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  • Mark Out! 14
 15-06, 18:20 Tiberius Dupree make him tap with brownie mix


"Booking Wrestling is the most thankless no-win position anyone could ever be in. When things go well it's the talent that makes it work. When they go badly, it's because the Booker doesn't know what he's doing." - Eric Bischoff


Jookie: what website do we upload to againi for got

Our Hero: uploadafraud.com

Jookie: fuck u boricua


"I'm like Smythe, except Good" - Matsuda


OCW works best when it’s a melting pot of different ideas and opinions coming together to create some cool ass shit. It’s at its worst when people are only invested in their own/their pals’ content." - Paul Pugh

"I'm 5,9" - Ry

"I'm sorry if this sounds mean but OCW shouldn't be allowed to vote" - Jake Allen

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You already know!


  • Mark Out! 4
 15-06, 18:20 Tiberius Dupree make him tap with brownie mix


"Booking Wrestling is the most thankless no-win position anyone could ever be in. When things go well it's the talent that makes it work. When they go badly, it's because the Booker doesn't know what he's doing." - Eric Bischoff


Jookie: what website do we upload to againi for got

Our Hero: uploadafraud.com

Jookie: fuck u boricua


"I'm like Smythe, except Good" - Matsuda


OCW works best when it’s a melting pot of different ideas and opinions coming together to create some cool ass shit. It’s at its worst when people are only invested in their own/their pals’ content." - Paul Pugh

"I'm 5,9" - Ry

"I'm sorry if this sounds mean but OCW shouldn't be allowed to vote" - Jake Allen


Keep in mind I'm old and ignorant so sorry if I've neglected anything here


3 RPs:


- Quartz cutting a classic wrestling promo. Liking that he put KD over huge and mentioning the history between them. Bit of a bummer that he has to carry the storyline but he's doing a solid job.


- Liking the written work Owen, I mean, OWEN has been putting in with Fraser here. Seems he's already finding his footing with the Derek feud.


- Love Tribal Chief Nate. And the Invincible reference.


2 Videos:


- Lumping in all the Terra/EMP stuff here cause it's been top tier stuff all around. Women's division has been such good shit. Going through the stage like that at the end is a really cool effect.


- The Valk deepfake freaks me out. Dunno why. I'll still watch the movie tho


1 Match:


- Love me a Tobin ass beating and who better to receive said ass beating than AC Cobra. AC showed a bit of fire but got put thru the ring. That's what you get for betraying Kass.

  • Mark Out! 10





"Roll 20 for initiative, you cuck" - Mr. Sensation

"I don't have a brain" - Tiberius Dupree

"4 os a gppd cp,[ro,ose" - Mr. Sensation


RP 1: The Clark Effect was very blunt but also very articulate and detailed. I like the confrontation between he and James Fraser as they found common ground on a common enemy. I love the arching storyline here and I'm very interested to see where it goes.


RP 2: The Mad Mike house party was some good comedy that also progressed a storyline. I love Jamie's creativity, including his multiple characters in this RP. Him still wearing the Bailiff Trance hat popped me.


RP 3: I like the intrigue that Joana Silver's RP presents. Whos is she? Who is coming home? Is this she the same she that says she's going to save us? SHE??????????? I love bringing other women on the roster like Sue Plex and Parker to show the continuity of our large roster (as Emp mentioned in her RP, I thought that was pretty clever too.)


Vid 1: I popped hard for the finale. Emp spearing Turra through the stage got a huge reaction from me in VP that might have busted some ear drums. That looked really good and the editing is very well done. The woman's division is hot in OCW.


Vid 2: The Wolf of Wallstreet 2 trailer was very well put together, Valk's face editing over the original footage was so clean I started to wonder if it was a real trailer. I love creative content like this that explores the realm outside of the ring.


Match 1: At one point in the match early on, I was like "Is Reese gonna try to solo this match?" The Wrestling Club is missing the one thing that their name says they do: wrestling. I mean were they AFK at points in this match? This was an ass beating worse than some of my DM experiences. I was thoroughly entertained by this match and the aspect of Reese doing it alone. The Wrestling Club needs to stop listening to rookies. I don't know how Lucha/Country loses, even while being enemies.

