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Interesting card.......


2 x Hardcore Champion (Longest defending OCW champ,19 defences)

1 x NA Champion

1 x Pride Champion

1 x TV Champion

2 x OCW World Heavyweight Champion

F.I Winner 2012

MOTN vs Leonheart @ Wrestlution 7


'Don't worry about no one else, hows my hair look' - Tiberius Dupree

'Wipe you ass and go to bed' - Sensation to B17

Some interesting gimmick matches. Not many real submission artists these days, so this could help bring back the art form. AJ Phoenix is usually the first name that comes to mind when I hear submission, followed by Guy.





Sensation: "I'm an ignorant hispanic."

When I think of Steve I think of losing in Battle Royals to the KNEE to face twist of faith :(

If I remember correctly, I'm up 2-1.






Hard fought wins though, lemme tell ya.

Sensation: "I'm an ignorant hispanic."

I remember having a good run then jobbing to two guys 90 durabilities and the steve THC supplements.


2009 Season:

Singles Record:3/2/0

Tag (Including Handicaps):0/0/0

Gimmick Matches:Trip.Threats:0/1/0

Championship Matches:


Career Achievements:

Dual Champ.

Best Feud Nomination in 2008

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