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The camera fades in, showing two chairs in the middle of what appears to be a set. The background of the set looks to be of a train station. Tracks are on both sides, with multiple columns running off the image. The song Adelita's Way - Invincible begins to play, as the title, "The EX-Change" flickers on screen. Aries and Jacob Trance walk out from seperate sides of the camera's view, and proceed to take a seat.


Aries - Good evenin' ladies and gents. 'a'm y'er most lovable Scotsman, Aries.


Trance - And I hate Hazard...Jacob Trance.


Aries pauses and looks over and Trance.


Aries - Ye' 'ate 'azard? Why? Wot' 'as he ever done to ye'?


Trance - Do you really want to know? I mean, if I tell you, I'm not promising you won't hold up your lunch.


Aries - Ooooh, now 'a'm really interested.


Trance lets out a heavy sigh.


Trance - Ok, you asked for it.


Trance looks over into the camera.


Trance - This passed Tuesday, I was hanging out at the gym in my hometown of Detroit, Michigan, right? I was lifting weights..like you do, and this guy with a really tiny head walks up to me. I didn't recognize at first, because I haven't seen him since my GCW days. Anyway, he walks up to me, and asks where the "rubbish" is. Me, being an American...and nothing else, go on to ask, "What on God's green Earth is a rubbish?" He says "Oi, its a trash can, like you yanks use, har har har."


Aries - Did he really say har har har?


Trance - No, I'm just paraphrasing. Anyway, here's where it gets better. He begins clutching his stomach, and being the nice guy that I am, I ask..."What's wrong Haz?" He says to me "OI OI OI, a've had runny poo all day har har har."


Aries - ....wot'...


Trance - My point exactly! He then proceeds to run over to the nearest "rubbish" because the bathroom is occupied, and I think you can guess what happened then.


Aries face begins to change color slightly.


Trance - Don't tell me I didn't warn you.


Aries - 'a do believe me 'aggis is about to color the floor.


Trance begins to laugh.


Trance - Anyway! The real reason why we're here...on this show...right now. Welcome to the EX-Change. A brand new show staring myself, and Aries. I was so stoke to do this show when management asked. I mean, can you believe they actually asked US to do something for once?!


Aries - No, that is totally unbelievable. 'azard's runny poo 'as better decision makin' than them.


Trance - All too true.


Aries - Back to the show. Today's topic of discussion...not related to 'azard, is the status of the OCW World Heavyweight Championship.


Trance - We will be discussing how the most prestigious title in this industry went from Oprah status, to Bernie Madoff, all in one fell swoop.



Aries looks over at Trance with a confused look on his face.


Aries - Who the 'ell is Oprah?


Trance looks over at Aries, trying to contain his laughter.


Trance - Are you....are you serious? You don't know who Oprah Winfrey is?


Aries - 'a've never heard of 'em.


Trance - You cannot be that oblivious.


Aries scratches his head as an idea hatches.


Aries - OOH! Is that the white guy with the blonde tupee?!


Trance - That's....no, you know what, yes, that is Oprah Winfrey.


Aries - Well Oprah Winfrey is a douchebag. 'a once tried out f'er the Apprentice y'enno?


Trance - You tried out for the Apprentice? Wow.


Aries - Aye. He fired me, and 'a wasn't even on the show. Douchebag.


Trance - You never cease to amaze me good friend. Anyway, back to the topic at hand, the OCW Heavyweight Title. Let's go all the way back to the beginning, where the OCW Title began its slow downward spiral into nothingness.


Trance sits up with his hands folded, as Aries proceeds to do the same.


Trance - The darkest...most excrutiating moment in OCW history.....Vincent Valmont winning, and then cashing in his Future Investment on, the one and only, Leonheart...I...


Aries - 'a don't mean to interrupt ye' or anythin', but did ye' ever wonder where the name Leonheart came from? Or wot' it means? Is that 'is entire name? Is 'is first name Leon and last name Heart. 'a mean really.


Trance - I do believe it's a ring name Aries...much like yourself.


Aries - Aye, but...Leonheart. A man named Leonheart wos' our World Champion. Wot's next, Rosie O' Donnelle committing adultry with a man?