  • Mark Out! 8


3 --


- EMP and Dragana's RP at the beginning is chock full of character building and continuity, even a reference back to a Terra/Dragana match on Turmoil during "The Troupe" days. EMP's kickoff promo was very gud and relevant in all the best ways for me.


- Some good stuff for the same reason in H2O/Horse promo. References of priors between the two, and brining up the fact Harv saved TLB but he didn't return the favor was a real "aha!" moment for me. Either subtle storytelling OR a very good job to catch what happened organically and use it as a part of this longer term story. Since they already had their feud before, I'm interested to see how this (and their impromptu match later) turn out.


- "He rubs his hands together, much like a pondering fly, his will seemingly has been done, Mike’s party is ruined." Hilarious. Archer still gunning for Mike but now Telos and Colby are definitely in the mix. I liked the scene here, with it opening I expected a much more comedic tone, but it was all aggression from McCallum and Telos. (save for the end). The universe connecting in weird ways!


- I have to cheat and add Justice INC, LLC.'s segment in the storage lockers. Everything about this is hilarious. From Judge playing straight man to the other two's tomfoolery to fucking SCOOP REPS. Colin doesn't miss. I'm glad he took this impromptu team and ran with it because it's very much a great read every week.


(Also good on OWEN for a great promo that delivers a little more backstory and explains a bit more who he is. Love the big babyface boi standing his ground.)




- Caine's Code Jackman promo was good-weird, and the substance within it tells me that H2O is the real heel here leaking incorrect information to dirt sheets and Caine is innocent of what he's being accused of. Typical H2O shenanigans. Adding a wrench into this story on the go-home. The PPV match should be interesting.


- Valk's fucking deepfake video. Holy moly. She's truly a crossover star in all the best ways and I love that she leans into it like Hollywood Rock. Very on the nose and still beloved by fans all over the world.




- AC Cobra vs Tobin showed that AC can hold his own, at least for a little bit, against a big dog. He really struggles against heavyweights, and his speed is very effective, but he just needs a couple more big moves to avoid getting that big slam that'll run him down a whole health bar. All in all, another great outing for Tobin as he plunges forward towards whatever it is he's after (leave me alone) and AC Cobra proved that he can hang a little bit. Reminded me of the R2G title match, honestly.

  • Mark Out! 8


Forum SignatureFINAL.png


President and leading member of the Paul Pugh Fan Club. We love KidEgo

"Choose Tmust" - Maxx Edwards


RP 1: loved the Kass and Dupree RP. And adding mr sensation in the equation perfect.


Rp 2 : love the bbq as it was a nice touch and world building. I love when other characters are around even if they don’t do much shows there is a connection in this pocket world. It can be difficult to pull off as you have so many stories moving and need to make sure thing make sense. So when it’s done it’s nice to see.


Rp3: Owen as it wasn’t the greatest RP but I was very well put together and I look forward to seeing more. Keep up the good work.


Videos 1: I liked valks movie trailer video I was alittle weirded out at first but I watched it again and the work is amazing and I’m super impressed. Amazing work by Valk as always.


Video 2: this was so well put together the mix of jasmine, cort, jehst, Dane, Dennis beautiful work. Loved it.


Match: as much as I loved the Tobin and a cobra fight. I enjoyed the tag match a bit more. It was just an odd combination of individuals. Don’t get me wrong I enjoyed the heather vs Kota match very much. But tag takes this one as we don’t get many tag matches lately.


Ps. I would also love to throw my feud with Turra into the video section as Jake did an amazing job putting together the phone and freak out video and it deserves credit

  • Mark Out! 9



Before I get into the meat of the sandwich I just want to say thanks for the kind words with the content I had a hand in this week writing wise. The Justice Inc guys usually just wind up with me dumping a document on them and going "so we're doing this [ridiculous scenario here]" and they let me run with it and add their own individual styles and interactions. It makes it all come together really well, it's fun working with people that just leave you to fling stuff at them.


