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The scene opens as we are walking down an empty hallway. The paint on the walls is chipping and peeling off, and the old wooden floor is creaking as we walk over it. On the left and right sides of the hallway are different colored doors with small metal numbers painted white on them. From behind the closed doors we can hear various things. We can hear radios playing, televisions turned up to loud, laughter, people arguing, a baby crying, dogs barking. As we move down the hall we hear the sounds of foot steps running across the floor above us. When we come to stop, the camera turns to a door on the left. The door is a dirty, faded dark red color, with a small number '13' nailed to the center of the top half of the door. We see an arm extend past the front lense of the camera, and knock on the door. We wait a few moments, but noone answers. Again, the arm reaches past the lense and knocks on the door. After a moment or 2 passes and theres still no answer, the arm reaches out and knocks again. As we are knocking this time, we hear a voice from the other side of the door.


Voice: One second !


From behind the door, we can hear someone walking towards us. As the footsteps come to a stop, we can hear various locks being turned and released from inside the room. Suddenely, the door cracks open slightly, with a chain still hooked from the inside preventing it from opening no more than 2 or 3 inches. From inside the room, we see someone peak through the crack in the door, looking out into the hallway.


Voice: Oh, its you. Hang on.


The door shuts and we can hear the chain being removed. The door then opens again, and Casey Paine walks into view from behind the door. She has a towel wrapped around her half naked body, and a towel wrapped around her head with her hair tucked up under it. Theres small beads of water running down her face, arms, and legs. Casey turns to look at a clock hanging on the wall behind her. She lets out a 'Sigh' then turns back towards the camera.


Casey: Maybe if you would have gotten here on time, i would have been ready.


Casey then turns and begins to walk towards another room. As we move across the room we are in, we look around the place. We see an old black and blue striped sofa with a huge rip across the top of it. Lying on the floor in front of the sofa is a black TV remote. In the far corner of the room, under a curtainless window, we see an old worn out flower printed recliner half reclined back with a pile of clothes stacked on it. Sitting on the floor along 1 wall, is a small tv with a black cable box setting next to it. In the center of the room is a small wooden table. On the table is a paper plate with a half eaten microwavable pizza on it. Next to the plate is a pack of marlboro lights, a black lighter, and a small clear glass ashtray. As we continue to look around the room, we hear Casey shout from behind another door ahead of us.


Casey: Well ?!? What the hell are you waiting on ?!? Im back here.


As we move through the door Casey entered, we see an old mattress lying on the floor. Theres a white flat pillow at the head of the bed and an old yellow quilt hanging off the foot of the bed. Next to the mattress is a small wood dresser with a small portable radio and other various items scattered across the top of it. On the floor in front of the dresser is an alarm clock with 12:00 flashing in red. The drawers on the dresser are hanging half way out, with clothes laid across them and dangling from the drawers. On the wall directly across the bed is a window with a small white blanket hung in front of it. There are clothes, shoes, magazines, and CDs scattered all across the floor in the room. In the corner of the room is a another door. As we make our way towards that door, we hear Casey again.


Casey: Jesus Christ ! Are you taking the grand f***ing tour or what ?!? The place isnt that big !


As we reach the other door, we see the hand extend out past the camera lense again. The hand pushes the door open, then walks into the next room. The floor in this room has a yellowish stained tint on the white tiled floor. Hanging on the wall to the left of the door is a mirror with a crack across the bottom right corner. The mirror is still fogged up from Caseys shower. Theres a smeared circular spot in the middle of the mirror where it looks like Casey ran her hand over it wiping away some of the steam. Directly beneath the mirror is a small vanity counter top with a faded white sink in the center of it. Scattered across the counter around the sink are various make up items. Lipstick, eyeliner, blush, fingernail polish. Behind the faucet of the sink is a small pink vibrating toothbrush set down into a charger. Next to the tooth brush a half rolled up tube of toothpaste. Next to the small counter, we see a small plastic trash can sitting on the floor. The trash can is full of empty hair dye boxes. As we begin to turn we notice an old white porcelain commode with the seat down. Theres a roll of toilet paper sitting on top of the toilet seat. Next to the commode is a dingy and dirty looking old bath tub. There is water dripping from the shower head sticking out of the wall. Sitting on the edge of the tub, on the towel that was wrapped around her body, is Casey. Shes wearing a black bra and black panties and still has the other towel wrapped around her head. Shes reaching down in front of her and pulling on a small black pair of socks. She then stands, looks down at her feet, wiggles her toes, and smiles.


