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Changing The Game


Welcome to episode 2 of a 3 part series that will conclude this Sunday with The Desk. This Episode will focus on changing the game. I will start with everyone's favorite TiT Heaton. Despite being a juvenile know it all google abusing annoying, pre-pubescent hair less monkey he does make a decent observation. Most time OCWFED.NET is considered a work in progress, eventually the work piles on top of itself and things get pushed back and promises get broken.


Things like The Card Game and many other things that are OCW Related that never see the light of day due to one circumstance or another. At the end of the day you learn from your mistakes and as such I have taken the intuitive to learn as well. I will be going for a small step approach rather than aiming for the moon and front loading everything I will be taking a more conservative and realistic look for various goals that need to be achieved in OCWFED.NET.


The problems are immense but only through a clear understanding of things can we know how to get them done properly. Currently we have a staff where half does there job and the other half just sorta stands there. Every little bit helps so see below for more info.


With that knowledge I would also like to impart some of my own. We have heard it time and again, something doesnt get done there is an excuse. I have finally realised that excuses serve no purpose, its either you did or you didnt. I dont care about the why or the how, like any business excuses are a form of weakness the bottom line is either a yes or a no. An explanation however is different than an excuse, an explanation serves to inform and nothing more.



I couldnt get my match done something important came up,

as opposed to


I couldnt get my match done my opponent had herpes and the cameraman got arrested for prostitution.


I just dont care about the excuses I am not your mother, I am not your pastor, I am not your parole officer, and I am not your judge or jury. I am merely someone who wants results, if you cannot provide them then I will find someone else who can plain and simple.


On that note its now time to face the facts, time and time I hear, "Im going to do this", "I am going to do that" "I am going to be great just you wait and see" etc. Again I dont care dont talk about it just do it, dont quit dont get sidetracked dont get discouraged just put forth your effort and like a man stand, and get the job done. OCWFED.NET is here for your entertainment and amusement, our purpose is to tap into that creativity that resonates in the back of your mind. We are here to provide a fun and competitive enviroment where you can live the dream of being a wrestler without the hassle of steroid abuse or jobbing to faggots like orton.


That being said if you cant be creative or if you cant cut the mustard than you need to look inside and say am i cut out for this? And when you do that you will know the answer is simple, yes I am now lets make some fucking magic.Talking is for cowards, the loudest motherfucker in the room is always the weakest "Note Im not always the loudest and my tenacity and fortitude has been proven in the fires of OCW so dont get cute fuckers" Bottom line stop talking about it and just do it. I know you can do it and you know you can do it so stop beating around the bush and just get it done, dont think about it be about it.


If you are asking for a job in OCW then do the job if you cant then dont ask for the job in the 1st place. Countless times everyone wants to jump at the chance to be self important but when it comes down to it they just dont do anything. And it is very discouraging, there is a reason why certain people are held in a high regard much like Vimes, Nate , Spoon, Geo , Versus etc, because more often than not when they are needed or called upon they get the job done no if ands or buts. So follow by example if you step up then do what is asked of you.


I myself will be making amends and doing what needs to be done. Although it is somewhat difficult to login and see "go fix this" from some scumbag jobber sometimes it is indeed the right thing to do as a leader in order to keep the machine running properly.


Much like life OCW is what you make it if you are meant for great things you will manifest it so just go for it already.



Tune In Sunday For

The Final Episode

The Desk 2008

I will be Answering any and all questions of merit from how we are run to the title scene anything is open. So feel free to drop them here. The goal is to open the lines to genuine communication not just stupid banter. We are here to do great things so lets continue the motherfucking tradition like only OCWFED.NET can.

 15-06, 18:20 Tiberius Dupree make him tap with brownie mix


"Booking Wrestling is the most thankless no-win position anyone could ever be in. When things go well it's the talent that makes it work. When they go badly, it's because the Booker doesn't know what he's doing." - Eric Bischoff


Jookie: what website do we upload to againi for got

Our Hero: uploadafraud.com

Jookie: fuck u boricua


"I'm like Smythe, except Good" - Matsuda


OCW works best when it’s a melting pot of different ideas and opinions coming together to create some cool ass shit. It’s at its worst when people are only invested in their own/their pals’ content." - Paul Pugh

"I'm 5,9" - Ry

"I'm sorry if this sounds mean but OCW shouldn't be allowed to vote" - Jake Allen


sweet you have to answer my questions live... whoohoo... here they are


1. Will MMM`s Lord of the ring stat track system ever see the light of day?

2. Will we be having another draft int he near future?

3. Will the OCW accountant actually start paying out some money?

4. Can we get an actual table of where superstars are in their careers IE low card, mid card, ME, jobber, superstar... so everyone knows what they are to the company and what they have to do to get where they want to go?