As for the Mike stuff, again, getting to quarterback and get so many receivers to throw to is fantastic. Even when guys aren't available for whatever reason they're buying what I'm selling setting wise which is why we're getting such wild and elaborate stuff that's a stramash that clicks for everyone's characters. Hey, even got a cameo from The Steve which involved a Discord phone call to pitch it and see what he wanted to do with the RP.


Also, I fucking love metaphors, even if they're technically self depreciating, and that's why you got the fly line.


I digress.










RP1 - I'm going to go with Just Derek because his RP hasn't had much attention yet. It's very interesting because his character speaks with the same cadence in my head as the handler actually does, even the pacing of his sentences just clicks that way. It connects with OWEN and Fraser in a way that seems logical, a wolf warning, perhaps, another wolf that Fraser isn't a sheep. Couple of derps in this, but if you just read it without taking note, everything stands up well.


RP2 - I'm going to go with Quartz foreboding wall of text (at first glance) but then it's plain sailing and well spaced out with appropriate pauses. He does a good job of both of talking up, and talking down KD. It's that fine balance you need to tread, especially as a bad guy. A bad guy should never totally build up the face as this amazing talent that's unstoppable. You always need to leave the good guy slightly downtrodden, especially if it's someone like KD. We all know he's not a loser, or whatever, but the better than you sthick means if the come-uppance happens... Well, hah, fuck you Quartz.


RP3 - Quite enjoyed Mac's RP, although he was protecting Tre, who fucked off ahead instead of making any comments about his own match before leaving Mac to it. Would have liked to see something from Tre to then leave Mac to go off on his rant once he had reached the safety of the locker room.


Video1 - It's going to be done to death, but for me the cell phone video was so fun and well done. Good After Effects / Fireworks edit on it too with the flames.


Video2 - Dejour video. Great placement of the text boxes and addresses the fact that Jehst is a factor in the whole angle. Dane gets heat, Dillinger gets heat. A this rate we're going to wind up with Reese, Cort and Jehst taking on Dane, CG and Parca in some sort of FACTION WARZ if this keeps up. Except Parca will be dead come the end of Consequence.


(Special shout to the mind-games video which I feel was the best video RP on the show, but I wanted to talk about the others. The super creepy deep fake video is probably the best bit of production, but again, wanted to talk about other stuff.)


Match 1 - Mantis vs. JD. So this match got a bit of poop hurled at it for outside forces... So Derek winning with the horse stomp was a bit iffy but then it's followed up by a lights out, Horse in affair resulting in... Well, a horse stomp. I really hope that when other people do Matteo's video editing they leave in his garbled and broken English, as that's 100% a part of his character and needs to be preserved at all costs. "Pony Boy" popped me, although Mantis vs. Mac in an ER match sounds messy... But hopefully it's in a good way.


Thanks for reading.

  • Mark Out! 5



What an interesting show. Still very unsure how I feel about it but maybe by the end of writing this I will have formed an opinion.






Is Derek a linguist? Is Derek racist? He opened up his promo tonight with some Spanish...to address OWEN...for seemingly no reason. I wouldn't even have taken note of it if it were not for him speaking French(?) to earlier. I assume we MIGHT see some reasoning behind this later or for this to become a recurring joke for the character. Nonetheless, this triangle story line between Frasier-Owen-Derek is convoluted to say the least. I kinda like it as its different from the regular and it is probably more realistic both in pacing and it is more aligned with how these characters might interact with in real life in a non wrestler setting. That being said, it's not exactly easy to follow along or get attached as I have no idea what's gonna happen next.

The Clark Effect on this story-line later in the show made a lot more sense and gave some context to this feud.