Trance - Speaking of adultry and Leonheart, have you heard that he got married this passed weekend?


Aries jaw slowly drops.


Aries - Leon...got married?


Trance - Yes, he did. Sadly, the only people attending said wedding were in fact a pastor, Leon, cam-ninja, a cardboard cutout of Kang James, and the groom.


Aries - Who wos' the bride?


Trance - Funny you should ask that, Aries. We infact, have a picture from the wedding, here with us right now.


And image flashes on screen.






Aries falls over on the floor in laughter.


Trance - Yes, apparently Leon was the bride...just imagine how pretty he must've felt.


Aries slowly gets back up to his chair, and brushes himself off.


Aries - Ok, enough shenanigans, lets get back to business.


Trance - Right. After Leonjobber jobbed his title off to Vincent Jobmont, all Hell broke loose. I don't even mean that figuratively. There were riots in the streets, black people were stealing TV's, and RD Money rolled over in his Escalade.


Aries - Let's face it folks, Valmont becoming World Champion...off of somethin' like that...Jaysin must 'ave been furious. In fact, I 'ear that every night since then, ye' can seen steam from 'is laptop rising' from the Joe-Louis Arena.


Trance - Scary stuff. But, shall we move on?


Aries - After that, Valmont defended his title against Paul Levesque. The only reason given as to why this match wos' match, wos' "The Glass Ceiling is coming down! Somebody 'elp! Call 911!"


Trance - ....I believe it was Trevor McManus.


Aries - No, 'a'm quite sure it wos' Paul Levesque.


Trance - Come to think of it....


Trance rubs the side of his neck.


Trance - I think you're right Aries....Paul Levesque has in fact, wrestled for OCW.


Aries - See? Ye' can't challenge me' memory laddie.


Trance - I'm sorry for ever having doubted you.


Aries - Apology accepted. Anyways, Paul goes on to defeat Valmont...and becomes the new World Heavyweight Champ. This goes to show, that through consistency, and a wee' bit of bitching', ye' shall become the next World Champion.


Trance - Lets move forward to the next two months, shall we? Now we have Paul, versus Jobmont, and K.D. We have Glass Ceiling against Not-a-hoss-mont, against the roid monkey. This will not be pretty for ANYONE. Lets face it, a piece of lettuce has more personality than these three sycophants.


Aries - Speakin' of lettuce, 'ave you seen the new guy, Iceberg Let'uce?


Trance - As a matter of fact, I haven't. What's he like?


Aries - He's a cool guy...aside the fact his first name is ironic.


Trance - How so?


Aries - Well...in layman's terms....it wasn't AN iceberg that sunk the Titanic...it was THE Iceberg. I have scientific footage, that it was in fact Iceberg Lett'uce that was single handedly responsible for the lives of thousands!


An image flashes on screen.




Trance - Great, now you have me petrified of ever going into the ocean. Damn Lett'uceberg!


Aries - Anyway...wait...wot' were we talkin' about?


Trance - I do believe it was the Triple Threat borefest that was KD, Paul and Valmont.


Aries - Ah, right! Well...all 'a 'ave to say about it is....why? Bookin' not only books the match once...not twice...but THREE times. Now, are ye' goin' to tell me that there wos' absolutley NO ONE else that could 'ave possibly been booked and this match? 'a mean no one at all? OCW now has the creativity of a wet sponge, thanks to that.


Trance - Let's break down the three snoozefests, shall we? First...we had K.D. take some sort of special stimulant, that almost helped him win the match. He kicked out of Valmon'ts violent finisher, and proceeded to let Paul win. Now, instead of fining, or suspending K.D. like a normal company would do, they proceed to book the same match...on Riot.


Aries - Now, this match is a bit different, only because Vincent Valmont no showed. So K.D. gets yet, another shot at glory, and loses significantly.


Trance - Onto the third and final confrontation. Valmont wins the title YET AGAIN, while Paul tries to Glass Cieling his way into a rematch. Now tell me, why, WHY, would you give K.D. AND Valmont rematches, when one used some sort of physical enhancement, and the other no showed? Ladies and gentlemen....Freddie is rolling over in his creative. He is laughing at the lack of creativity from OCW booking.


