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People Keep Asking If We Are Back? I Guess YEA WE ARE BACK!

  • Mark Out! 11
 15-06, 18:20 Tiberius Dupree make him tap with brownie mix


"Booking Wrestling is the most thankless no-win position anyone could ever be in. When things go well it's the talent that makes it work. When they go badly, it's because the Booker doesn't know what he's doing." - Eric Bischoff


Jookie: what website do we upload to againi for got

Our Hero: uploadafraud.com

Jookie: fuck u boricua


"I'm like Smythe, except Good" - Matsuda


OCW works best when it’s a melting pot of different ideas and opinions coming together to create some cool ass shit. It’s at its worst when people are only invested in their own/their pals’ content." - Paul Pugh

"I'm 5,9" - Ry

"I'm sorry if this sounds mean but OCW shouldn't be allowed to vote" - Jake Allen


Just finished the show. Scattered thoughts:


The P3 segment this week was even more bananas than usual. Top notch stuff.


Colin and Maxx's continuing relationship was great, tying other pieces of their stories into their future as a team.


Deaver and Luis stole the show, but the triple threat match also ruled. OWEN and Mark woulda been match of the night before the FPR break to end it.


Mugen's entrance on the first new show of the year >> - I will never not pop. Their promo that followed was exactly as you'd expect, too. Mugen and Doc is just another on a list of dream singles matches we could see this year.


Cody Hagen jumping the barricade was amazing. Huge impact made by taking down Greene and Kass (albeit as a cheap shot) SECURITY.


Also huge shout out to Greene for an incredible performance against the INT champion.


FloJo also putting together a massive upset against Ashley. I'm hoping we get their 10th career match at a PPV at some point this year.


The Family is really growing to be a powerhouse and the inclusion (possibly) of McGregor Jr. only makes it more impactful. I have a feeling these fuckboys are going to be the reason John pulls the trigger between now and Lution.


I was really pulled in by Megan/Jake's video. Was a bit on the long side, but I didn't mind because the dialogue kept me interested. Excited for Morgan's proper debut next week.


TWC's getting a little more complicated with the moving pieces and Jasmin running down John Carter for being at fault for the mess. Interested to see where both of them go in response to the status of TWC.


Aisu addressing the crowd on Turmoil! (Please don't join The Family)


I thought both KC Barrett promos were fun too. KC has a very unique writing style and does a great job making you visualize the douchey chad way he acts. The Ziggler "on the ground" promo was tremendous stuff lmao.


A bummer that Parker had to be replaced, but it is what it is. Enjoyed the tag match anyways and the ending where Sheldon came out to challenge Colin was perfection. That is going to be a workhorse match if I've ever seen one next week.


Speaking of Sanctum, they had another great promo, re-establishing themselves. All three members have a unique voice, and they bounce off of each other well.


Mac had a huge impact here, the Stone Sour song was NOT too long. Fuck you Kent. It was great.


The Iceman live promo also ruled as it usually does, right into the match, which while it wasn't ideal for a main event, still had a lot of meat on it's bones story wise and set up quite a few things for everyone involved.


Also I know I was a part of it with Dillinger, but shout out to El Parca for the grandios promo on the last page. It came together perfectly and I'm glad we didn't do a super long video instead.


I said in VP this show felt like the attitude era, not the dumb parts like the bad wrestling, gratuitous nudity and blood for no reason, but the chaos and interwoven storylines that display the fact the show is a collection of everyone and not something that exists in little separate bubbles. I enjoyed it a lot.


Stop crappling.


Stop crappling.


Stop crappling.


Stop crappling.


Stop parkering.


And finally stop crappling.


It wasn't super egregious on this show (except for OWEN's bc it won him the match), but it shouldn't still be happening. We gotta get it together. I don't wanna fly off the deep end and tell Jay I wanna start suspending people, that's lame.


Super dope show though, for real. Great job from everyone on the written and video fronts.

  • Mark Out! 15


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President and leading member of the Paul Pugh Fan Club. We love KidEgo

"Choose Tmust" - Maxx Edwards

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KENT HATES LOVES pass it on!
  • Mark Out! 4
 15-06, 18:20 Tiberius Dupree make him tap with brownie mix


"Booking Wrestling is the most thankless no-win position anyone could ever be in. When things go well it's the talent that makes it work. When they go badly, it's because the Booker doesn't know what he's doing." - Eric Bischoff


Jookie: what website do we upload to againi for got

Our Hero: uploadafraud.com

Jookie: fuck u boricua


"I'm like Smythe, except Good" - Matsuda


OCW works best when it’s a melting pot of different ideas and opinions coming together to create some cool ass shit. It’s at its worst when people are only invested in their own/their pals’ content." - Paul Pugh

"I'm 5,9" - Ry

"I'm sorry if this sounds mean but OCW shouldn't be allowed to vote" - Jake Allen


Punishment was outlined in the handbook and i dont think suspensions would be flying off the handle especially when it comes to match ending sequences. Shoulda been a redo out right.


