid:


The build for this feud has been very grounded in the OG ways of OCW. More written over videos, which usually I don’t mind. I think there’s some things missing when you don’t really capitalize off of videos but that is what it is. This vid definitely in my eyes “salvaged” the feud in a sense because we just haven’t seen all that much from all four of these guys. It just seems like 2 1v1s in a fatal four way match which I’m sure will lead to a lot of tension between Pugh & Rust since they’re both infamous traitors. I gotta be honest though, I really don’t wanna see like any of them as international champ. I like The Lobby and I wanna see them fight for the tag titles so if they breakup or betray each other that would make me sad. Nate is in a weird view for me, he’s been this absolute legend basically the entire time of OCW, right now he gives me 2022? John Cena vibes where he just can’t really get the job finished but gets super close so I don’t know if I’m really wanting to see an int reign from him as Nate only comes off as a world champ. Mugen has been on a really weird run. Dudes winning matches that people probably aren’t thinking he was gonna win (me included) but I just want more from him + the title scene in general. The video did what it needed to do and was produced very well I’m very torn on what the outcome for the four way is gonna be but hopefully the aftermath sorta itself in a good way. 



Well I do know I don’t like your voice!


But seriously I feel 2022 Cena like when I play lol. 

Appreciate you writing the words. As old school as a written promo. 


  • Mark Out! 3

May 29 2005 - Oct 6 2010


Mr. 1 in 365?

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Swamped per usual pretty sure I typed something out but I probably forgot or didn't hit send so random musings.


International Hospice Championship -

Very sweet capstone to a story/angle thats taken place 95% in Text (THE OLD COUNTRY WAY) I don't think a lot of ppl can appreciate that. Although I haven't seen ppl mention it so either they don't know or they actually read shoes. I'm excited for the match is PUGH gonna turn on RUST? is Rust gonna turn on Pugh, Is Nate gonna murder everyone? Is Larry going to "B17" Nate?. Can't wait

Dark Bishop -

Probably not dark at all, being under the tutelage of one of the champs who has a chip on his shoulder you would think Lui is going to the dark side. But it doesn't feel like that. Will he have an edge? Mebbe but this feels like its just Lui Lui with another "insert word here" IE with Wrex he really wasn't Scumcity like he was just there. So maybe we will see a mean streak with this iteration?


OCAEW - Sammy vs Dawg

So like I said I don't know what happend but from Sept to Present we had this weird slip! There has been hardcore and outlaw matches every week and we will have 2 more at hard target. AFTER NEXT PPV its back to the status quo! IE in moderation. ANYWAY match was fun didn't overstay its welcome and the finish was perfect pro wrestling.


Cyber Bolek & Baddie

Jesus fucking just the visual of sith lord bolek popped me. I guess its official now bobbi is brain washed! Wonder where this leads as bobbi is tied to chance. The RyVerse Meets The BashVerse!


Not sure how I feel about the writing style as a departure from Morrison its more mini short story almost. It's not bad or good just different. The Story is about the journey not the destination I suppose just along for the ride.


Beat The Clock - Kass vs Nate
GOD DAMMIT @Nate Ortiz JUST TAKE THE COUNT OUT! This match was over twice in record time since Kass had a concussion. (Kent and I was very against all 3 matches since essentially its mini ppv matches on TV Tapings) But fuck it give the people what they want. Anyway Nate showed honor and Kass is a dickhead. On the plus side this opens up a definitive 1 v 1 which whenever it happens WILL BE ON NEXT PPV! fuck kass


FloJoing with Bae -

I'm just happy to see Flojo on an rp if im honest, and I kind of like the kind of likeable scumbag that is bae. There is a lot of potential for B.A.E to kind of be OCWFED's Booster Gold.



Gabriel and his segments have been a real treat these past few weeks, I only regret that this wasn't later in the show. I legit saw Petie in my imagination running out to help, petie and Eddie oh well. Solid seggy.


Jordy Being Jordy  & Tre Being Tre-

Jordan does a great job of just being a smary asshole, more so that the guy he is cosplaying "Jungleboy" The Tre x Jordan thing as been refreshing, Wrestling can be simple and fun and this feels very simple and very fun.


Deb Emp Hype -

Whats to say quick to the point slick we are too good at this (she is too good at this)


Belle vs Junko -

Really solid match. I don't rem if it was my MOTN vote but maybe it should be! Watching this match you heard me bitching about Belle's rating in the survey. Belle don't be having bad matches and if you think so you are wrong! Although it takes TWO to tango! Junko has been a house of fire since finally figuring it out and defeating Skadi in her debut. Like I remember the voting and it was like nothing for Junko then Junko comes out here Dump Matsumotoing everyone. It reminds me of like when Wrex figured out how to stop being stinky at the game, or when Super Mario Bash kind of figured it out. Watching it in real time with a rookie is so cool. But yes this match had lil bit of everything. ACTUALLY I REM why its not my MOTN Junko in her John Carter bag of OLE dodgeroo, Wakeup Dodge, Dance, DODGE. Either way solid outing and fun to watch.


B17 B17ing -

I will never abide with the whole "Choke me Daddy" thing its weird and not for the reason you think. B17 doesn't even have a fucking choke sub or fin or move! Anyway B17 is an odd duck but he servers his purpose and is leaps and bounds better than Boring 17. The build for the match which will later be splinterfest had OODLES of fucking history so delicious. Also shout out to the A-Team Shirt (they will never know) If you didnt one of the most decorated tag teams in the ambition era or shit 2013-2014 idk.


