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WL5 is quickly approaching, if you know you are apart or think you might be apart of it. Get up off your rump and get us a high quality headshot of your caw so we can use it for the banners throughout WL.


For a Rough List of NEEDED Headshots.





Guy Fausto

Trevor McManus

Smythe Da Wonder

Chris Mania

Jacob Trance

Craig Casey

Wonderful Wesley


KD Angelo

The Female Participants in the Womens Match

Chris Baxter

Jookie Marley

Felix Hawk


More To Come


Dont be left out in the cold get the headshots done and drop them in the graphics thread here.



I expect Hype vids, now normally I don't have to announce them but just in case the new breed wants to be lazy, you have had infinite amounts of time, and now you have 3 to 4 weeks to come up with some freeze frames. If you would like help or are having a Video Block, drop Sensation a line and I will toss you some video cue Ideas.

Welcome to OCW, keep tough skin, speak your mind, and most of all have fun.-Betterness

"I'm going to be brutally honest here guys... all we really need for a good Riot is a few RP's from Our Hero himself... he's an awesome writer!!!" - Smythe

CCWJustinTime: just funny how the shit i do goes un appreciative

[10-01, 00:19] Jookie Marley: fuck u nigga

[09-01, 23:50] Mr.Bentley: uploadafraud.com

[09-01, 23:45] Jookie Marley: what website do we use 2 upload now?

"Summercide was 2 white girls away from being a cook out" - Cyberbully 2099

" makes me laugh how its gone from all ambition era holding the titles, to 3 guys from 07 holding the main titles..haha

welcome to the 'Pensioner Era' - Parker

"This is all part of my plan to equalize the playing field until we have a roster of people I can actually BEAT" - Bobby Digital


Wrong threadchief but nice pics non the less.



EDIT MOVED the pics.

Welcome to OCW, keep tough skin, speak your mind, and most of all have fun.-Betterness

"I'm going to be brutally honest here guys... all we really need for a good Riot is a few RP's from Our Hero himself... he's an awesome writer!!!" - Smythe

CCWJustinTime: just funny how the shit i do goes un appreciative

[10-01, 00:19] Jookie Marley: fuck u nigga

[09-01, 23:50] Mr.Bentley: uploadafraud.com

[09-01, 23:45] Jookie Marley: what website do we use 2 upload now?

"Summercide was 2 white girls away from being a cook out" - Cyberbully 2099

" makes me laugh how its gone from all ambition era holding the titles, to 3 guys from 07 holding the main titles..haha

welcome to the 'Pensioner Era' - Parker

"This is all part of my plan to equalize the playing field until we have a roster of people I can actually BEAT" - Bobby Digital

yea to go on your newly revamped purple dildo

locony911: you have a special place in my hart

locony911: <3 <-- you in der

CCWJustinTime: LMAO





For some reason in the bottom picture on Mayhem's post facially you look like HHH to me for some reason

LocoNY911: I hate you with every fiber of my being just looking at your name makes me want to strike my monitor

For some reason in the bottom picture on Mayhem's post facially you look like HHH to me for some reason


I think Mayhem should take the pics.


That bottom one is HD quality


I see you have Nates named tattooed on your chest. I dont even wanna ask where you have RD Moneys name placed

Dane Xavier: cyber bullying is not only illegal, it's pathetic




"I swear to go if you call me a Liberal again you RETHUGLICAN, SEE WHAT I DID THERE.


This is america, if you want to throw your hard earned sweat money on a videogame gambling site and thus deny you and your family food and shelter THAN BY GOD DAMMIT YOU CAN, BECAUSE THIS IS AMERICA YOU COMMIE SOCIALIST.



Now then when Can I expect your next donation?


"- Jay Jay




Double A


"The Weapon




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