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You can post a review of the show as long as you don't give away results/spoilers.


Talking about how you enjoyed what Archer did, and how you didn't enjoy what Aries did for example isn't a spoiler and is fine.


Oh. Well, all I'm gonna say is that I'm gonna try to be more mindful about hovering and something else...


Random thoughts from Lee


- Ashley Moore channeling her inner Britney Spears to open the show. Nothing screams a turmoil opening like someone swinging a chair out of thin air. Still in the opening moments of the show and Flojo has already turned into the Weeb Pimp....


- Capo, how dare you insult mimosa's, Is anyone ever sober at Turmoil show? Think of the children guys we are only 2 segments in and tequila is already being passed around. I don't trust those last words Capo said.... Don't Trust Capo!!!


- Who would agree to let OCW talent near a school?


- Pet Mexican stole that car he arrived in 100% confirmed


-Dragana puts Flojo/Ace in their place with only a SHHHHHH!


- Terra coming to single handily ruin Turmoil catering, Yet thanks to the lovely Heather for distracting her we are saved. Thank you Kassiantiy


- Again all of this OCW talent around a school..... Not going to end well


- Trance makes a rare appearance backstage not at catering for once only to big-time Aries. Also #FuckWrex


- Quartz keeping it classy for Turmoil as he takes a piss.....


- B17 cares more about his wig then helping his former friend who was attacked for no reason.


- Jackson reminding us all about what happen last time he was in a ring with Aries. Poor lemur monkey...


- Damn the price of OCW 2k19 is ridiculous, Our hero must really be hard up for some cash.


- Thirstmoil is real. Now we get Jacob trance watching two of his former friends be attacked and refuses to do anything about it.

  • Mark Out! 12


Give Daniels some time and figure out ocw he will do good. Some minor hiccups but this was a good match. Loki just keeps on rolling.


Pretty even match! Counter for counter! I thought Flojo was going to pull it out but Elsa got the W.


LOL on the entrance of this match. Light Bulb and a horse and great there is a dragon. Good win for Mistico. I didn’t see the ending happening the way it was. Didn’t know LBS had that dark side of him.


My match: sorry next time I won’t have that border


Wrex showed his dominance and the story is being told between the Scumcity and b community.


Aries is back and im scared.

  • Mark Out! 1



1x CCW Champion

2x Turmoil Tag Team Champion


-Dragana puts Flojo/Ace in their place with only a SHHHHHH!



"It's like the number zero...It's empty, but at the same time it holds infinite possibilities." - Igor

213 Notes: "WHO BETTAH THAN KANYON" Edition!


- Moore is a weirdo and Flojo is trying to help Nick get some you-know-what. Yeah, don’t think so honey. Elsa has entered a division with a high crazy counter.




- I’m imagining Austin in a big plexiglass box, kinda like an elimination chamber pod. Is that accurate?


- Jehst reunites with his old tag partner, parenthesis scumbag laugh end parenthesis! They’re still friends but it looks like they won’t be back to teaming up quite yet. I like the differences in character as Jehst doesn’t toast exactly what capo does. Seeds for the future? Who knows!


- Valk, like Quartz, is very easy to promo with.


- Mistico with a white meat babyface promo, a quick segment. Not sure why the talking is in quotes.


- Flojo just can’t catch a break. But can she catch these hands from Dragana? Find out next time on Dragon Ball ZEE! I gotta say I’m impressed with Flojo’s promos this year, wasn’t so long ago we were all like hey guy... DO WORDS! Johnny really is just a yappy dog, isn’t he?


- “Pop quiz, what do a Horse and a Dragon have in common?... They both want to smash a light bulb.” … He really IS Lawler!


- Mistico has a great entrance gimmick now. And Tiny Vampiro loses it after the match, going to town with a kendo! How will the story unfold from here?


- You know, the environment is important and animal cruelty is bad… but you’ll never stop me from enjoying a juicy hamburger. That’s the catch-22 of the first world. But here comes who other than Heather Angelo to arouse and frighten at the same time? This greenpeace lady better be careful, OCW is full of carnivores! And this one apparently eats *COUGH*.


- Jesus, poor Jackman got sheer fart attacked. Maybe shouldn’t a kicked out so many times but I know how it feels.


- RPOTN so far with Aries and Scumciety. Love the details in how he’s out of step, builds sympathy and makes you wanna see him do well in his upcoming match. And of course Scumciety have no respect for a legend! Most would have run their mouths and got into trouble, but Aries doesn’t want none. A polite character in OCW? What? I definitely laughed at the “like a white woman in an alley" line.


