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[The scene opens in Parker's rented appartment,Parker is sat on his couch listening to the radio workin on a new attire due to the enourmous stick he has recieved off the boys in the locker room about lookin' all 'MC Hammer and shit']




Parker-Wonder who the hell that is, i almost had this shit finished too.


[Parker answers the intercom]


Parker-Who is it?


Voice-Hey man its me,Cosmo,let me up man, i got this month's issue of Wrasslin' Monthly,someone you know has made the front cover,and you aint gonna believe the smack they are talkin about you.


Parker-Alright man,come on up


[Cosmo enters the room,and hands the magazine to Parker]

Cosmo-Check it out man



Parker-Are you shittin' me? Haze on the front cover of Wrasslin' Monthly? I thought i'd seen the last of that asshole..


Cosmo-Apparently not,check pages 6-7,you not gonna like it.

[Parker flicks open the magazine to pages 6-7]




[Parker flicks to page 8 & starts to read snippets of Haze's interview outload]


HAZE-'I'm only talking about that piece of crap cause your payin me,i carried his ass for 2 years!'


Parker-That son of a bitch!


Haze-'I was loyal to him when we were in Pillars of Destruction,then he screwed me in the middle of the ring for a lousy amount of cash,put me out of action for 15 months,jumped ship to OCW and i haven't seen him since'


Cosmo-He has a point dude


Parker-Shut up dick,i didn't do it for money,i did it for free,and i'd do it again in a heartbeat,i did what was required to get ahead.


Haze-'No one should EVER trust this motherfu**er,he will do ANYTHING to get ahead in this business,the dude would even screw his own mother!'

Haze-'Yeah i see he's in the big league's now with OCW but one day i'll get my revenge,trust me, its not over between us.'


Parker-This is bollocks,i'm gonna ring the editor and give them my side of the story!


[Parker slams the magazine down on the coffee table..picks up the phone and starts to dial].........


2 x Hardcore Champion (Longest defending OCW champ,19 defences)

1 x NA Champion

1 x Pride Champion

1 x TV Champion

2 x OCW World Heavyweight Champion

F.I Winner 2012

MOTN vs Leonheart @ Wrestlution 7


'Don't worry about no one else, hows my hair look' - Tiberius Dupree

'Wipe you ass and go to bed' - Sensation to B17

I dug it man. I like the pictures and cover aha. Good job.

locony911: you have a special place in my hart

locony911: <3 <-- you in der

CCWJustinTime: LMAO





Nice man. I dug it as well. Not too rough, but solid. Gotta come up with another "pissed off word", name. "Bollocks" isnt going to cut it. Its sorta like saying " Oh butternipple, that hurt"

Dane Xavier: cyber bullying is not only illegal, it's pathetic




"I swear to go if you call me a Liberal again you RETHUGLICAN, SEE WHAT I DID THERE.


This is america, if you want to throw your hard earned sweat money on a videogame gambling site and thus deny you and your family food and shelter THAN BY GOD DAMMIT YOU CAN, BECAUSE THIS IS AMERICA YOU COMMIE SOCIALIST.



Now then when Can I expect your next donation?


"- Jay Jay




Double A


"The Weapon




haha i liked this. pretty sweet. would of chose a cooler lookin font for the title Wrasslin Monthly, but none the less its cool

High School Wrestling Career


Freshmen year- 13-11 9 pins

Sophmore year- 28-9 16 pins

Junior Year- 32-8 23 pins

Senior Year- 27-10 17 pins


Career Record- 100-38

Record @ Home- 10-0


Career Wins- 100

School Record for Career Wins- 99

Record Broken, barely WOOOOO!


Career Pins- 65

School Record for Career Pins- 36

Record Broken

Chris Ryders ugly

Nice man. I dug it as well. Not too rough, but solid. Gotta come up with another "pissed off word", name. "Bollocks" isnt going to cut it. Its sorta like saying " Oh butternipple, that hurt"


Bollux is a very very common british term...

EST. 2006




I happened to Enjoy this RP....but I still hate you.


I hate you 2 Bold...so we're even ;)


2 x Hardcore Champion (Longest defending OCW champ,19 defences)

1 x NA Champion

1 x Pride Champion

1 x TV Champion

2 x OCW World Heavyweight Champion

F.I Winner 2012

MOTN vs Leonheart @ Wrestlution 7


'Don't worry about no one else, hows my hair look' - Tiberius Dupree

'Wipe you ass and go to bed' - Sensation to B17

[The scene opens in Parker's rented appartment,Parker is sat on his couch listening to the radio workin on a new attire due to the enourmous stick he has recieved off the boys in the locker room about lookin' all 'MC Hammer and shit']




Parker-Wonder who the hell that is, i almost had this shit finished too.


[Parker answers the intercom]


Parker-Who is it?


Voice-Hey man its me,Cosmo,let me up man, i got this month's issue of Wrasslin' Monthly,someone you know has made the front cover,and you aint gonna believe the smack they are talkin about you.


Parker-Alright man,come on up


[Cosmo enters the room,and hands the magazine to Parker]

Cosmo-Check it out man



Parker-Are you shittin' me? Haze on the front cover of Wrasslin' Monthly? I thought i'd seen the last of that asshole..


Cosmo-Apparently not,check pages 6-7,you not gonna like it.

[Parker flicks open the magazine to pages 6-7]




[Parker flicks to page 8 & starts to read snippets of Haze's interview outload]


HAZE-'I'm only talking about that piece of crap cause your payin me,i carried his ass for 2 years!'


Parker-That son of a bitch!


Haze-'I was loyal to him when we were in Pillars of Destruction,then he screwed me in the middle of the ring for a lousy amount of cash,put me out of action for 15 months,jumped ship to OCW and i haven't seen him since'


Cosmo-He has a point dude


Parker-Shut up dick,i didn't do it for money,i did it for free,and i'd do it again in a heartbeat,i did what was required to get ahead.


Haze-'No one should EVER trust this motherfu**er,he will do ANYTHING to get ahead in this business,the dude would even screw his own mother!'

Haze-'Yeah i see he's in the big league's now with OCW but one day i'll get my revenge,trust me, its not over between us.'


Parker-This is bollocks,i'm gonna ring the editor and give them my side of the story!


[Parker slams the magazine down on the coffee table..picks up the phone and starts to dial].........




The magazine was a nice touch.

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