Clark Effect -

Melon has been delivering consistent wholesome content in the form of P3 written content from like 2019 and then some to now with these short videos (Not bad for a part timer). Always hilarious always awesome, the build with Sue is super simple and once again super fun. Cute Glasses, (insert dragana laugh here)


Tag Team Turmoil - Pivot vs Underground Elite -

Bog standard tag match up nice blending of tagtastic moves by both teams. Pivot has grown to work very well together, UE is almost there on the cohesiveness but are well on there way if they remain consistent, lil ring of honor , honor to cap things off. Kind of popped me how Harris was like youll get there dudes, as if he also isn't a rookie. GOOD BIG BROTHER THOSE NERDS!


C-Note High Jinx -

I haven't hated this build and the presentation have seemed to have elevate both creativity. Only quibble would be the transition at the end I mean I could get all aghast and be like WTF but shit happens. Looking forward to the match.


Tonight Show Seggi -

The Presentation was fucking TOP Notch. I guess Fallon is Canon. I'm one part on the fence with using "Made up entities" vs "Actual entities" but that just a me thing. I dug this segment a lot my only quibble would be it seemed like Valk was trying to downplay the mugshot as BOYZ BEING BOYZ kind of like the Kayfabe deal. I could kind of see that argument. Trying to downplay it since she has a HUGE SHOW coming up as BOYZ BEING BOYZ, but then a giant ginger nerd comes and beats the fuck out of her thus showing "ITS REAL" I don't know if that was the intention but if it was BRAVO. We have had loads of Intergender matches when you look at it. This one is going to be interesting and potentially fatal. Loved the whole Valk/Perl/Bash thing.
If your coming back to OCWFED heading into the BashVerse ain't a bad deal its kind of like Old Pro Wrest but with Modern Trappings good shit.


Blaining -

Basically I'm here and I need work! Standard modus operandi


BEAT THE CLOCK 2- B17 vs Mugen -

So like I thought they where friends! I would have never predicted Larry walking into a match with the CCW World Champion and handing him his ass. Because #1 Fuck Larry, #2 Fuck Larry. But here we are. It wasn't as one sided as I'm describing but it was just wild to witness. I guess Larry didn't forget about there first match. It's only fair Larry debuts "Bingo Died for his sins" at HARD TARGET...LOL. And much like the Kass Nate match prior this opens up a rubber match (so mission accomplished) but Jesus Christ I thought y'all was friends.


No More Mister Nice Guy -

Super slick, the parallels in career highlighted where nice to see. My only gripe Sheldon is to low (I don't mind his reserved nature) but we need to pipe him up a lil bit. The end bit was icing on the cake parca being a cunt is always a good time. Last bit for some reason I think Sheldon doing promos in German with subtitles might be better. And no it's not a heel thing! I just think he would probably be more comfortable which in turn would kick things up a notch. Hell hit the german with sub titles then you can cap off with english at the end for emphasis. Example would be "Cuts promo in german with subs"  then at end in english "AT HARD TARGET, ITS BLOOD AND WINE" MIC DROP!


Sit Down Interview -

Really well done. BOO is like one of the best to do it, shit so is Deb. Sidebar I really love the dynamic of Monica (new) and Stacy (Legend) seeing them together doing things feels right and feels like a natural progression for a legacy char! But back to the action this has been a slowly boiling build (if you look back and pay attention) that got kick up a notch post cide. It's going to be a showdown for the ages! or sumthin. It's also very pro wrestling!


Main Event - WREX vs Rust

It's Great, Wrex is a dick. Incorporating the Folks in the International match in the CCW picture I don't know if it's ideal or not but either way match was to the point and succinct and Wrex along with Kass showing they will do ANYTHING TO WIN!


Closing Thoughts----------------


Bummed didn't see a single thing from the tag team division. I don't mind missing a show or 2 on the lead up but for the go home not having anything is kind of a let down. If videos are time consuming on time crunch couple of sentences would be fine. HELL you could even do a mini rp and a photo of a face off to end things. I might be wrong but I think tag was the only thing that did not have a go home segment.




I think that about wraps it up for me.

P.S Stop fucking dodging Junko



  • Mark Out! 7
 15-06, 18:20 Tiberius Dupree make him tap with brownie mix


"Booking Wrestling is the most thankless no-win position anyone could ever be in. When things go well it's the talent that makes it work. When they go badly, it's because the Booker doesn't know what he's doing." - Eric Bischoff


Jookie: what website do we upload to againi for got

Our Hero: uploadafraud.com

Jookie: fuck u boricua


"I'm like Smythe, except Good" - Matsuda


OCW works best when it’s a melting pot of different ideas and opinions coming together to create some cool ass shit. It’s at its worst when people are only invested in their own/their pals’ content." - Paul Pugh

"I'm 5,9" - Ry

"I'm sorry if this sounds mean but OCW shouldn't be allowed to vote" - Jake Allen

26 minutes ago, Gabriel Vincent said:

I can agree with that, but I would also say that was not my fault. But I won’t cry a river😇



OOOOOOOOOO the kid got your ass, Sensation.


You've been served.

  • Mark Out! 1
  • THE HEAT! 2


Forum SignatureFINAL.png


President and leading member of the Paul Pugh Fan Club. We love KidEgo

"Choose Tmust" - Maxx Edwards

Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, Mr.Sensation said:

 Last bit for some reason I think Sheldon doing promos in German with subtitles might be better. And no it's not a heel thing! I just think he would probably be more comfortable which in turn would kick things up a notch. Hell hit the german with sub titles then you can cap off with english at the end for emphasis. Example would be "Cuts promo in german with subs"  then at end in english "AT HARD TARGET, ITS BLOOD AND WINE" MIC DROP!


I think that about wraps it up for me.

P.S Stop fucking dodging Junko



I was questioning what Shelly was missing. This is it!! Great way to carve out his personality/presentation.


P.S. WEAVE! I'm kidding lol just a habit I need to break

Edited by Junko Jiirota
  • Mark Out! 3
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