Aries - So, Valmont wins the title, thanks to the booking staff on OCW...movin' on to August. Things are really heatin' up now, aren't they?


Trance - Oh, you know it!


Aries - 'a go on to win the King of OCW, and earn my shot at the OCW Title. Now this, this is wot' should have happened AFTER Trips won the title the first time, instead of defendin' three times, against two mediocre muscleheads.


Trance - Its what should have happened? Aries, my friend, I like you...but you have about as much character developement as when Nate Ortiz rose from the grave, no selling being buried alive.


Aries - Hey! Icksnay on the Nate Ortizay.


Trance - What?


Aries - The REAL glass cieling.


Trance - OH! Oh...right. Can we uhh...can we cut that bit out?


Camera man nods his head.


Trance - Ok, good. That was close, thanks Aries.


Aries - No problem Jacob. Anyway, 'a get me World Title Shot, lose, and the title loses even more value than before...simply because 'a did not win. Look at it this way, the last few weeks 'ave been nothin' but a giant skid stain on the underwear of the wrestling industry.


Trance - The faux pas to end all faux pas'.


Aries - 'a don't speak Chinese.


Trance - .....


Aries - ....


Trance - Shut up.


Aries - I can't, we're attached at the hip, remember?


Trance - Oooooh, that's right.


Aries picks up his chair, and moves it closer to Trance.


Aries - Thats more like it!


Trance - Anyway, lets move on to the final month of the OCW season. Valmont..jobs off the title to Leon...the same we he won it from him. Are you kidding? Again...creativity, sponge.


Aries - Its times like those that make Baby Jesus weep.


Trance - Really? I thought that was Parker's attires.


Aries - I think ye'r right. It makes Baby Jaysin cry?


Trance - Sounds about right. Anyway folks, we are fresh out of time for today. We hope to see you next week on the EX-Change! I hate Hazard, and I'm Jacob Trance.


Aries - 'a'm Aries! See ye' next week!


Trance goes to stand up, and Aries immediately follows. He puts his arm around Trance, as both walk off the set. Camera fades.

 15-06, 18:20 Tiberius Dupree make him tap with brownie mix


"Booking Wrestling is the most thankless no-win position anyone could ever be in. When things go well it's the talent that makes it work. When they go badly, it's because the Booker doesn't know what he's doing." - Eric Bischoff


Jookie: what website do we upload to againi for got

Our Hero: uploadafraud.com

Jookie: fuck u boricua


"I'm like Smythe, except Good" - Matsuda


OCW works best when it’s a melting pot of different ideas and opinions coming together to create some cool ass shit. It’s at its worst when people are only invested in their own/their pals’ content." - Paul Pugh

"I'm 5,9" - Ry

"I'm sorry if this sounds mean but OCW shouldn't be allowed to vote" - Jake Allen

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The 1st stone of the season has been thrown, and if you didn't know Jacob and Aries where BFF then now you do, kind of like OCW's version of DX LITE waiting for the hawking of merch and blue and white glow sticks, or hell maybe even the Murder City Machine guns, I mean those guys are hip and cool.


Gotta admit if im going to write something its going to be similar to that, and I also have to admit that this would mark one of the 1st sets of 2010 season material that made me LMFAO outloud (not discounting letuce).


So now we get to see who is going to step it up or who is just going to cry.


Man I cant wait for this Season to kick off.

 15-06, 18:20 Tiberius Dupree make him tap with brownie mix


"Booking Wrestling is the most thankless no-win position anyone could ever be in. When things go well it's the talent that makes it work. When they go badly, it's because the Booker doesn't know what he's doing." - Eric Bischoff


Jookie: what website do we upload to againi for got

Our Hero: uploadafraud.com

Jookie: fuck u boricua


"I'm like Smythe, except Good" - Matsuda


OCW works best when it’s a melting pot of different ideas and opinions coming together to create some cool ass shit. It’s at its worst when people are only invested in their own/their pals’ content." - Paul Pugh

"I'm 5,9" - Ry

"I'm sorry if this sounds mean but OCW shouldn't be allowed to vote" - Jake Allen