This pool promo was good on universe building alone. We had 3 storylines being at least somewhat progressed here through great writing. I'm now gonna contradict that and bring up one of my writing gripes between two of the characters. The Jordan-Colby relationship is something that is very cool and something that couldn't be replicated in many other feds to the effect here due to the prestige of their two fathers and the real life time put into developing their story of their families. The one thing that always strikes me as odd, and may be influenced by my personal background being different from the handlers and characters here, is the overbearing frequency of the two referring to each other as "cousin". Now I personally don't think that I refer to any of my brothers or cousins by our familial relation but even beyond that, even if it was they were calling each other their names why would you constantly address the person you are directly speaking to. I also do recognize that Colby does it intentionally in a condescending way towards Jordan cause he sees him as some goofy energetic kid, but that is no reason why Jordan has to call him cousin(as opposed to a nickname or just "Colby") AND for it to be present in every line of narration. I feel like if you want to mention it, you should either do it in narration ONCE, or have someone, probably Colby, use the word during their greeting, and not all of the above. It pulls me out of the rp immersion-wise cause the characters sound inauthentic like Soap Opera or anime characters, which is especially disappointing given how these two characters should be some of the most authentic characters we have and this interaction should be something I look forward to. Now, rant on a single word aside, the Telos-Colby feud is interesting and I like how Telos had to take a second to think of his comeback. And the MMM-Archer side of this rp was fundamental storytelling. Set up something(a pool party) for the face(MMM) and the fans to enjoy, and then have the Heel(Archer) take it away from them or at least revel in it being taken away. Great RP if not evident by all the discussion around it.



Now Valk Deepfake aside, which was a great and creative use of the software, the subsequent RP was great. Provided some great explanation of the video. With me being banned, the movie industry swings for a fences and swoops up another OCW Star for a sequel to try and recover as she does too. The rest of the rp was textbook "How to be Egotistical in Wrestling". Valk was able to big up herself AND her past opponents while making everything all about her. Valk then ends the promo by talking about how serious she is taking the match which(in my opinion) is her obviously playing up to the cameras and saying the right things for PR and marketing as her in-character actions say otherwise. This feud is another example(after Terra) of the right way to do Face* vs Heel and even though Valk is largely portraying the same Face that could be seen as a heel, what's different about this feud and her feud with Terra is this is way more of a mirror match up in terms of character. Valk v Terra, was very much a case of "Do Terra's ends justify her means?" as I feel like she was correct in her reasoning for a majority of the feud. On the other hand, this feud is more of a "Wolf vs A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing"(I think there is a better and more accurate saying for that) where Marissa and Valk both share a lot of their negative traits but Marisa is upfront and owns it.






The Video FKA "Dejour Yourself!" was a video that was excellently put together. Despite Jasmine's colorful vocabulary, her attempt to entice Justin Jehst worked to a tee and played off of Justin Jehst's tragic flaws. The rest of the action that pursued was also great. Now with Dennis Dillinger, putting his hands on OCW talent, one could argue that it opens up the door for OCW talent to put his hands on him especially given his 0-1 court record but I would never wish anything on a poor innocent man like Dillinger. Dane Xavier's choice to attack Cort Marshall's arm was a very interesting choice but I'm sure will come into play later. That being said, I do hope the Cort Marshall comes back Full Bucky with a metal arm with a giant star on it.


Marisa really is improving week after week with the video production. This week's video was something that was very simple but also pretty unique idea that could only realistically apply to feuding with Valkyrie. Again the video was MAD concise. Marisa talked shit, socked a simp, and got out of there in under a minute-fifteen and NO effect was lost in the process.





This Derek-Mantis match/segment ughh. Mantis entrance coming in at 2:30, WHY? Even if you were intentionally trying to stretch out the video length, which I don't think was the reason, by the time people get to the match they'll realize that the entrances took almost half the video. Then Derek comes out in a mask...WHY? Is JD some tough no-nonsense wolf recruit that wants to beat people up, or is he some chickenshit heel that likes to play mind games with opponents on a throwaway match with someone that he is very loosely associated with, even though there is some story behind this match, these two characters do not have significant history with each other like...idk Horsey and Caine. Then, what annoyed me more the match's finish is Derek equipping the Horse Stomp. EVEN IF, he got permission(which I don't think he did)there is absolutely no reason for it. It's not like Derek and Horsey have any history. Hell, it's not even like a Derek and Horsey match is on the horizon. When people say "DM Fuckery" this is what they mean. "Kass gets to use someone else's finisher so why can't I?"(not a quote BTW) I just don't understand the reasoning behind it and maybe that's because I don't fully understand Derek's character yet but that's why you should always start off very simple and straightforward. If you want Derek to have some sort of cheek to him or be someone who tries to get into his opponent's head is has to be overdone at the beginning because we don't know Derek. Someone like OWEN, his "Respect" mantra is very over exaggerated right now but that's cause we're still getting to know him and I'm sure eventually he'll add some nuance to his character. And this is all under the assumption that he got permission from Horsey. I also am gonna echo Nate's thought on the finish on how even though Sudden Death rules are always in effect, not letting someone out can strongly decrease the match's quality, but hey if you're gonna steal someone's finish and use it 4 minutes into the match might as well make it the end of the match. Now there's the whole aftermath which is more speculation than fact, and since I'm not gonna be some discord detective over a Turmoil match I'll just give my thoughts from what I've gathered. I'll give props to Mantis, because even though he didn't kick out for whatever reason and he was against letting the fair competitive match air, he atleast stuck around and tried to incorporate some story after the match and wasn't just gonna post the match bare like Derek may or may not have planning to. It seems like Mantis was the one bouncing from person to person trying to salvage this and I'm not gonna hate on him for that.