Casey: Thats better.


Casey then turns her attention towards the camera.


Casey: Youll have to excuse me. I wasnt quite ready for you to be here yet... being that youre an hour and a half early.


Casey rolls her eyes then walks past the camera. She walks over to the mirror and wipes away the steam again. As she leans over the counter looking into the mirror, she talks to us as she lifts the front of the towel on her head, looking at her hair. She motions down towards the floor at the empty hair dye boxes in the trash can.


Casey: Trying to find that right color.


Casey then pulls the towel back down, not showing us her hair. She then turns, and leaves the room. We follow her. Casey stops in the bedroom. She begins to kick some of the clothes around that are scattered on the floor as if looking for something.


Casey: Guess youll do.


Casey bends over and picks up a black and white long sleeve shirt from the pile of clothes. She stands, pulls the shirt over her head, then stretches her arms out adjusting the shirt. She then begins to walk towards the doorway towards the living room. Again we follow. In the living room, Casey walks over to the old sofa and plops down. She crosses her legs in front of her, and pulls her shirt down over her knees. She looks at the camera, smiles, and motions over the room with her hands.


Casey: Home sweet home.


Casey giggles to herself.


Casey: I would offer you a seat...


Casey looks towards the recliner with the clothes stacked on it.


Casey:... But its taken.


Again, Casey laughs to herself.


Casey: So i guess youll just have to stand.


Casey smirks at the camera. She then reaches out to the small table in front of the sofa and picks up her cigarettes and lighter. The pulls a cigarette from the pack then tosses the pack back onto the table. She places the cigarette into her mouth, lights it, then tosses the lighter onto the table. She takes a deep drag from the cigarette and exhales.


Casey: So lets get started, shall we ? I called here today because i have a little announcement i have to make. As of Riot i am a 'Free' woman, so to speak. No more Blake, no more Hollywood Express, no more Sensational Alliance.


Casey smiles and rolls her eyes up as if trying to look up. She raises her hand and pats the towel wrapped around her head.


Casey: No more 'Cover Girl' Casey Paine. All of that is behind me now. Just another chapter finished. What you see now...


Casey waves her cigarette in front of her motioning across the room.


Casey:... is me. The 'Real' me. Its time i go back to being Casey Paine and ONLY Casey Paine. The Casey Paine that i just KNOW all of you came to know and love when i first came into OCW.


Again, Casey giggles to herself. She takes a drag from her cigarette and smiles.


Casey: The.... 'Hardcore BYTCH' Casey Paine. And that means that its time for me to go back to doing what i do best.


Casey takes another hit from her cigerette. She then tilts her head back and begins to blow smoke rings up towards the ceiling. She then looks back towards the camera smiling.


Casey: 'And just what would that be ?' some of you may ask yourselves ? Well, lets just say its about time to start having some... Fun... back in good ol' OCW again.


Again Casey feintly laughs to herself. She hits her cigarette again, leans up and ashes it in the ashtray, then plops back into the sofa again.


Casey: But something so little and sweet... so... innocent... as myself cant have all the fun by herself. So, heres my invitation.


Casey hits her cigarette again and smiles.


Casey: Rooks, newbs, nobodys, anybodys. OCW, CCW,... doesnt matter to me. I dont care who you are. Come one, come all. Now that ive cut all ties with the people that got in the way of me having MY fun, its time i start looking else where for people who may be interested in having a little... Fun... of their own.


Casey hits her cigarette again. She inhales then exhales through her nose, still smiling a shit eating grin.


Casey: In other words, i am fully reactivating my Managers License. And just to make it crystal clear to the new boys in the back, i am no slouch. DO NOT under estimate me do to my size. I was OCWs VERY first Womens Champion. A 3 time Womens Champion in total. I was OCWs 2006 Woman of the Year. Ive managed Champions upon Champions. From Hardcore Champions, to Tag Team Champions, to Ex. Division Champions, to TV Champions, to... yes you guessed it... World Champions. I have been apart of 2 of the most dominant factions in the history of OCW, ToP and The Sensational Alliance. I...