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Really all these views and no comments?
 15-06, 18:20 Tiberius Dupree make him tap with brownie mix


"Booking Wrestling is the most thankless no-win position anyone could ever be in. When things go well it's the talent that makes it work. When they go badly, it's because the Booker doesn't know what he's doing." - Eric Bischoff


Jookie: what website do we upload to againi for got

Our Hero: uploadafraud.com

Jookie: fuck u boricua


"I'm like Smythe, except Good" - Matsuda


OCW works best when it’s a melting pot of different ideas and opinions coming together to create some cool ass shit. It’s at its worst when people are only invested in their own/their pals’ content." - Paul Pugh

"I'm 5,9" - Ry

"I'm sorry if this sounds mean but OCW shouldn't be allowed to vote" - Jake Allen


I have to admit, that made me laugh. The whole thing was top-notch from start to finish, I can't believe people aren't commenting on this, it's good stuff.


The only real problem I had with it, was when I read it, more and more I thought of The Miz and John Morrison, but I assume was what Trance and Aries were going for at the end of the day, so it isn't all that bad.


I look forward to next weeks edition of this, keep it up.


I'll comment, and I'll be honest here....there's probably hardly any comments because of the people involved in rp..nothing against Aries[as I've never really had any interaction with him in my 3 + years here,apart from FIFA] but there's an 'asshole' stigma attached to Trance..and I'll be honest, I don't usually read his stuff as his character holds no interest to me, basically just the 3rd MSMG member. The ONLY reason i read this was because it was posted by Sensation..so i don't waste my time reading stuff about caws/characters that don't interest me.


It's well written, but it's basically just a pop at a few people on the already disheartened roster.



Some parts were funny, some parts were not needed.


It's basically just a veiled dig at Leon..yet again, from Trance....and it's pretty boring now to be honest. If Trance wasn't having a swipe at Leon's grammar, his character development, his rp's,his show content or his booking, then he'd probably have nothing to say or write about.


We all know Trance and Aries don't like Leon OOC, and I'm guessing the feeling is mutual..and all this is really is them loosely blaming him for the state of the HVY title due to the way in which Valmont won it.


To be honest, the amount of shit Leon got when he was champ, through AIM and the boards, i didn't blame him....people think they deserve this and that..well FUCK THE PEOPLE.


Like I said at the start, it's well written, but it is nothing more than a veiled pop at Leon..flame and bitch all you want,but that's what I got from reading it..and this post will probably get more responses than the rp.


I held my tongue all last year when I was hearing this, and reading that, and being showed all sorts of desperate housewives style bullshit drama..well...2010 is the year of TRUTH...I'm not here to make friends anymore.


If you dont like it, fuck the game,fuck the bitching and FUCK YOU!




P.s-I also like how Trance has a little swipe at my alt attire's at the end of the rp, when his alt attire's are so horrible they crash the fucking game :p


2 x Hardcore Champion (Longest defending OCW champ,19 defences)

1 x NA Champion

1 x Pride Champion

1 x TV Champion

2 x OCW World Heavyweight Champion

F.I Winner 2012

MOTN vs Leonheart @ Wrestlution 7


'Don't worry about no one else, hows my hair look' - Tiberius Dupree

'Wipe you ass and go to bed' - Sensation to B17

I'll comment, and I'll be honest here....there's probably hardly any comments because of the people involved in rp..there's an 'asshole' stigma attached to Trance..and I'll be honest, I don't usually read his stuff as his character holds no interest to me, basically just the 3rd MSMG member. The ONLY reason i read this was because it was posted by Sensation..so i don't waste my time reading stuff about caws/characters that don't interest me.


It's well written, but it's basically just a pop at a few people on the already disheartened roster.



Some parts were funny, some parts were not needed.


It's basically just a veiled dig at Leon..yet again, from Trance....and it's pretty boring now to be honest. If Trance wasn't having a swipe at Leon's grammar, his character development, his rp's,his show content or his booking, then he'd probably have nothing to say or write about.


We all know Trance and Aries don't like Leon OOC, and I'm guessing the feeling is mutual..and all this is really is them loosely blaming him for the state of the HVY title due to the way in which Valmont won it.