A small question I had regarding the show was on one of the big and important rps on the night. Though I could go and ask the person directly or just go based on my assumptions, I'll publicly post this for anybody that may have had the same question I had on this specific RP line:



Our Hero: So instead we gonna go with an elimination match! Whoever gets 2 eliminations wins!



Unless I'm not reading it correctly, how in the hell does this work? I assume it's not exactly as it reads as an Elimination Triple Threat but needs Two Eliminations to win as there are a plethora of scenarios where that is literally impossible so something probably isn't right. Is it a regular Elimination Triple Threat, Is it a "First to Score Two Falls" Triple Threat, or is it what I think it actually is and its a SplinterFest style match where you have to pin BOTH of your opponents but there is no elimination involved. Again, I hedge my bets on the last one given the context of the rest of the RP.



-Closing Thoughts-



This was a very weird show but I don't think it's at the fault of anyone. I think it's only weird because its the Consequence Go-Home which happens to be between two two-night PPVS. I think that a lot of people didn't make Consequence and/or are trying to build for Cide/Supershow and as such the show didn't have the nice wrapping feeling of being a go-home because a lot of feuds aren't ready to wrap up yet. That being said, I think the weird thing I noticed was the obscene amount of pyro on this show. We had this probably show after Lution but then I thought we all calmed down but I guess not. I'm not sure if people were under the impression that the Go-Home show was "big enough" of an occasion but I could have done without it. It's especially weird as it's clear that that sentiment was not universal as the biggest match on the show and the match that featured a returning superstar DID NOT feature any pyro, rightfully so. All that being said, I am still excited for Consequence despite last year's not living up to the hype if I'm remembering right. This is not a bad show by any means on the video or the written part and let's hope we can carry that Lution momentum into the Summer and have a great send-off for Season 16 and WWE 2k19.

  • Mark Out! 7

"The Superstar" Maxx EdwardsKass_event_badge_2020.png

  • Administrators
What an interesting show. Still very unsure how I feel about it but maybe by the end of writing this I will have formed an opinion.






Is Derek a linguist? Is Derek racist? He opened up his promo tonight with some Spanish...to address OWEN...for seemingly no reason. I wouldn't even have taken note of it if it were not for him speaking French(?) to earlier. I assume we MIGHT see some reasoning behind this later or for this to become a recurring joke for the character. Nonetheless, this triangle story line between Frasier-Owen-Derek is convoluted to say the least. I kinda like it as its different from the regular and it is probably more realistic both in pacing and it is more aligned with how these characters might interact with in real life in a non wrestler setting. That being said, it's not exactly easy to follow along or get attached as I have no idea what's gonna happen next.

The Clark Effect on this story-line later in the show made a lot more sense and gave some context to this feud.