Casey stops. She smiles, takes a drag from her cigarette, and exhales. She leans forward again, ashes her cigartte into the glass ashtray, then flops back into the sofa again.


Casey:... Im sure you boys get the point. Long story short,... youll be sure to get your moneys worth with my assistance.


Casey pauses. She looks down and over herself and smiles.


Casey: That... i can guarantee.


Again, Casey pauses and smiles.


Casey: One way or another.


Casey giggles to herself. She hits her cigarette 1 more time, leans forward, and rubs it out into the ashtray. She then reaches down to the floor and picks up the TV remote thats laying in front of the sofa. She then flops back into the sofa again.


Casey: So... Boys,... if ANY one... and yes,... i do mean ANYONE, is interested in my little offer, feel free to contact me. All you have to do is send me a message and explain to me why i should offer you my services. And if you can convince me that you may actually have a snow balls chance in hell at hanging with the big boys,... then who knows. We' ll see what happens.


Casey smiles. She then turns sideways on the sofa, stretching her legs down the sofa, propping her feet on the arm rest at the other end, crossing her legs at her ankles. She points the TV remote towards the television and clicks a button. As the television flashes on, Casey drops the remote back onto the floor in front of the sofa. She then clasps her fingers together and places her hands behind her head, lying back into the arm rest of the sofa. As we begin to fade, Casey is lying stretched out on the old beat up old black and blue striped sofa with the huge rip across the top of it. Her feet gently moving up and down across the arm rest, hands rested behind her head, staring up towards the ceiling of her run down apartment with a smile on her face.

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Cool rp! But I have a question. Is this ment to be a real call out for new clients or is this just for a storyline or somthing?

Cool rp! But I have a question. Is this ment to be a real call out for new clients or is this just for a storyline or somthing?


Ok, instead of calling you a silly little newb and telling you to go reread the RP, i reread it myself and maybe i wasnt very clear in that aspect. I apologise. Maybe i shouldnt have done this in RP form, i dont know.


This is not a work or an angle. This is not apart of any storyline. This is legit. While Blake and myself have had fun since ive been in OCW, its time for me to move on. I just feel that its time that we go our seperate ways and i go back to doing my own thing. SOOOO... if you OR anyone else would be interested in acquiring my services as a manager, feel free to send me a PM and tell me why you think we should work together. (Not to be a BYTCH. I just dont feel like wasting my time trying to help someone who isnt going to try and help themselves first.) So again, this is not a work. If anyone is interested in becomming my 'Client', please feel free to PM me. Thank you and sorry for any confusion.


As funny as it would be to have casey come aboard, and be a wench aboard my crew.. id have to decline, let the rooks have a shot w casey.. it will be good for them...



or val for that matter, make him a real man

ᛨ ꖾᚣᛠᛊ ᚴᛜᏌ ᛕᚣᛢᛢ

As funny as it would be to have casey come aboard, and be a wench aboard my crew.. id have to decline


Oh shucks. Please Baxter ? Please can i come and be a pirate wench ? Pretty please ? I just dont know how ill be able to sleep tonight knowing that you dont want me.


Sorry, Baxter. But even i have standards. Its still up to me who i work with, and to be honest, you would never catch me dressed up as a pirate. So you need not apply.

Real men don't wear those shirts...dammit baxter and that shirt.

locony911: you have a special place in my hart

locony911: <3 <-- you in der

CCWJustinTime: LMAO





Oh shucks. Please Baxter ? Please can i come and be a pirate wench ? Pretty please ? I just dont know how ill be able to sleep tonight knowing that you dont want me.


Sorry, Baxter. But even i have standards. Its still up to me who i work with, and to be honest, you would never catch me dressed up as a pirate. So you need not apply.

i wasn't applying anyways.. good luck to anyone to aquire casey's "services" .. just dont touch her locker.. the smell of what was in there Still hasnt come out of my old jacket

ᛨ ꖾᚣᛠᛊ ᚴᛜᏌ ᛕᚣᛢᛢ

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