To be honest, the amount of shit Leon got when he was champ, through AIM and the boards, i didn't blame him....people think they deserve this and that..well FUCK THE PEOPLE.


Like I said at the start, it's well written, but it is nothing more than a veiled pop at Leon..flame and bitch all you want,but that's what I got from reading it..and this post will probably get more responses than the rp.


I held my tongue all last year when I was hearing this, and reading that, and being showed all sorts of desperate housewives style bullshit drama..well...2010 is the year of TRUTH...I'm not here to make friends anymore.


If you dont like it, fuck the game,fuck the bitching and FUCK YOU!


P.s-I also like how Trance has a little swipe at my alt attire's at the end of the rp, when his alt attire's are so horrible they crash the fucking game :p


Actually, Leon and I get on fine OOC, you're awful digs at me are pointless and I don't care. Your two facedness is hilarious.


Friends mock one another, sometimes we go to far and push Leon's rage button, in the end it all gets smoothed out.


You're all smiles and sunshine on AIM and XBOXLive to me, but when it comes to scoring kudos on the forums for saying I'm an asshole, you're one of hte reasons this place is dying. NOT CARING TO READ WHAT PEOPLE DO.


I think your character is a cheap version of Vampiro, I still read what you do, I still take an interest.


You are inable to discern between IC and OOC, IC I have never done a promo regarding Leon's booking ability, your alt attires WERE shit in my opinion, it's my opinion.


You talk about veiled insults, well you're worse than an asshole, you're a twofaced git that thinks he has all the cards. Aries done the bulk of the RP padding and in fact wrote what you're ragging on me for :D



Two faced? yeah, of course...on AIM it is YOU that always messages me sir, I reply to you.


I dont speak to you or play games with you on xbox live..hence why i only play fifa with Ryder,Cruz,Kage,Aries and Pedro, and dont join the endless cod invites you send me.


I never said you rp'd about leon's booking, i was talking about your bitching in general, ooc and ic...you'd have nothing to say if you weren't attacking him one way or another.


You and leon dont get on OOC, so cut the sunshine bullshit..Leon just doesnt like to get into shit on the boards.


I have no cards...you are regarded as an asshole by quite a few people. I have no qualms telling you that.


Smiles and sunshine to you on xbox live? When was the last time I spoke to you or on there?.......exactly.


Please, read my stuff, don't read my stuff,,I honestly dont care, as I don't do it for you.


I'm the reason this place is dying? Ok,...why? coz i dont read YOUR stuff? Hmmm..i said I read people stuff who interest me, just so happens you do not..same as KD, but KD's was usually more to it being un-readable..same as Casey and Smith, i love watching Smith's matches, but his rp's bore me.


I'm not getting into a flamewar on here, I proved my point about my post getting more replies than your rp...that speaks for itself.


2 x Hardcore Champion (Longest defending OCW champ,19 defences)

1 x NA Champion

1 x Pride Champion

1 x TV Champion

2 x OCW World Heavyweight Champion

F.I Winner 2012

MOTN vs Leonheart @ Wrestlution 7


'Don't worry about no one else, hows my hair look' - Tiberius Dupree

'Wipe you ass and go to bed' - Sensation to B17


Insults Aries? seriously?


Re read my post, I never said it wasn't good, I also said it was well written..so get your facts straight sir.


I never whined or bitched about an 'rp'...I basically called it for what I saw it as....an IC pop at Leon..with other little bits in there .


I never said 'you weren't interesting'..I said i have no interest in Trance's caw. again..check your facts.


Keep writing them, please, like I said,it was well written, and parts were funny...Sensation said he wanted comments, so I commented, on how I saw it when I read it...you don't like my comments? Here's a tissue.





2 x Hardcore Champion (Longest defending OCW champ,19 defences)

1 x NA Champion

1 x Pride Champion

1 x TV Champion

2 x OCW World Heavyweight Champion

F.I Winner 2012

MOTN vs Leonheart @ Wrestlution 7


'Don't worry about no one else, hows my hair look' - Tiberius Dupree

'Wipe you ass and go to bed' - Sensation to B17

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