- Watched all the matches in the stream, only ones that really stood out to me were the end of Flojo/Elsa, this match, and the main. Wrex vs Bray told a great story, with Wrex coming back for revenge after the tag loss. He gains the early lead on Bray and extends it to the point where you don’t think Bray could come back, but he does, and hits his finish! Which Wrex kicks out of. The anime prince’s dreams are crushed as Wrex lays him out for the 3, but he was the first one to hit a fin so it’s not like he looks bad or anything. Wrex just has that unbreakably thick skull. Because his brain is tiny.


- B17 is not good at dealing with moral quandaries, apparently.


- Jackmo continues his very specific brand of no-breaks-on-this-train shenanigans. What is it with wrestling and midgets? Like Minio I can’t decide whether I want to cheer him for being funny or boo him for being that guy at a party who gets sloshed and decides to show off his strength by throwing a CRT TV out a window and onto someone’s car.

- Valk plays like AJ Styles I see.


- Main event was also a good match, with Aries starting off constantly behind on revs and getting methodically bing bong boned by Jackson, until mounting a late match comeback for the win. Unlike Wrex, Jackmo doesn’t kick out. Good match to return with! I really like Aries’ look, a bit like HBK mixed with (this is gonna sound weird) skinny Haku. Felt longer than it was, which is good!


- Scumciety continue their dominance over Turmoil with a disgusting attack! Just like CQC in TTT, they’re really coming into their own. I like that they’re using “we’re the new guys” as heel heat too, instead of the other way around, which is more common here. Interested to see how this goes.

  • Mark Out! 8
  • Administrators

"Kiddo #3: I love Fortnite!


Cort: Quake 3 is better."



Best RP Ever Hands down

  • Mark Out! 5
 15-06, 18:20 Tiberius Dupree make him tap with brownie mix


"Booking Wrestling is the most thankless no-win position anyone could ever be in. When things go well it's the talent that makes it work. When they go badly, it's because the Booker doesn't know what he's doing." - Eric Bischoff


Jookie: what website do we upload to againi for got

Our Hero: uploadafraud.com

Jookie: fuck u boricua


"I'm like Smythe, except Good" - Matsuda


OCW works best when it’s a melting pot of different ideas and opinions coming together to create some cool ass shit. It’s at its worst when people are only invested in their own/their pals’ content." - Paul Pugh

"I'm 5,9" - Ry

"I'm sorry if this sounds mean but OCW shouldn't be allowed to vote" - Jake Allen


RUDO’s Top Ten Turmoil Reactions:


1) Rookies, please, for the love of all things good in this world, check the finishers thread to see if moves on there are in your move-set. I picked up on maybe 3 or 4 moves in Daniel’s moveset including one of Kass’ finishers, then a smattering of others throughout the show. Just scan the list for #hespect.


2) Cort cross-promoing again; good stuff. Entertaining skit with Valk with the kids, especially all of them rushing the Kasstians like a horde of goblins.


3) FloJo / Dragana is heating up, especially after that promo with Johnny. Will Flojo be facing her at the PPV for the title?


4) Mistico’s entrance = hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!


5) Ever since my match with Ashley I’ve been hyper-aware of FPR. I enjoyed the Code vs. Draven match but Jett, you gotta cool it with the crapples my man. I think I noticed at least 3, which had the potential to change the tide of the match given how close it was at the end. Code was just continually wasting reversals every time that happened. Also, that match coined Jackman’s new nickname to add to his pile; “Kick-Out Code”.


6) Enjoyed the Aries promo/match. Like what Cort has previously mentioned, the RP made you feel sympathy and investment in seeing him prevail to prove Scumciety wrong. Had my entrance so I’ve changed mine as I #hespect de legends. Looking forward to seeing what comes of Aries this season.


7) First RP with Capo back, was good to finally get into it again. Hopefully we’ll work together more in the future.


8) Good match between Bray/Wrex. Thought Bray had it off that Rock Bottom but Wrex managed to escape and rake back to win it. It’s good for the story between B-Comm and Scumciety; now they’re even.


9) JackMo encounters a wild Aries midget. Imagine an OCW midget PPV where we all make our CAWs tiny and - - - oh wait, Ricky is already the smallest size, nevermind. Funny RP as always, I enjoy JackMo segments for the humour and the descriptiveness.


10) Oh shit! Scumciety attacking everyone now it seems! “Scumciety vs. Everybody” – make the merch NOW! Bray and Aries vs. Scumciety on Turmoil for revenge?


RPOTN: I actually have to go with Aries/Scumciety locker room RP. I dunno I just ‘felt’ it, like I was there seeing it all unfold.


MOTN: ME, that comeback was great and just told the story of overcoming the odds as an older legend returning, showing he can still hang with the top dogs.

  • Mark Out! 7

My image don't load no mo so fuck it.



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