Punishment based on severity or thro the chain





We are too lenient if anything and maybe if people were punished itd actually incentive fixing playstyle instead of the rules being broken just about every show.


And content should defly be vetted, if we r going to have standards, we should hold people to it and not allow things below the standard on the show as is stated on the card of each show but never happens.

  • Mark Out! 3
Punishment was outlined in the handbook and i dont think suspensions would be flying off the handle especially when it comes to match ending sequences. Shoulda been a redo out right.

Punishment based on severity or thro the chain




We are too lenient if anything and maybe if people were punished itd actually incentive fixing playstyle instead of the rules being broken just about every show.

And content should defly be vetted, if we r going to have standards, we should hold people to it and not allow things below the standard on the show as is stated one the card of each show but never happens.


I don't agree about vetting content, but the users themselves need to take better care of what they're submitting. You should be proud of your contributions to the show each time.


While I don't agree about strict, to-the-letter punishments laid out in the handbook, I do agree that we're too lenient. I figured me constantly harassing and annoying people by tagging them in the chat or PMing them would help, but evidently it hasn't, so you're right that more specific actions need to be taken going forward.

  • Mark Out! 2


Forum SignatureFINAL.png


President and leading member of the Paul Pugh Fan Club. We love KidEgo

"Choose Tmust" - Maxx Edwards


I believe that if Jake personally came to my house and slapped me every time i did a kip-up on the outside, I'd stop.


My door is unlocked.

  • Mark Out! 3

Christian Garcia:


1x North American Champion


Jasmin Kaffee:


1x World Women's Champion


anything above rookie should know what they are doing, thats always been the point of rookie, thats who we should be lenient on. Wrestler and up we expect better.


Parca was suspended, since I don't think I have seen any level of egregious fpr break and defly not one that defined the end of a match from him.


Minor breaks here or there okay sure the warning is what we stick with, but breaking the rule to win, in a defining moment of a match should be more strict. The W should never matter enough to cheat.


Now you could always try and analyze intent, take in account quantity of breaks by the person, and so forth but yea I think staff would be fully in the right to start true punishments again and thats not going off the handle.










Content wise, Luis/deaver and Chey/claudio were probably the best matches of the night for me. When claudio went for the count out, I legit said who the fuck are the heels here.


Terra was the promo i put into the survey as promo of the night


biggest impact had to be cody hag (fuck you im suing jay)

  • Mark Out! 6

I agree that giving out punishments isn't flying off the handle. I've always been of the opinion that someone breaking FPR once or twice, that's their issue, but if someone's breaking FPR every time they appear, I've gotta question why they're being booked still more than anything. Reese/OWEN was particularly egregious because the crapple led into a long sequence where a match-ending stun happened, with many opportunities for OWEN to have just stopped, regrouped, and got the match back in gear (particularly with the lead he had), and he just didn't. Should've been a redo, but I get that not everyone has the time/wants their time wasted by retrying matches over and over again if they're not precious about their wins and losses (as most of us aren't, after all, they don't matter).


Vetting content, eh? I don't think I saw anything on the show that was below par in terms of quality, maybe the 'entrance + read the werdz' format will outstay its welcome eventually, but it's no issue for the time being.


I put Terra for the promo of the show, Deaver/Luis for match of the night, and I really loved the Nate and Marisa Through Glass segment. Fantastic song choice, perfectly used, and the characters just fit well together. Mac really impressed me in general, I put him as biggest impact, he's not one of the tougher players competitively speaking, but for me, that makes it more impressive that he didn't seem out of place in the main event against Quartz. The promos of the show were really good, the live-action segments are always loads of fun, and while I'm usually one of the louder voices complaining about distraction finishes (as anyone who's ever offered me one will know), the pacing of Claudio's appearance was really solid, Iceman had a little comeback before the Black Phoenix so it didn't just look like he looked away and died immediately. Very excited to see where that storyline goes.

  • Mark Out! 2
Ah, that's fair, I'm definitely more in the camp 'here's this rope, let's see if you hang yourself' when it comes to bad segments and whatnot. No naming, as I don't wanna dig up old wounds, but I've seen some recent catastrophes that now border on non-canon because of how well the handler took criticism and went onto do more great work, and some where the handler's lack of self-awareness following the incident caused them irreparable damage, or at least gave them a mountain to climb. I dunno, I'd rather people have the chance to do good, do bad, and not be shitheads when something doesn't land or even offends, and if they fail that, then action gets taken.
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