This pool promo was good on universe building alone. We had 3 storylines being at least somewhat progressed here through great writing. I'm now gonna contradict that and bring up one of my writing gripes between two of the characters. The Jordan-Colby relationship is something that is very cool and something that couldn't be replicated in many other feds to the effect here due to the prestige of their two fathers and the real life time put into developing their story of their families. The one thing that always strikes me as odd, and may be influenced by my personal background being different from the handlers and characters here, is the overbearing frequency of the two referring to each other as "cousin". Now I personally don't think that I refer to any of my brothers or cousins by our familial relation but even beyond that, even if it was they were calling each other their names why would you constantly address the person you are directly speaking to. I also do recognize that Colby does it intentionally in a condescending way towards Jordan cause he sees him as some goofy energetic kid, but that is no reason why Jordan has to call him cousin(as opposed to a nickname or just "Colby") AND for it to be present in every line of narration. I feel like if you want to mention it, you should either do it in narration ONCE, or have someone, probably Colby, use the word during their greeting, and not all of the above. It pulls me out of the rp immersion-wise cause the characters sound inauthentic like Soap Opera or anime characters, which is especially disappointing given how these two characters should be some of the most authentic characters we have and this interaction should be something I look forward to. Now, rant on a single word aside, the Telos-Colby feud is interesting and I like how Telos had to take a second to think of his comeback. And the MMM-Archer side of this rp was fundamental storytelling. Set up something(a pool party) for the face(MMM) and the fans to enjoy, and then have the Heel(Archer) take it away from them or at least revel in it being taken away. Great RP if not evident by all the discussion around it.



Now Valk Deepfake aside, which was a great and creative use of the software, the subsequent RP was great. Provided some great explanation of the video. With me being banned, the movie industry swings for a fences and swoops up another OCW Star for a sequel to try and recover as she does too. The rest of the rp was textbook "How to be Egotistical in Wrestling". Valk was able to big up herself AND her past opponents while making everything all about her. Valk then ends the promo by talking about how serious she is taking the match which(in my opinion) is her obviously playing up to the cameras and saying the right things for PR and marketing as her in-character actions say otherwise. This feud is another example(after Terra) of the right way to do Face* vs Heel and even though Valk is largely portraying the same Face that could be seen as a heel, what's different about this feud and her feud with Terra is this is way more of a mirror match up in terms of character. Valk v Terra, was very much a case of "Do Terra's ends justify her means?" as I feel like she was correct in her reasoning for a majority of the feud. On the other hand, this feud is more of a "Wolf vs A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing"(I think there is a better and more accurate saying for that) where Marissa and Valk both share a lot of their negative traits but Marisa is upfront and owns it.






The Video FKA "Dejour Yourself!" was a video that was excellently put together. Despite Jasmine's colorful vocabulary, her attempt to entice Justin Jehst worked to a tee and played off of Justin Jehst's tragic flaws. The rest of the action that pursued was also great. Now with Dennis Dillinger, putting his hands on OCW talent, one could argue that it opens up the door for OCW talent to put his hands on him especially given his 0-1 court record but I would never wish anything on a poor innocent man like Dillinger. Dane Xavier's choice to attack Cort Marshall's arm was a very interesting choice but I'm sure will come into play later. That being said, I do hope the Cort Marshall comes back Full Bucky with a metal arm with a giant star on it.


Marisa really is improving week after week with the video production. This week's video was something that was very simple but also pretty unique idea that could only realistically apply to feuding with Valkyrie. Again the video was MAD concise. Marisa talked shit, socked a simp, and got out of there in under a minute-fifteen and NO effect was lost in the process.