5. Can we get someone to look at the style set of wrestlers for 08 and make suggestions?

6. Will we see the return of the CAW police?

7. Can we get together a series of Wrestler portfolios including the personal lives of all OCW wrestlers and interviews telling things like... who they work out with? who they party with? who`s friends backstage... sort of like a gossip column?

8. Can we have actual writers that suggest feuds to people that are stagnant or pitch good feud ideas to uninvolved wrestlers?

9. Are there any plans to promote OCW to an outside audience?


I`ll type more when I think of them!!!

Signature 1 - The Alpha Heel

Signature 2 - Spear 5 (F) - Stargazer


Finisher 1 - Flapjack 2 (F) - The SDW

Finisher 2 - Reality check (G) - Dawonderful Dream


Finisher 3 (i'm cool enoigh to claim 3 moves) - The Darkside - THe Million Dollar Dream


Questions by me, Vincent Valmont.


1. Is my hair better than AJ's(OCW)?

2. Who is your all-time favorite wrestler in OCW, or CCW history, and why?

3. What is your favorite moment in OCW history?

4. Will you ever try to get some fellow OCW/CCW people to try to create the first ever OCW videogame?

5. Will OCW/CCW ever do a lan type of party, where anyone who cares to travel to somewhere, bring their 360s, and cable, and games, and have a hell of a time?

6. Where do you see OCW/CCW in 5 years?

7. Will you ever try to, even if it's once, to go to a 3rd party, to try to create a much bigger audience around the world?

8. If you, Jaysin, ever met Randy Orton, what would you do?

9. Who sings better, Brittany Spears, or SDW?

10. Will OCW/CCW ever go to a dead end, in the future?

11. What is the one major thing, you like to see OCW/CCW improve on?

12. Will tale of the tapes ever surface, into ppv matches?

OCW's 2008's Most Improved Wrestler

2x OCW Heavyweight Champion

2x OCW Hardcore Champion


1. Will there be anyone assigned to update the forums information pages in the future? (Champions, Staff, OCW Wiki Etc.)


2. If TNA is released internationally and is transatlantic, will it mean saying goodbye to the Smackdown series? If so, what will happen to the people who don't or can't afford to purchase a copy of the game?


3. What do you think the OCW/CCW roster will be like a year from now? And do you think it's improving?


4. What are your plans for OCWfed in 2008?


5. Pick three people you think will most likely step upto the ME slot this year.


6. Dr. Tran? or Dr. Cox?




OCW Debut - 31/3/06:

Robert Fearo Vs. CJ Hoppus


"I spanked Jaysin in front of millions" - Robert Fearo 1/26/08


Carlos: What would you people do without me :-D

Fearo: Have a lot more money and wallets.

Carlos: :-(

1. When will we see V4 of the OCW site


RDMoney: I read an article somewhere that creation would be a "Huge" part in this TNA. Now I'm reading that there are only 5 CAW slots and no CAW online. How is this playing a huge part?


MIDWAY: Understood. We need to improve in the area. Things got cut, and now we can pick the ball up on those things once again.


Do you eat chilly every time you do The Desk cause it sure fucking sounds like it?

Why hasn't RD been suspended for steroids?

Who do you hate the most out of all the OCW rejects?

Ps3 or 360?

Yankmees, Yankers.. Yankees or Mets?

Jets or Giants?



2x International Champion

1x Hardcore Champion

sweet you have to answer my questions live... whoohoo... here they are


1. Will MMM`s Lord of the ring stat track system ever see the light of day?

He wouldn't be able to answer that question, as it's not an official OCWFED ranking system. But, seeing as I'm the one piloting the idea, I'll answer it for you.


I started watching RIOT tonight and I'm already halfway through the matches. I would have been done sooner, but during the first two matches, I realized I had to make some revisions to the point system and had to go through them once again. All part of the learning process.


In short, yes, it will see the light of day and no, you didn't beat Chino on points... but you came close at one point.


I'll post the results this weekend and once again ask for opinions/advice/suggestions. Seeing as the winner gets a bonus pack of points, I will be posting pre and post win points, so people can see just how close certain matches were before the pin came into play.


I also have different ideas on how to rank. I might have to separate it into Leader By Total Points, Leader By Most Points In One Match and if I can figure out the math, Leader By Average Amount of Points.


Some people get booked more than others or pull double duty so this way it can be a bit more fair to the guy who appears once every full moon.

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