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Road 2 Glory 2010


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I will say Smythe you have a die hard habbit of putting your foot in your mouth.


A lot of people have been wondering the same thing about your FPR role here


Nick hit the nail on the head.




BTW will you two Micheal Heaton Faggots stop that light bright bull shit.


Here it is Mayhem... I say what I want to say when I want to say it... I always have... I always will...

I take it upon myself to do FPR because quite frankly I think I'm one of the cleanest players in OCW...

I don't abuse my power never have, it's not really a power technically... It's a resonsibility to the community...

When you people cried for change I decided I was going to look into it... It's an ongoing process I know... But that's what I'm doing...

I didn't ask about the name for the women's division... Some people don't like it... It can be changed... It's not a big deal...

I personally don't like hasbeens coming back to throw pettiness at the guys that are still here... I think it's lame...

I mean it's great that You've came back for a few months and your champion... And Kage pokes his head in to talk like he was a god in this place... But in the end... Who's been here the whole time???


You can say I'm not doing enough as FPR... I can do more... But what else can I do??? Suspend people... Create a new FPR system altogether??? People have other things they're doing so I'm handling FPR as a one man team... Because OCW needs someone to do it...

Technically everytime OCW needs someone to do something... If I can do it I have and I do... So because I make a bad decision doesn't mean you or anyone else can question what I do here!!!


Go into the main forum and look at the bottom... Look at the people that post the most and submit the most work... Who's recorded and wrestled in the most matches... And who's RP'ed every week... And think about me trying to decypher through the crap most of you suggest for FPR and having to sort a decent idea or two out of that!!! Then think of all the crying you guys do when something as simple as a division name you don't like happens... That's easily changable... And then think about the fact that I don't ask for or talk about having a staff tag because I don't want to been seen in that light...


Point is I do whatever it takes to help this place... And if Kage is acting like a useless queer... I think I've earned the right to tell him so... As with anyone else... Nowone can sit here and say they've put in more work with this place than have... Exceptions being Regan and Sensation himself... You can say you've done as much... But you can't hold anything over my head.. .

Signature 1 - The Alpha Heel

Signature 2 - Spear 5 (F) - Stargazer


Finisher 1 - Flapjack 2 (F) - The SDW

Finisher 2 - Reality check (G) - Dawonderful Dream


Finisher 3 (i'm cool enoigh to claim 3 moves) - The Darkside - THe Million Dollar Dream

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Dissapoints me too, losing an argument then going back and questioning other people, then editing shit to try and make yourself look more intelligent.


I enjoyed this show, the ending I didn't like, because it seemed messy but that's my opinion.


'ah know, roight?




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I mean it's great that You've came back for a few months and your champion... And Kage pokes his head in to talk like he was a god in this place... But in the end... Who's been here the whole time???




two things here, and that first bit I'll touch on real quick.


you say glad I came back after for a few months and now i'm champ.


Well if you haven noticed I have a habbit of taking breaks after doing exceeded lengthy fueds like say Matt Wilson Saga, or Seth Irving which both have GREAT content and along with taking leave when RL shit hits the fan like it did I bounce. Yet I always return.


So it's not like I'm gone for a year, disappear then bam here I am with a title shot, nor am I ever MiA. I'm here,online, and a lot more than you, when I still have a shit tone going on.


This seasons return I came back in a skillful way and planned out my return. Did I think it would lead to a title shot, NO. I beat Ryder though when no one else could even Valmont who lost twice to his ass. So that put me in contendership pretty quick when no one else was stepping up to the plate. Now I'am champ.


The main point here is like you and others we take breaks, most of us short ones until we get things setteled in our lives.


As far as content goes I have always done my share from day one on time and even Sensation knows I do so promptly and am one of the more reliable people when I am active. This shit isnt a hand me down.


So maybe you where just to vague with how you said what you did but thats how it came off so there you have a friendly reminder.



2: I have my opinions just like you and anyone else, I have learned opinions will never be silenced here in OCW this is a FACT.


A lot of the other things you have suggested for change in FPR I strongly disagree with and you just have to take what I say and who agrees with it along as well.


I have to take your comments and suggestions as well because the fact is that it's only a exchange of words.


I take it in stride, because we are moving forward regardless because of the community and 1 JCS.


If you Fail at what your doing and others see it and you don't, thats fine to but when the majority say nay then you just kinda have to deal with that to instead of always trying to be right because in life always being right doesnt happen.


really here recently the only thing FPR related you have been doing is suggesting ideas.


So improve your well rounded being and people will see your role in FPR a bit more sufficiant.


so there is your calmer Mayhem tellling you striaght up, be real playa.


also this stuff to now my guilt as well is the wrong place and wrong time on all of the relate above.





Now how about some more reviews

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