This Derek-Mantis match/segment ughh. Mantis entrance coming in at 2:30, WHY? Even if you were intentionally trying to stretch out the video length, which I don't think was the reason, by the time people get to the match they'll realize that the entrances took almost half the video. Then Derek comes out in a mask...WHY? Is JD some tough no-nonsense wolf recruit that wants to beat people up, or is he some chickenshit heel that likes to play mind games with opponents on a throwaway match with someone that he is very loosely associated with, even though there is some story behind this match, these two characters do not have significant history with each other like...idk Horsey and Caine. Then, what annoyed me more the match's finish is Derek equipping the Horse Stomp. EVEN IF, he got permission(which I don't think he did)there is absolutely no reason for it. It's not like Derek and Horsey have any history. Hell, it's not even like a Derek and Horsey match is on the horizon. When people say "DM Fuckery" this is what they mean. "Kass gets to use someone else's finisher so why can't I?"(not a quote BTW) I just don't understand the reasoning behind it and maybe that's because I don't fully understand Derek's character yet but that's why you should always start off very simple and straightforward. If you want Derek to have some sort of cheek to him or be someone who tries to get into his opponent's head is has to be overdone at the beginning because we don't know Derek. Someone like OWEN, his "Respect" mantra is very over exaggerated right now but that's cause we're still getting to know him and I'm sure eventually he'll add some nuance to his character. And this is all under the assumption that he got permission from Horsey. I also am gonna echo Nate's thought on the finish on how even though Sudden Death rules are always in effect, not letting someone out can strongly decrease the match's quality, but hey if you're gonna steal someone's finish and use it 4 minutes into the match might as well make it the end of the match. Now there's the whole aftermath which is more speculation than fact, and since I'm not gonna be some discord detective over a Turmoil match I'll just give my thoughts from what I've gathered. I'll give props to Mantis, because even though he didn't kick out for whatever reason and he was against letting the fair competitive match air, he atleast stuck around and tried to incorporate some story after the match and wasn't just gonna post the match bare like Derek may or may not have planning to. It seems like Mantis was the one bouncing from person to person trying to salvage this and I'm not gonna hate on him for that.






A small question I had regarding the show was on one of the big and important rps on the night. Though I could go and ask the person directly or just go based on my assumptions, I'll publicly post this for anybody that may have had the same question I had on this specific RP line:



Our Hero: So instead we gonna go with an elimination match! Whoever gets 2 eliminations wins!



Unless I'm not reading it correctly, how in the hell does this work? I assume it's not exactly as it reads as an Elimination Triple Threat but needs Two Eliminations to win as there are a plethora of scenarios where that is literally impossible so something probably isn't right. Is it a regular Elimination Triple Threat, Is it a "First to Score Two Falls" Triple Threat, or is it what I think it actually is and its a SplinterFest style match where you have to pin BOTH of your opponents but there is no elimination involved. Again, I hedge my bets on the last one given the context of the rest of the RP.



-Closing Thoughts-



This was a very weird show but I don't think it's at the fault of anyone. I think it's only weird because its the Consequence Go-Home which happens to be between two two-night PPVS. I think that a lot of people didn't make Consequence and/or are trying to build for Cide/Supershow and as such the show didn't have the nice wrapping feeling of being a go-home because a lot of feuds aren't ready to wrap up yet. That being said, I think the weird thing I noticed was the obscene amount of pyro on this show. We had this probably show after Lution but then I thought we all calmed down but I guess not. I'm not sure if people were under the impression that the Go-Home show was "big enough" of an occasion but I could have done without it. It's especially weird as it's clear that that sentiment was not universal as the biggest match on the show and the match that featured a returning superstar DID NOT feature any pyro, rightfully so. All that being said, I am still excited for Consequence despite last year's not living up to the hype if I'm remembering right. This is not a bad show by any means on the video or the written part and let's hope we can carry that Lution momentum into the Summer and have a great send-off for Season 16 and WWE 2k19.



English isn't my first language.



Kass and Tibby did an RP making the match Splinterfest.

Game said LOL no, rather than not use the RP I called an audible and failed the English language. Spoiler Alert I do it during the match on Saturday also. You need to score a 3 count or sub on the 2 other people in the match to win.

  • Mark Out! 3
 15-06, 18:20 Tiberius Dupree make him tap with brownie mix


"Booking Wrestling is the most thankless no-win position anyone could ever be in. When things go well it's the talent that makes it work. When they go badly, it's because the Booker doesn't know what he's doing." - Eric Bischoff


Jookie: what website do we upload to againi for got

Our Hero: uploadafraud.com

Jookie: fuck u boricua


"I'm like Smythe, except Good" - Matsuda


OCW works best when it’s a melting pot of different ideas and opinions coming together to create some cool ass shit. It’s at its worst when people are only invested in their own/their pals’ content." - Paul Pugh

"I'm 5,9" - Ry

"I'm sorry if this sounds mean but OCW shouldn't be allowed to vote" - Jake Allen

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