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  • Mark Out! 8
 15-06, 18:20 Tiberius Dupree make him tap with brownie mix


"Booking Wrestling is the most thankless no-win position anyone could ever be in. When things go well it's the talent that makes it work. When they go badly, it's because the Booker doesn't know what he's doing." - Eric Bischoff


Jookie: what website do we upload to againi for got

Our Hero: uploadafraud.com

Jookie: fuck u boricua


"I'm like Smythe, except Good" - Matsuda


OCW works best when it’s a melting pot of different ideas and opinions coming together to create some cool ass shit. It’s at its worst when people are only invested in their own/their pals’ content." - Paul Pugh

"I'm 5,9" - Ry

"I'm sorry if this sounds mean but OCW shouldn't be allowed to vote" - Jake Allen


I spoke with Jay, Jake and Drago about this tier list. I’m glad they took my advice in not calling it a “Kayfabe” List. Some other criticisms we discussed at length that I’d love to discuss with the general public.


A. I thought the metrics weren’t adequately explained at the beginning, and the metrics I parsed from listening through weren’t applied equally to everyone, certain people were judged favorably compared to others.


B. Not counting history is in effect a lie, because a wrestlers’ current card placement is based on history anyways.


C. My contract situation was not addressed on this cast, and when I offered to be on it, Jay promptly changed the time of the recording so I could not be on it (very sad)

  • Mark Out! 3




I want to start off by saying BRAVO gentlemen! Over 3hrs of excellent criticism. I admire all you guys have done to make this happen. I would’ve loved to hear spooders thoughts on everyone as well. His thoughts are genuine.


You guys thoughts on Tyson was spot on! I felt he was in the C level as well considering I brought him back due to some circumstances that conflicted with my main. I tried to make the best of his return but it got difficult handling three caws at the same time while obtaining a newborn. I’ve began to feel overwhelmed I finally have to admit. It started taking a toll on my main caw H2O and my main female caw Heather Angelo.


I really had fun using him to fight rookies into shape and helping out with the card but I had to really come to terms that it was beginning to become too much for me so he had to go.


My Heather Angelo...oh how I appreciate the love the hands down B+ rating you guys gave her. I have an emotional connection with her because she is inspired by an old main I used to rock with in the indy days in the late 90s early 2000. I was a bit sloppy on how I brought her in but figured a story with her that constantly intertwines with her soul mate H2O. You guys figured out her problems are very much similar to Harvey’s. They’re parallel always whether Harvey likes it or not.


She looks to further her solo career. First she had to imprison her inner demon Furiosa that took mostly all season to do. She now sets her sights to imprison the women’s division the next season!




Harvey is been an emotional rollercoaster even for me! But for real, working with Drago, B17, Doc, Cort, and KD towards the end of the season made me stay one way as a “baby face” the final stretch. I admit Harvey went too far vs KD. I told some of the guys I should’ve changed the ending before it aired but it was too late and passed the deadline.


It’s hard to say he’s still face after that action but he is face. Just frustrated by constantly being blindsided by attacks. The story continues next season and don’t you guys worry. If I can show consistency with Heather l, I can do it with The Head Superstar of OCW!


Thanks again everyone!


I seriously appreciate your love for my caws, my time and effort. Next season I’ll do better.

  • Mark Out! 4







Thanks to Quartz for the support and to Drago for the constructive criticism. I've been efedding for just one year and I'm definitely still in the learning process, so the feedback is precious to me, more than the actual rank.


I agree when you say my burnout affected the quality of my content. I was the most booked, I had the most RPs, tons of video content and also fairly active with reviews, which tells you how much passion and effort I've put in this season. This obviously takes its toll on the long run and I ended up burn out and bored. I will definitely keep in mind that shows are not a place for banter and memes (for ex. The walmart valkyrie rps) and that, unlike most people, I'm not roleplaying as myself but rather as a different person with her own distinct personality. Going forward I will spend less time on Discord, keep my stuff simpler and be more selective when picking who I interact with OOC and IC.


I disagree when you say that my heel turn ruined what my reign could've been because well I've never turned heel (why would I?). Probably a couple of RPs were lost in the shuffle but Valkyrie wasn't brainwashed at all, thats more for directionless caws, there's rather a full story planned which we will develop with the help of Ash, Heather and whoever wants to be a part of it. We posted a couple of RPs in the promo Room but I'm not sure everyone saw them, it's off season after all.


In conclusion big thanks to Ashley Flojo Empress Kass and H2O for making this season fun for me, and also to Jay for giving me this platform.

  • Mark Out! 5

So I sat down and made my own kayfabe list yesterday. By kayfabe, I mean how people are viewed in universe/character by OCW fans.


I started the list by placing everyone into C Tier. I then moved Legends, World Champions and Former World Champions to A.


Then I took all the other Champions and placed them into B.


I elevated people up from A to S rank based on their accomplishments/body of work. I then adjusted everyone relative to the people within their own tier up or down.


If you feuded consistently and were active you remained in C. If I could remember a feud rp or match you did I dropped you into D.


Everyone else is effectively “Unranked but I recognize your name”.


I then did one final pass again to adjust people relative to the other people in their tier and the others. “Would a match between two people in this tier place higher on a card than 2 people in the tier below?” Etc and that brought me to the final list.



  • Mark Out! 5




I appreciate all the hard work that was place into this video. I enjoyed every moment of it. And I know I only made it into the A tier due to a lucky dice roll so that's fine. I honestly would have been happy no matter where I fell.


Everyone has their way of doing things and I put a lot of time into what I enjoy which is doing video work and will continue to do what I enjoy. I know my matches aren't the greatest and probably don't tell an amazing story. But, I'm trying to work on that and, honestly I'm playing the game to the best of my ability after having to learn a completely different way of playing in such a short period of time. I'm lucky and very happy to have people like ( Ashley, Valk, Kass and B17) that are willing to be patience enough with me and help me out when I need it.


I can only hope to get better as I continue and have amazing matches and stories along the way.

  • Mark Out! 3


I appreciate all the hard work that was place into this video. I enjoyed every moment of it. And I know I only made it into the A tier due to a lucky dice roll so that's fine. I honestly would have been happy no matter where I fell.


Everyone has their way of doing things and I put a lot of time into what I enjoy which is doing video work and will continue to do what I enjoy. I know my matches aren't the greatest and probably don't tell an amazing story. But, I'm trying to work on that and, honestly I'm playing the game to the best of my ability after having to learn a completely different way of playing in such a short period of time. I'm lucky and very happy to have people like ( Ashley, Valk, Kass and B17) that are willing to be patience enough with me and help me out when I need it.


I can only hope to get better as I continue and have amazing matches and stories along the way.


I'd be S tier if you put me on the fucking Lution poster.

  • Mark Out! 3



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